Cancel 2016.2
The Almighty
Remember that I said 5 billion posts ago, that in today's middle class, both spouses typically have to work to make ends meet - in contrast to previous generations?
Well, here you go. Families where one spouse works as seen their household income decline
The modest gains in household income have only come, because we put the other spouse to work too. Which allegedly used to alarm "family values" cons. Kids at home with two working spouses:
And as I have said a billion times moron.... look at MEDIAN INCOME... NOT MEDIAN household income.... MEDIAN INCOME has risen after being adjusted for inflation by 30% since Reagan took office. That means the middle of the pack has shifted UP.
While there are certainly some families out there were both spouses HAVE to work.... it is not because income is shrinking. In many cases it is because they want to have a bigger home, better cars, more toys etc.... In some cases it is because they have crappy jobs that do not pay, but that is not the case the majority of the time. Because if the middle class is making more NOW than at the start of the Reagan era, there is no way you can justify your comments that they are worse off. No matter how many ways you try to dissect the data.