SF Smash and Grabber Caught

I'll give you a little culture/Oakland lesson. Darryl Reed is an Oakland legend. As a teenager in the late 80's he was a multi-millionaire crack king of the City. He got arrested right after turning 20 and was given 35 years in prison and in 2016 Obama commuted his sentence after 28 years and he was released. Dude is a natural leader and smart as sh*t, he just happened to apply his gifts to the drug game. He wrote an incredible book, called Weight, while in prison about his story. There is talk of doing a movie of his life.

On his Instagram page he posted the video. You can see his comments and you can see the comments of others. So while you were talking about being ashamed of being white many others were talking about this video because 1) SF is the epicenter of car break ins but really 2) the sh*t is hell of funny and that transcends anything racial.


I think we can get all too comfortable or confident around our friends, colleagues, and associates in our social circle, and say things, and expect to be instantly forgiven by them- no matter what. I mean this is good, because you can actually be honest and feel comfortable about it and use your sense of humor and personality. For example, you can tell and listen to ethnic jokes with your minority friends, and no one really cares, because it's all in fun, and racial jokes are actually funny. And it's a way to laugh at yourself when the jokes on you!

However, from a public, business, or professional perspective- THAT IS TOTALLY TABOO! In other words, a Politician or Business leader can't really get by with that kind of thing. And I'll tell you why- Because it will come back to haunt you and ruin a perfectly otherwise great career!

I would put JPP in the public perspective kind of thing. We are not all friends here, as we actually choose a side that fits us best, and become adversaries and political enemies to one another- so speaking with racial tones is not wise.

Unless you want to be referred to as a racist!

For another example, Joe Biden should not have used the word "Boy", when introducing his Black cabinet member, while addressing the nation in a press conference speech. Probably would have been acceptable in a private meeting with his staff- But certainly not proper in a public setting.

Catch my drift?
I think we can get all too comfortable or confident around our friends, colleagues, and associates in our social circle, and say things, and expect to be instantly forgiven by them- no matter what. I mean this is good, because you can actually be honest and feel comfortable about it and use your sense of humor and personality. For example, you can tell and listen to ethnic jokes with your minority friends, and no one really cares, because it's all in fun, and racial jokes are actually funny. And it's a way to laugh at yourself when the jokes on you!

However, from a public, business, or professional perspective- THAT IS TOTALLY TABOO! In other words, a Politician or Business leader can't really get by with that kind of thing. And I'll tell you why- Because it will come back to haunt you and ruin a perfectly otherwise great career!

I would put JPP in the public perspective kind of thing. We are not all friends here, as we actually choose a side that fits us best, and become adversaries and political enemies to one another- so speaking with racial tones is not wise.

Unless you want to be referred to as a racist!

For another example, Joe Biden should not have used the word "Boy", when introducing his Black cabinet member, while addressing the nation in a press conference speech. Probably would have been acceptable in a private meeting with his staff- But certainly not proper in a public setting.

Catch my drift?

Where you are going astray is no one has said anything racial regarding this video. Yes, if people online were saying "all those damn minorities do is commit crimes" and post this video then you would have a point. But that's not the case. And you have to understand the context. 1) SF is the epicenter of car break ins and thus is a massive frustration to all, regardless of race, so with that backdrop there is an appeal to people to see someone caught in the act but even more than that while crime itself isn't funny a dude getting his *ss beat and then diving into the car like the Dukes of Hazzards is pretty damn funny. Again, nothing racial about that and the fact that the dude doing it happens to be black doesn't change anything. It's funny no matter the race of the person. It's why you have non-white guys making the funny commentary and why you have non-white people posting the video.

We are not advancing society by saying because this act happened to be committed by someone who is black that it has to be censored.
Where you are going astray is no one has said anything racial regarding this video. Yes, if people online were saying "all those damn minorities do is commit crimes" and post this video then you would have a point. But that's not the case. And you have to understand the context. 1) SF is the epicenter of car break ins and thus is a massive frustration to all, regardless of race, so with that backdrop there is an appeal to people to see someone caught in the act but even more than that while crime itself isn't funny a dude getting his *ss beat and then diving into the car like the Dukes of Hazzards is pretty damn funny. Again, nothing racial about that and the fact that the dude doing it happens to be black doesn't change anything. It's funny no matter the race of the person. It's why you have non-white guys making the funny commentary and why you have non-white people posting the video.

We are not advancing society by saying because this act happened to be committed by someone who is black that it has to be censored.

Point well taken'! Thanks!