We have a "bigger than life itself" barn owl that lives in a 100 ft tall DEAD pine tree on our parcel....we see it everyday come to life right around dusk and fly over the pasture in front of the house catching field mice, I believe...
Anyway, he scared the pajesus out of me when I saw him flying and his wing span, along with the eagles that visit which are really big....
So I ran to the internet and did a google and pretty much they said they can not lift an animal over 12 lbs....my cat is a big fat cat of 20lbs, so I do not believe she can be grabbed by them and I think that I read that these birds "know" via site, what they can lift and fly away with and my kitty girl is way too big...
But she could be delicious for the coyote so I will heed to your message on that one!
This one that I saw this morning at dawn was alone.... but my neighbor had told me that he saw 3-4 of them in his back yard not long ago, so there is a "pack" of them....
There are alot of wild turkeys and Pheasants around so you would think the coyotes would go after those for food, but maybe they are harder to catch than one would think?
Yeah, on the barn owls, I think they could only snatch a small cat. Your cat sounds huge. I've seen barn owls snatch rabbits, so I'm sure they could snatch a small cat.