Should Biden Prove His Cognitive Fitness By Taking a Cognitive Exam


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A Simple MoCA test would solve the issue. Is it now time for Biden to take one and reveal his score. If he passes one it would settle down the Left that wants to replace him.
A Simple MoCA test would solve the issue. Is it now time for Biden to take one and reveal his score. If he passes one it would settle down the Left that wants to replace him.
Why did trump take two MOCAs, Expressweenie? Did something with his mental state change that resulted in a 2nd test?

trump brags like "passing" the MOCA is equivalent to passing the entrance exam to Harvard.
You should.

Trump passed the test, the Turnip failed…miserably.
If Trump passed a cognitive test, he would release the results, instead of just say he passed over and over again.

That is just basic math. You and people like you fall for those simple mind tricks.
If Trump passed a cognitive test, he would release the results, instead of just say he passed over and over again.

That is just basic math. You and people like you fall for those simple mind tricks.
Biden could force Trump's hand by saying I'll publicly take one if you do. That way Biden could calm his base.......or not. :rofl2:
Trump took one at the debate and passed beautifully.

Biden…not so much.
Only if you’re a moron like you Earl who judges by looks alone. Y’all watch to much news. Fuck Trump may have had a better look but did you actually listen to the answers? Trump sounded like the clueless demagogue he is while Bidens responses were well articulated and thought out. Yea…Biden is old and sounds old but Trump isn’t much younger and doesn’t look any better and he is still an existential threat to Democracy.

Not only that Trump is still going to lose as a vast number of people will be voting against Trump and not for him. Anyone who thinks for a second these debates will change anything are in for a rude shock.
Only if you’re a moron like you Earl who judges by looks alone. Y’all watch to much news. Fuck Trump may have had a better look but did you actually listen to the answers? Trump sounded like the clueless demagogue he is while Bidens responses were well articulated and thought out. Yea…Biden is old and sounds old but Trump isn’t much younger and doesn’t look any better and he is still an existential threat to Democracy.

Not only that Trump is still going to lose as a vast number of people will be voting against Trump and not for him. Anyone who thinks for a second these debates will change anything are in for a rude shock.
Trump is ahead of Biden in all of the battle ground states.

He may win 49 states.

Biden proved to the American people that he is a turnip, pendejo.
Why did trump take two MOCAs, Expressweenie? Did something with his mental state change that resulted in a 2nd test?

trump brags like "passing" the MOCA is equivalent to passing the entrance exam to Harvard.
To prove he has still got it. He does. Trump is proud his brain has not deteriorated like Joe's has. Why has Biden never taken one?
Biden could force Trump's hand by saying I'll publicly take one if you do. That way Biden could calm his base.......or not. :rofl2:
Indeed but Biden’s handlers won’t allow it.

They won’t even release the Special Counsel’s videos.

What are they hiding?

They edited the audio tape and now won’t release the video.
Only if you’re a moron like you Earl who judges by looks alone. Y’all watch to much news. Fuck Trump may have had a better look but did you actually listen to the answers? Trump sounded like the clueless demagogue he is while Bidens responses were well articulated and thought out. Yea…Biden is old and sounds old but Trump isn’t much younger and doesn’t look any better and he is still an existential threat to Democracy.

Not only that Trump is still going to lose as a vast number of people will be voting against Trump and not for him. Anyone who thinks for a second these debates will change anything are in for a rude shock.

BIDEN: He had the largest national debt of any president four-year period, number one.

Number two, he got $2 trillion tax cut, benefited the very wealthy.

What I’m going to do is fix the taxes.

For example, we have a thousand trillionaires in America – I mean, billionaires in America. And what’s happening? They’re in a situation where they, in fact, pay 8.2 percent in taxes. If they just paid 24 percent or 25 percent, either one of those numbers, they’d raised $500 million – billion dollars, I should say, in a 10-year period.

We’d be able to right – wipe out his debt. We’d be able to help make sure that – all those things we need to do, childcare, elder care, making sure that we continue to strengthen our healthcare system, making sure that we’re able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the COVID – excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with.

Look, if – we finally beat Medicare.

And 500 million or 500 billion would not even make a dent in the national debt. :palm:

We finally beat Medicare? :rofl2: Good Lord.
