Should people be allowed to burn the Koran?


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Some would argue that it's hate speech. I disagree. It is a legetimate form of expression. Free speech is free speech. Period. Besides, if people can burn our flag, then everything else is fair game.
Some would argue that it's hate speech. I disagree. It is a legetimate form of expression. Free speech is free speech. Period. Besides, if people can burn our flag, then everything else is fair game.

We are either a free people, or, we are not.

Not sure why anyone would want to burn a Koran, burning books is generally considered to have a negative connotation. But, whatever trips your trigger. :dunno:
Some would argue that it's hate speech. I disagree. It is a legetimate form of expression. Free speech is free speech. Period. Besides, if people can burn our flag, then everything else is fair game.

I was unaware it wasn't allowed?

Are you posting from the Middle East?
Koran, flag, Bible, etc. Nothing wrong with burning an inanimate object, as long as you do it safely, and it's yours to burn. If there are elevated fire dangers, you can't do it safely, so don't.
We are either a free people, or, we are not.

Not sure why anyone would want to burn a Koran, burning books is generally considered to have a negative connotation. But, whatever trips your trigger. :dunno:

Not saying I want to. Just think it should be allowed. It's free speech. I don't care if it offends someone. You cannot have free speech without the freedom to offend.
Like I said, it may be considered a hate crime. Don't know why. Probably because it offends liberals.

Really? I'm a 'Liberal' and it doesn't bother me.

In fact, I support the "Draw Muhammad" contests. I think they should be held in every city on a rotating basis.
Do you think burning the Bible offends Liberals? Or, ... do you think that would be more offensive to Conservative types?

I have no doubt that many liberals would love to bring back the colloseums and throw Christians to the lions.
I have no doubt that many liberals would love to bring back the colloseums and throw Christians to the lions.

Well, now that you brought it up, how about this. We have this big Coliseum. And we charge admission, you know, all capitalistic and everything. And then, we get Muslims on one side, the Hebrews on another, and the Christians in another. The bell (or whatever, maybe a horn or something) is rung, then they all come out and try to kill one another. It could be different on different nights, just to mix it up and make it more entertaining. Like maybe just a Christian vs. Muslim night or a Hebrew vs. Christian. Some nights there could be weapons, like swords, and bats and those round ball things on a chain with spikes. I hadn't thought about animals like Lions, ... that seems kind of cruel. You'd probably get some 'animal rights' group complaining, you know how they are. :(
As far as I know there is no law against buying a Koran and then burning it. Waste of money IMHO, but knock yourself out.

Remember that preacher that burned a whole bunch of them in Florida? (I think it was Florida... ) Terry Jones. Not arrested... not illegal.
I have no doubt that many liberals would love to bring back the colloseums and throw Christians to the lions.

guno could be Leader of the Hebrews. He could amp them up and then, at the bell, come out screaming "Kill the Goyim!" and "Death to the Pork Gobblers". And then the Christians could race out screaming "Christ killers" and "Death to the Heimies", and the Muslims, not to be out done, could surge forward with "Alla Ahkbar!". It would totally be a Bloodfest, people bludgeoning each other for Allah, Christ, and Moses. Beer could be sold in the Stands along with peanuts and stuff. I think it could be a real money-maker.
Well, now that you brought it up, how about this. We have this big Coliseum. And we charge admission, you know, all capitalistic and everything. And then, we get Muslims on one side, the Hebrews on another, and the Christians in another. The bell (or whatever, maybe a horn or something) is rung, then they all come out and try to kill one another. It could be different on different nights, just to mix it up and make it more entertaining. Like maybe just a Christian vs. Muslim night or a Hebrew vs. Christian. Some nights there could be weapons, like swords, and bats and those round ball things on a chain with spikes. I hadn't thought about animals like Lions, ... that seems kind of cruel. You'd probably get some 'animal rights' group complaining, you know how they are. :(

You're an idiot, but at least you're an entertaining idiot. That's why your not one of the few people on my ignore list. :)