SF: For future reference

I'm sure you associate with plenty immagrant workers, nobody expects you to get this US.

Cypress I'll gladly take 8 more years of Clintonomics, we won't get it by her attacking the rich.

I haven't attacked the rich.

I've pointed out these things called facts. The Reagan/Poppy/Bush43 economy is great for affluent people. But, not for all americans.

I want all americans to do better.
I haven't attacked the rich.

I've pointed out these things called facts. The Reagan/Poppy/Bush43 economy is great for affluent people. But, not for all americans.

I want all americans to do better.

Were the Clinton years not good for the rich or has your argument about pre/posts 1980 exclude '93 - '00?
Were the Clinton years not good for the rich or has your argument about pre/posts 1980 exclude '93 - '00?

I previously pointed out, that under Clinton, many of the economic metrics for working people were reversed, and trended back upward. But, it's not like the middle class was ever returned to their golden age.

NAFTA was way uncool to working americans.
I'm on your guys side, dems have to win to reverse the hard core righty ghestapo.
That said, again bottom is already dem and middle america wants to be rich they don't buy the class warfare. I'm out
Pretty much everyone want to be rich, Duhhh....
But not all can be rich.
Unless you of course compare us to a country in the middle of Africa. In that case we are all wealthy.
I previously pointed out, that under Clinton, many of the economic metrics for working people were reversed, and trended back upward. But, it's not like the middle class was ever returned to their golden age.

NAFTA was way uncool to working americans.

So the Clinton economy was great for the working people and the poor but not the rich?
which is why they don't want the rich attacked
Class warfare does not sell to the middle class

Americans WERE loyal to the rich when we thought we would be kept in the loop. Now we see their intention is give away our jobs to anyone who can sneak across our border. Fuck the rich. They're rich, they'll be fine. Fuck the globalist policies they espouse to cement their oligarchy.
asshat other than duffasses like you, most think they will get there

Yes, that's the con.

A poll showed that about half of Americans believed they will one day be in the top 2%. That same poll showed that 28% believed they were already there.

It doesn't really matter what people believe.
it does matter, if your Hillary or Obama you don't want to piss off the half that wants to get there.

Top, no one is attacking the rich, least of all Hillary or Obama. Things have to change. We are on a very bad path. If we stay on it, we will have two classes in this country. It is not the rich I attack, but the corporate ownership of this country that is screwing the middle class, and throwing more people into poverty. The direction we are going in, is not only not moral, it is stupid, because eventually the house of cards will crash. Read history. And believe it or not, most Americans understand this.
Duhla you don't understand it.
House of cards, get a better joke. We economically are the envy of the world. More countries (china) are immitating our business model every year. WE're so rich our Poverty stricken are middle class in 90% of the world.

No, but if you could ever figure out what I actually mean, and stop this "bluffing" bs, I would stop calling you a dummy.

I will make an exception and make myself a gin and tonic with a lime twist...maybe then I will begin to understand where it is you are coming from...so I take it a kiss on the cheek is out of the question...oh well...been there and done that...ya win some ya lose some...life is a b****...lol
Since Reagan put Greenspan into office the goal of the FED Reserve has been to keep inflation rates level, because of this some growth is limited, but it benefits the economy to have a more secure economy. For that we give up fast growth with huge inflationary increase.

Duhla you don't understand it.
House of cards, get a better joke. We economically are the envy of the world. More countries (china) are immitating our business model every year. WE're so rich our Poverty stricken are middle class in 90% of the world.

Brilliant just Brilliant....History 101...did not Japan do the same thing prior to December 7th 1941???Get a clue Mr.Oil executive...life is not all that it appears to be!