She is staying at mar-a-Lago, malaria is not!

I don't think it has ever been substantiated by his parents, or announced to the public, and may be just kept a family secret, but it is believed by specialists that have observed him from video clips, that Barron has Autism. Of course that could be just speculation only.

But, it would explain why his Mom keeps him under such careful wraps. It would also explain why Donald Trump has had such an obvious estranged relationship with Barron, and never mentions his name, and is never seen with him.

Trump likes children that do not have Autism!

It is also believed by many that Melania has become A-sexual since birthing Barron!
Melania did have a boyfriend named Hank Siemers there for a while. She appeared to have sleep overs with him, but had to end it to keep Barron in the will after trump became president. Before that, it was an open secret, and even now trump and Melania do not live as husband and wife.

Maybe Barron needs his mother's help to get through college. More likely, he really needs to get away from his mother in order to become an adult.
She was a very pretty girl before all that. Obviously there's some mental illness going on there. The spreading of hate and divisiveness she does seems to correspond with her self-loathing. Sad.
She drew her power from her beauty, so as she aged, she feared losing power. Beyond that, people have distorted images of themselves. That means that they get plastic surgery that makes them look like freaks.

Laura Loomer before and after plastic surgery. She's 31, born in 1993. (To quote MAGA: I'm getting major trans vibes.)​


Laura Loomer before and after plastic surgery. She's 31, born in 1993. (To quote MAGA: I'm getting major trans vibes.)​

LOL on the "trans vibes".

Even if her multiple surgeries weren't botched, I still have to wonder about the psychology of a person so wrapped up in vanity. She's clearly a good fit for Trump and his family who have also had tens of thousands of dollar's worth of plastic surgery.

Reconstructive plastic surgery is fine, but what Loomer and the Trump's are doing is all about vanity. Those who are religious know that vanity is a sin.

  • According to the Bible, vanity is considered a sin, as it stems from pride and can lead to clouded judgment.
  • We can overcome this temptation by practicing humility and valuing others above ourselves.
  • True worth and fulfillment come from our relationship with God, not earthly possessions or self-glorification.
  • Jesus is our example of humility, and we can follow His example in our own lives.
  • Let us strive to serve and uplift others, always seeking to live a life of humility and purpose.

Trump does not care about that. She gave him the crazy Springfield conspiracy that he is using to stoke hate for people who came here to work and better themselves. He preaches hate. So does she. The truth is not required. You can always find or pay someone to attest to anything. Swiftboating was a pattern the right uses. Tell the worst lies possible and pay someone to affirm them. It is called winning.