APP - should e-cigarettes be treated to the same restrictions as regular cigarettes?

should e-cigarettes be treated to the same restrictions as regular cigarettes?

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I answered this in another post im not going to keep rewriting it :)

Dropping the drinking age to 18 was pushed and it was won, then they realized the mistake they made and that law was repealed.

America will come to regret legalizing weed. The Gov on colorado which legalized recreational weed at the govs conference told the other govs not to rush to legalize weed.

Google Liberal Progressive Gov Jerry browns statement on why hes AGAINST legalizing weed. Everything reason he gave for being against legalizing it just makes sense.
Yeah because prohibition of alcohol worked so well, the war on drugs has been a huge, affordable success, it is really fair to send a black man to jail for twenty years for a partial joint, and no there are not "tons" of studies about weed, since it has been ignored by the feds for 70 years and classed as equally dangerous as heroin.
Furthermore, nothing Jerry said made sense, he is clearly senile, as you likely are as well.
America will come to regret legalizing weed. The Gov on colorado which legalized recreational weed at the govs conference told the other govs not to rush to legalize weed.

Google Liberal Progressive Gov Jerry browns statement on why hes AGAINST legalizing weed. Everything reason he gave for being against legalizing it just makes sense.
That has absolutely no substance whatsoever. You said absolutely nothing.