Should BLM and the democrT party and antifa have to pay for the riots damage and cost

It was Americans. Blame Americans.

Do you seriously not see how idiotic your "position" is?

O it wasn't democrats or blm members ? What about all of the democrats calling for justice over the capital riot ? shouldn't all the rioters that took part in riots across the nation also be held accountable for their actions ?
O it wasn't democrats or blm members ? What about all of the democrats calling for justice over the capital riot ? shouldn't all the rioters that took part in riots across the nation also be held accountable for their actions ?

I don't know who committed acts of violence or vandalism at unrelated BLM demonstrations. Do you? Please link us to their political party registrations.

I know you're a painfully stupid person, but the answer to your question is that all people who break laws should be held accountable by the legal system. The difference between me and you lobotomized Trump-ass-eaters is that I think that bad deeds are bad no matter who commits them while you only believe that bad deeds are bad when your political opponents commit them. You're weak.
why blame trump did he take part in the blm riots or was it democrats ? it was democrats they are responsible for the damages

Yeah, yeah, and the Easter Bunny was the one that beat a cop to death......where on God's green earth do you lunatics come from?
I don't know who committed acts of violence or vandalism at unrelated BLM demonstrations. Do you? Please link us to their political party registrations.

I know you're a painfully stupid person, but the answer to your question is that all people who break laws should be held accountable by the legal system. The difference between me and you lobotomized Trump-ass-eaters is that I think that bad deeds are bad no matter who commits them while you only believe that bad deeds are bad when your political opponents commit them. You're weak.

NO, what they believe it that conservatives have exclusive rights to anger and frustration because of their left behind beliefs, and the rest of us are simply whining.
NO, what they believe it that conservatives have exclusive rights to anger and frustration because of their left behind beliefs, and the rest of us are simply whining.

At this point, I could not give one fuck less about what a bunch of nearly dead, fat, closeted homosexual, white geriatric men think about anything. They, just like Trump, are having their micropenises slapped for the first time by progress. They're losing their privilege and their influence; and they are acting out like snot-nosed, poorly dressed toddlers in the grocery checkout as their trailer park parents tell them they can't have candy. American conservatism is dead because the Republican party decided to abandon every fake ideal it ever pretended to have while it built sacrilegious altars to the fattest, dumbest, most dishonest piece of shit who ever was allowed to step inside the Oval Office.
why blame trump did he take part in the blm riots or was it democrats ? it was democrats they are responsible for the damages

I get so tired of this moral equivalent comparison you nuts try to bring to discussion when it comes to the protest. BLM. no matter what happened on their watch protested for Justice while the rednecks on disability and federal aid, protested and murdered bc they had nothing better to do
I get so tired of this moral equivalent comparison you nuts try to bring to discussion when it comes to the protest. BLM. no matter what happened on their watch protested for Justice while the rednecks on disability and federal aid, protested and murdered bc they had nothing better to do

o yes democrats rioting and doing billions inn damages was a good thing right
I don't know who committed acts of violence or vandalism at unrelated BLM demonstrations. Do you? Please link us to their political party registrations.

I know you're a painfully stupid person, but the answer to your question is that all people who break laws should be held accountable by the legal system. The difference between me and you lobotomized Trump-ass-eaters is that I think that bad deeds are bad no matter who commits them while you only believe that bad deeds are bad when your political opponents commit them. You're weak.

your right they must of been white Mormon republicans and Eskimos
Yeah, yeah, and the Easter Bunny was the one that beat a cop to death......where on God's green earth do you lunatics come from?

yes in the blm riots 47 died Im sure the easter bunny beat them to death also and did billions of dollars in damages .

Now dumb ass Im fully aware of what happened it the riots at the capital and find it jast as disturbing as the riots that took place all year long with democrats blm antifa and there drudged out low life supporters.Wrong is wrong no matter who is involved or what group did it . problem is your not smart enough to get my point
After all they did it. Should their organizations be held responsible for the damages , the deaths and all associated costs ?

Id guess about 2.5 to 2.8 billion would cover the cost of damage and police overtime and medical expenses. and a few million to each of the 47 people killed in the riots .

After all that would only be fair wouldn't it.

naturally a democrat who supported the riots and death and billions of dollars of damages and probally supported the threads here that called for republicans to be put in re education camps and ethnic cleansing

None of the above, I’m laughing at thr absurdity of the premise of this stupid ass thread. The costs and horrors of the attack on the Capitol lay at the feet of trump supporters almost exclusively. Trying to blame BLM, DEMOCRATS, OR ANTIFA for the traitorous actions of trump and his brainless supporters is insane, cowardly, and seriously laughable.
After all they did it. Should their organizations be held responsible for the damages , the deaths and all associated costs ?

Id guess about 2.5 to 2.8 billion would cover the cost of damage and police overtime and medical expenses. and a few million to each of the 47 people killed in the riots .

After all that would only be fair wouldn't it.

You really are the classic shit for brains maroon.
naturally a democrat who supported the riots and death and billions of dollars of damages and probally supported the threads here that called for republicans to be put in re education camps and ethnic cleansing

In case you haven’t noticed, the right wing campaign against BLM has failed miserably. It’s as FAILED as your campaign against gays. BLM has wide ranging global and domestic support, including from major Fortune 500 corporations, along with support from all races and faiths within the United States AND BLM has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize AND has already won the prestigous Olaf Palme prize for Human Rights. :corn: