and she wouldn't have gotten hurt, right?
if she had a gun, she could have.....
. . . mistakenly shot her three year old?
I was assuming she was a better shot than you.....
That is a brutal video to watch. I hope that thug gets caught and has very bad things done to him. It was sickening to hear his punches on her face.
the important point is guns are the best tool for self defense, despite your projection of hoplophobia.Dude, how can you talk about that kind of thing at a time like this? The important point is more guns.
the important point is guns are the best tool for self defense, despite your projection of hoplophobia.
it's new jersey. the odds of a gun in that particular house are extremely low.Hey STY, do you know whether there was a gun in this household?
depends on which post of mine you might be pissed about.Follow up question: so what the fuck is your point?
Because gun owners never defend themselves, they only kill their kids by accident.. . . mistakenly shot her three year old?
Because gun owners never defend themselves, they only kill their kids by accident.
the important point is guns are the best tool for self defense, despite your projection of hoplophobia.
that happens when liberals have the belief that all criminals in the act of committing their crimes are highly trained firearms experts while citizens in the act of being crime victims have as much experience with guns as elephants do with flying.
Not bad, but many times they just get the guy more pissed off. Not a good idea to have one without a pistol for back-up.
you should pay better attention. it keeps you from looking like a dumbass. This happened in New Jersey, a noted anti gun state where gun ownership is very low, so guns were not readily available to her.How did guns being readily available help this woman at all?
citation needed for this, because i'm not a criminal yet I feel extremely confident that i'm better trained in the use of firearms than most criminals.I think it's safe to say criminals are far more highly trained in the use of firearms than most victims. In this case, neither the intruder nor the woman had a gun.
I do. how much more responsible could one be by keeping the gun on them instead of if laying around somewhere that the kid could get hold of it?I have a question. This guy surprised the hell out of the woman. She had an infant in the home and was moving about. Am I to assume that as a responsible gun owner, she should be packing a pistol 24/7 in her home?