Oh, I think he has that down. That is NOT what I was 'conceding', rather the Saddam and international terrorism. I didn't want to do the work that shows how many agreed with him.
this is exaclty how war propagandists sold their war. By conflating two disparate issues, and convicing americans that they are the same issue.
Saddam certainly aided anti-iranian terrorists like MLK. MLK had regional goals, and Iran was Saddam's major regional enemy. Saddam would do anything to stick his finger in the eye of his number one enemy: Iran
Likewise, Saddam gave money to families of dead Hamas suicide bombers. Hamas again, is a national sunni organization with limited regional goals. Hamas has never attacked american interests or engaged in global jihad against western targets. Supporting nationalist regional arab causes gave Saddam "street cred" in the arab world. Its the oldest game in politics. In either case, Iran and Israel were threatned by these policies - not the United States.
War proponents and propagandists successfully conflated these regional nationalist arab and kurd movements - and saddams support for them - with al qaeda and global jihadists in the minds of pro-war american citizens.