Shooting Guns

I guess different strokes for different folks. I really wouldn't want to be around guns or shoot them recreationally. Although I do respect and understand the need to have one if you are in teh boundies and there are wild and dangerous animals in your surrounding areas.
To answer your question Care......It depends. If it is deemed they are shooting in a safe direction then they are well within their rights. I have two directions on my place where I can safely shoot. When I have to take care of some kind of varmit I usually use a shotgun, which I can shoot in any direction because of its limited range. Where I live we hear gunfire all the time. People are always sighting in guns or shooting for pleasure. The area behind my place is all government land where folks can set up skeet throwers and shoot the clay pigeons. Glad you are enjoying your new place. Sounds nice.

Oh, and good morning to you too Care.
My boy will be 4 next month. We have alread gone over extensive training in safe gun handling with his toy guns. You'd be amazed what you can teach a youngun at this age.

He can spell simple words like "Apple" "Cat" "Pig" "Cow" and such. He can do phonics and sound words out if they are not too complicated. He can add single digits and count to infinity. And he knows that when you hold a gun you always point it in a safe direction, you never shoot at anything alive unless it is game, and that he should never, ever touch any of daddy's guns. I have tested him on several occasions with an unloaded gun and me out of the room. I listened to him explain to our neighbor's boy why they shouldn't touch the gun and they went about their playing. I always keep my guns but one locked up except when I am testing him.
I have a lefty brother in law and his wife and him are mega adamant about him not touching even toy guns or anything violent - not surprisingly the kid is bigtime into violence at school, talks about it a lot and the first thing he tries to go for when visiting cousins are weapons.

I worry about this kid when he gets older. I've strived to really not make a big fuss over any weapon toys the kids play with and they don't really care about them that much because I'm cool with it.
I have a lefty brother in law and his wife and him are mega adamant about him not touching even toy guns or anything violent - not surprisingly the kid is bigtime into violence at school, talks about it a lot and the first thing he tries to go for when visiting cousins are weapons.

I worry about this kid when he gets older. I've strived to really not make a big fuss over any weapon toys the kids play with and they don't really care about them that much because I'm cool with it.

My lefty mom was like that with my brothers and they didn't and don't have any violent tendencies.

Now we're all t it for tat on meaningless anecdotes.
My lefty mom was like that with my brothers and they didn't and don't have any violent tendencies.

Now we're all t it for tat on meaningless anecdotes.

It could depend on the personality, they are religious left, they also don't like him to swear even a little and same thing here, whenever he is over he often uses the worst language and again problems with it in school.
They take the approach that he is a kid who likes to be violent and swear so those things should be kept away from him because of who he is, but I think he became more strongly that way because they are so strict on it.

Compounding the problem is that they constantly give him empty threats about it, which to me is the worst way to parent, even worse than doing nothing because it both teaches the child that there are no actual consequences to their actions while also daring the child to do bad action because they get some power feeling from knowing they can do it and their parents won't stop them. I think they actually think it's a middle ground though (ie: use discipline with words but not as severe as action).

I wouldn't say it's a meaningless anecdote, you just don't like it because it makes the left's approach of trying to force a more peaceful society look bad.
The guy next door to me has 10 acres of woodlands and pasture...

yesterday, I heard gunfire.

So I went out on my deck to see what the commotion was about and I heard him and his two sons, one around 18 the other is around 20 talking in the distance, then firing and firing and firing of their guns, then shoutings of joy when they hit their targets.... they sounded like rifles to me.

Being mostly a "city/suberbs" girl and never really living in "Rural", I was surprised by this shooting session taking place next least at first.....

Then later the sound of them practicing hitting their targets started to soothe me....I think I was looking around at all the woods and thought...if something ever happened where we were cut off from the grocery store food, my neighbor and his sons could keep matt and me alive with food that they shoot.....

Then I thought that it was very responsible for my neighbor to spend time with his boys to practice their shots and learn about the guns they were using....his boys live down the street with their mother, not with him, but are always over at his house....more than their mom's it seems..... (mom and dad are divorced, but still friends).

Anyway, this morning I awoke with the sun because of my cat insisting on getting some food....I fed her and then let her go out on the deck....when I let her out there I usually leave the back door opened a crack so she can run inside if she gets spooked.....she is still a little scared of this NEW place and she did not go out all winter because of the cold so it is all still unfamiliar to her and she is not king of this castle yet....she is still wimpy, a real scaredy cat.....

Well, I saw her run to the door and crouch down...I ran to the back door and saw nothing, so then I ran to the side windows and low and behold coming out of my property's woodsy area just 50 yards at the most from the house was a coyote or a big ass fox, it crossed the dirt road and went in to the pasture across the way and then in to the woods on the other side of the pasture.

I thought, gees, I need to get to know Dave, my neighbor, a little bit better and have him teach me how to use a handgun and a rifle and a shotgun.

I could never kill one of these beauties of the wild, but if anyone of those foxes or coyotes or a bear ever attacked my cat, I could kill them or scare them away at least with my gun....

And then the experience of yesterday with all the noise of the gunfire from practice at my neighbor's house became even more comforting to me this morning.

NOW, here is my question.....

Can anyone use their own guns on their own property at any time if it is a Rural district?

And good morning to all!


care, if you want to keep your cat safe from coyotes, keep her in at night, and also around first daylight in the morning. Coyotes are nocturnal hunters. I'm not sure about foxes. I imagine it's the same with them.
care, if you want to keep your cat safe from coyotes, keep her in at night, and also around first daylight in the morning. Coyotes are nocturnal hunters. I'm not sure about foxes. I imagine it's the same with them.

Oh and Care, check to see if you have any barn owls living around you. As the name implies, they like to live in abandoned structures like barns and sheds. A barn owl can snatch a cat too - they're pretty large birds of prey.

They're nocturnal hunters too, so the cat should be safe outdoors in the middle of the day. Keep her in at night.
I just saw a beautiful red fox at 3 pm the other day. And have killed coyotes during the day....The coyotes I saw kill a calf were in the act at about 1:00 PM....I guess they don't read the books ;)
I can only speak for my experience USC. Coyotes around here are nocturnal hunters. Or early morning hunters. I've never seen one in the middle of the day.
Most of them are Cypress, but apparently not all of them...
I would think the ones out during the day are the most dangerous as it indicates a loss of fear or hunger....
Okay, I originally thought about writing the words "generally nocturnal", but I didn't see the need to add that caveat, because I didn't think I'd get nitpicked ;)

One can't eliminate all risk to pets. All one can do is reduce risk to pets. And that means keeping them indoors at night, since canine predators, and large owls generally hunt more at night.

Fair enough? ;)
Fair enough. But my cats are outdoors cats , and since mice they catch in my outbuildings are generally nocturnal as well....
Oh and Care, check to see if you have any barn owls living around you. As the name implies, they like to live in abandoned structures like barns and sheds. A barn owl can snatch a cat too - they're pretty large birds of prey.

They're nocturnal hunters too, so the cat should be safe outdoors in the middle of the day. Keep her in at night.

We have a "bigger than life itself" barn owl that lives in a 100 ft tall DEAD pine tree on our parcel....we see it everyday come to life right around dusk and fly over the pasture in front of the house catching field mice, I believe...

Anyway, he scared the pajesus out of me when I saw him flying and his wing span, along with the eagles that visit which are really big....

So I ran to the internet and did a google and pretty much they said they can not lift an animal over 12 cat is a big fat cat of 20lbs, so I do not believe she can be grabbed by them and I think that I read that these birds "know" via site, what they can lift and fly away with and my kitty girl is way too big...

But she could be delicious for the coyote so I will heed to your message on that one!

This one that I saw this morning at dawn was alone.... but my neighbor had told me that he saw 3-4 of them in his back yard not long ago, so there is a "pack" of them....

There are alot of wild turkeys and Pheasants around so you would think the coyotes would go after those for food, but maybe they are harder to catch than one would think?
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a fox showed up in my massachusetts back yard, my neighbor called the Town Game warden and he said that fox are nocturnal but at that time of the year they were nurturing young so they sometimes continue hunting in daytime for the extra food for their young at home....

that was not very comforting.
We have messed up the environment so bad that in most areas the natural balance does not work and the intervention of man is required.

As one example, a big effort has been underway in KY to repopulate wild turkeys. Since we have wiped out most of the preditors that feed on them, the wildlife dept. started promoting snakes to eat their eggs when the turkeys became too thick.....
we had a red tailed hawk at the other home and the eagles and owl here and everytime they do a fly by my cat crouches to the ground and heads straight for the door to come inside.... hmmmm, she must not know that she is fat and 20 lbs? She must think she is a normal, young, 8-12lb cat for her to still be afraid of them? poor little girl.... ;)