Shooting Guns

We have a "bigger than life itself" barn owl that lives in a 100 ft tall DEAD pine tree on our parcel....we see it everyday come to life right around dusk and fly over the pasture in front of the house catching field mice, I believe...

Anyway, he scared the pajesus out of me when I saw him flying and his wing span, along with the eagles that visit which are really big....

So I ran to the internet and did a google and pretty much they said they can not lift an animal over 12 cat is a big fat cat of 20lbs, so I do not believe she can be grabbed by them and I think that I read that these birds "know" via site, what they can lift and fly away with and my kitty girl is way too big...

But she could be delicious for the coyote so I will heed to your message on that one!

This one that I saw this morning at dawn was alone.... but my neighbor had told me that he saw 3-4 of them in his back yard not long ago, so there is a "pack" of them....

There are alot of wild turkeys and Pheasants around so you would think the coyotes would go after those for food, but maybe they are harder to catch than one would think?

Yeah, on the barn owls, I think they could only snatch a small cat. Your cat sounds huge. I've seen barn owls snatch rabbits, so I'm sure they could snatch a small cat.
I say the next time you see the coyote, just toss the cat to it. Then you don't have to worry about it anymore.

The only good cat... well you know the rest....:burn:
We have messed up the environment so bad that in most areas the natural balance does not work and the intervention of man is required.

As one example, a big effort has been underway in KY to repopulate wild turkeys. Since we have wiped out most of the preditors that feed on them, the wildlife dept. started promoting snakes to eat their eggs when the turkeys became too thick.....

It is a little scarey reading all the different articles about animals that have never or not commonly attacked humans before are now reoccuringly attacking humans for food.... I have read that the fish in the seas have reduced fish by over a third, and all kinds of manmade things on the earth too along with natural cyles of nature but, food is becoming scarce or maybe as you say, off balanced and these creatures are attacking and trying to eat, humans....

great and wonderful! I picked a great time to move to the "wilderness"..... lol
I say the next time you see the coyote, just toss the cat to it. Then you don't have to worry about it anymore.

The only good cat... well you know the rest....:burn:

Well, Mr. Cityslicker, cats are very useful in rural homes. Field mice breed by the millions out in the country, and can infest your home, unless you have cats. ;)
we have 3 homes fairly close to eachother in the "community" and then surrounded by about 200 acres with dirt roads throughout....alot of strangers do use the trails to go snow mobiling or using their atv's so humans do go in to these woods around us and matt and I have been taking walks on the dirt roads through them....

but now I am scaring myself out of ever doing that again! hahahahaha, I better stop thinking and talking about it or I will end up doing just that! lol
we have 3 homes fairly close to eachother in the "community" and then surrounded by about 200 acres with dirt roads throughout....alot of strangers do use the trails to go snow mobiling or using their atv's so humans do go in to these woods around us and matt and I have been taking walks on the dirt roads through them....

but now I am scaring myself out of ever doing that again! hahahahaha, I better stop thinking and talking about it or I will end up doing just that! lol

calm down care. Coyotes aren't going to attack people. Neither are eastern black bears. You're safer walking around out there, than you are in a city ;)
calm down care. Coyotes aren't going to attack people. Neither are eastern black bears. You're safer walking around out there, than you are in a city ;)


I needed some common sense knocked in to me! lol

But that reminds me, matt saw a cub black bear, (about 3 feet) crossing the "main" dirt road coming home from work not long ago....

but they don't go after humans you say? Are you sure?

They must have alot of black bears here because the local college's football team is called the Black Bears....

great.... lol
Mother bears are protective of their cubs, to be sure. But, I've never heard of an eastern black bear ever attacking a human. Probably best thing to do if you run across a mama bear and her cubs, is to slowly back away and get out of there. The possibility of you getting chased and mauled is almost zero.
Well, Mr. Cityslicker, cats are very useful in rural homes. Field mice breed by the millions out in the country, and can infest your home, unless you have cats. ;)

True! And she brought a very fury, fury , fury field mouse home just last week.... boy was it hard to get out or her grips, but I finally got the sucker rescued with tricks of offering her other food and he ran like the dickens... I do better telling her that she is a "good girl" for bringing them home to get them away from her than if I scream bloody murder....which was my first approach and tactic...back in the days of being a "novice" at cat owning and rearing.... lol.

but this was the hairiest tiniest little fella that I have ever seen....with alot of variations of reddish brown fur, a long haired was snowy out so maybe this was a winter fur on it, but I was amazed....even thought I might have discover a new, but it was a mouse, no question....
Mother bears are protective of their cubs, to be sure. But, I've never heard of an eastern black bear ever attacking a human. Probably best thing to do if you run across a mama bear and her cubs, is to slowly back away and get out of there. The possibility of you getting chased and mauled is almost zero.

Matt and I had seen this nature show the night before one of our walks and it suggested that only bears that are caught off guard or by surprise will attack you so all the time we were walking I was speaking loudly to the Bear, like " Hello Mr. Bear, here we come, we are getting ready to turn this corner, so know we are coming" and that kind of stuff... one can never be too careful as far as I am concerned, even if I do come off as a crazy woman in the woods! lol
True! And she brought a very fury, fury , fury field mouse home just last week.... boy was it hard to get out or her grips, but I finally got the sucker rescued with tricks of offering her other food and he ran like the dickens... I do better telling her that she is a "good girl" for bringing them home to get them away from her than if I scream bloody murder....which was my first approach and tactic...back in the days of being a "novice" at cat owning and rearing.... lol.

but this was the hairiest tiniest little fella that I have ever seen....with alot of variations of reddish brown fur, a long haired was snowy out so maybe this was a winter fur on it, but I was amazed....even thought I might have discover a new, but it was a mouse, no question....

Kind of looked like a mouse, but furrier? Sounds like a vole to me care - they do kind of look like mice. Although I'm not sure if you have voles out east. You probably do, is my guess.
It could depend on the personality, they are religious left, they also don't like him to swear even a little and same thing here, whenever he is over he often uses the worst language and again problems with it in school.
They take the approach that he is a kid who likes to be violent and swear so those things should be kept away from him because of who he is, but I think he became more strongly that way because they are so strict on it.

Compounding the problem is that they constantly give him empty threats about it, which to me is the worst way to parent, even worse than doing nothing because it both teaches the child that there are no actual consequences to their actions while also daring the child to do bad action because they get some power feeling from knowing they can do it and their parents won't stop them. I think they actually think it's a middle ground though (ie: use discipline with words but not as severe as action).

I wouldn't say it's a meaningless anecdote, you just don't like it because it makes the left's approach of trying to force a more peaceful society look bad.

Well, I think you know what their problem is and it has nothing to do with your relatives being leftists. Bad parenting will always produce a child that is unruly. Thanks for the clarification on your position though.
Vole? I have to look that one up....hmmmm...ok, I will look that could have been a vole, it was different from any field mouse that I had ever seen with the hair and all... hmmmm...
I say the next time you see the coyote, just toss the cat to it. Then you don't have to worry about it anymore.

The only good cat... well you know the rest....:burn:

Exactly. It looks like I'm going to have enlist coyotes in my war on cats.
We have bears, cougars, coyotes, bobcats, wild hogs, etc. around here. The main thing I watch for when in the woods at this time of year is snakes. There are 5,000 types of snakes and 4,998 live in Oklahoma......well, maybe not that extreme but you get the drift. We only have 3, possibly 4 that are poisenous. I had one (just a black snake) strike my foot the other day while I was getting in my truck and pushed him under the truck with my toe and told him to get out of here before my wife saw him. When she sees a snake, any snake, she goes and gets the hoe and makes life rough on him....poor thing.:)
Matt and I had seen this nature show the night before one of our walks and it suggested that only bears that are caught off guard or by surprise will attack you so all the time we were walking I was speaking loudly to the Bear, like " Hello Mr. Bear, here we come, we are getting ready to turn this corner, so know we are coming" and that kind of stuff... one can never be too careful as far as I am concerned, even if I do come off as a crazy woman in the woods! lol

LOL, that's hilarious! :p :readit:
Vole? I have to look that one up....hmmmm...ok, I will look that could have been a vole, it was different from any field mouse that I had ever seen with the hair and all... hmmmm...

A vole is a small furry rodent, that kind of looks like a mouse. They're very common.
We have bears, cougars, coyotes, bobcats, wild hogs, etc. around here. The main thing I watch for when in the woods at this time of year is snakes. There are 5,000 types of snakes and 4,998 live in Oklahoma......well, maybe not that extreme but you get the drift. We only have 3, possibly 4 that are poisenous. I had one (just a black snake) strike my foot the other day while I was getting in my truck and pushed him under the truck with my toe and told him to get out of here before my wife saw him. When she sees a snake, any snake, she goes and gets the hoe and makes life rough on him....poor thing.:)

Here, mostly I worry about rattlesnakes. But, they're actually very lethargic and unlikely to strike unless you mess with them.
Care.... you are no fun... won't let the coyote eat the cat, won't let the cat eat the mouse... why do you hate nature so much? ;)
Here, mostly I worry about rattlesnakes. But, they're actually very lethargic and unlikely to strike unless you mess with them.

Yep, we have rattlesnakes, water moccasins and copperheads, with a very few reports of coral snakes in the extreme southern part of the state. You would about have to step on a rattlesnake or copperhead for it to bite you and death by a copperhead bite is extremely, extremely rare (I have only heard of one case) but the cover in most wooded areas is dense and there always remains a possibility of stepping on a poisenous snake so I do watch for them. It becomes a habit when you're in the woods this time of year.