she should have just given him what he wanted

not enough or there would be less home invasions.

How many home invasions are there in the US on an annual basis?

Wait...let me check.....I'll do your legwork.

Seems like not a whole hell of a lot.

Here's another link debunking the stats from wiki and other first page searches...

EDIT: The bottom line is that you can live your life in fear of something that is not very likely to happen or not. I choose not to. I have guns...but I choose to lock them up in a gun safe which is securely bolted to my floor. Why? Because 99 times out of 100, if you are going to get robbed or burgalarized....they are going to wait until YOU'RE NOT AT HOME. Why would any burgaler make their crime harder than it has to be?
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I understand, and I too worry about over penetration. But a 5.56 carbine properly loaded is less likely to over penetrate and still provide a much greater deal of lethality.
Overpen is no risk, if you build your home right!

RPGs, law 94s would possibly scratch my walls.
Persistent arty bombardment may cause difficulty.
Gas charged large ordinance( daisy cutters) may also be a risk factor if used without fore warning.
How many home invasions are there in the US on an annual basis?

Wait...let me check.....I'll do your legwork.

Seems like not a whole hell of a lot.

Here's another link debunking the stats from wiki and other first page searches...
One home invasion every 15 seconds.

But who cares, so long as the beloved criminals are ok, liberals are happy!!
Got a link for that stat?

Or did the voices in your head just relay that to you?
I have, but you will simply ignore it, you and zappy have that habit in common.
You love criminals and celebrate the murder and rape of innocents.
All liberals do. Hence their obsession with gun control!

I have, but you will simply ignore it, you and zappy have that habit in common.
You love criminals and celebrate the murder and rape of innocents.
All liberals do. Hence their obsession with gun control!


If you have a link that supports your heretofore unsupported claim that a home invasion occurs every 15 seconds in the US,please post it..or retract the claim.
Did you read my links? Obviously not.

EDIT: Read my edit of the previous post too.
Your links are propaganda.
You care not for the plight of the victims.
Your desire is to see heavily armed criminals murdering and raping families who you decide are wealthy.
Your party whips up hatred to enable such crimes.
Why do you support especially and murder?

Oh yeah, I forgot!!
You are a fanatical liberal totalitarian!
I have, but you will simply ignore it, you and zappy have that habit in common.
You love criminals and celebrate the murder and rape of innocents.
All liberals do. Hence their obsession with gun control!


You seem to be the only one obsessed with rape of innocents on this entire board. are a liar to the Nth degree. You have yet to prove any liberal on this board threatened your children in any way, yet you assign your bullshit to every liberal on here. In short, go fist yourself.
You seem to be the only one obsessed with rape of innocents on this entire board. are a liar to the Nth degree. You have yet to prove any liberal on this board threatened your children in any way, yet you assign your bullshit to every liberal on here. In short, go fist yourself.

Well... I did suggest that, while 007 is explaining to my very buff, very upstanding, very accomplished son why he would call him a fat, incompetent thug, I might buy his kids some ice cream to occupy their time. He seems to think THAT was threatening. If I were him, I'd find the presence of a bright, very strong, very fit 6'3" 206 lb young man who is understandably upset at being insulted in that manner a lot more potentially threatening than a 63 year old retired guy buying his kids ice cream.
EDIT: The bottom line is that you can live your life in fear of something that is not very likely to happen or not. I choose not to.
we call this living in ignorance. I'm pretty sure that the woman in this video didn't live her life in 'fear' either, but then it happened to her, didn't it?

I have guns...but I choose to lock them up in a gun safe which is securely bolted to my floor. Why? Because 99 times out of 100, if you are going to get robbed or burgalarized....they are going to wait until YOU'RE NOT AT HOME. Why would any burgaler make their crime harder than it has to be?
playing life by the odds? if that works for you, great. Do you think you should be able to force others to live life the way you do?
Your links are propaganda.
You care not for the plight of the victims.
Your desire is to see heavily armed criminals murdering and raping families who you decide are wealthy.
Your party whips up hatred to enable such crimes.
Why do you support especially and murder?

Oh yeah, I forgot!!
You are a fanatical liberal totalitarian!

I see, when you can't refute...attack.

Never occurred to you that YOUR links are advertisements foe home security. Find me real data, if you are so confident. I want hard data provided by law enforcement on home invasions. If you provide it, I promise I will read it and analize it in an honest manner. But it can't be from some propaganda site. It has to be from law enforcement.
I see, when you can't refute...attack.

Never occurred to you that YOUR links are advertisements foe home security. Find me real data, if you are so confident. I want hard data provided by law enforcement on home invasions. If you provide it, I promise I will read it and analize it in an honest manner. But it can't be from some propaganda site. It has to be from law enforcement.
given that law enforcement have been known to fudge their crime stats in order to make their big cities look safer, why should they be reliable?
Well... I did suggest that, while 007 is explaining to my very buff, very upstanding, very accomplished son why he would call him a fat, incompetent thug, I might buy his kids some ice cream to occupy their time. He seems to think THAT was threatening. If I were him, I'd find the presence of a bright, very strong, very fit 6'3" 206 lb young man who is understandably upset at being insulted in that manner a lot more potentially threatening than a 63 year old retired guy buying his kids ice cream.

I truly wouldn't even make the trip if I were you or your kid. He's the type that would instigate a fight, get his clock cleaned and then sue you or your son's ass. Too much hassle over an Internet spat.