Should people be allowed to burn the Koran?

guno could be Leader of the Hebrews. He could amp them up and then, at the bell, come out screaming "Kill the Goyim!" and "Death to the Pork Gobblers". And then the Christians could race out screaming "Christ killers" and "Death to the Heimies", and the Muslims, not to be out done, could surge forward with "Alla Ahkbar!". It would totally be a Bloodfest, people bludgeoning each other for Allah, Christ, and Moses. Beer could be sold in the Stands along with peanuts and stuff. I think it could be a real money-maker.

The first round Jews And Muslims would unite against the crusader pork gooblers, then after that it will get interesting, have to get the Mormons in the mix
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the Italians should have taken her away to a mental institution

can you imagine going to Rome from all over the world and seeing a hillbilly bible thumper yelling

You can hear the Asian people saying in the background "what kind of shit is this! we came all the way from Japan to hear this flucked up crazy cracker?

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The first round Jews And Muslims would unite against the crusader pork gooblers, then after that it will get interesting, have to get the Mormons in the mix

Sounds good to me.

guno: "Religion: society's accepted mental illness"
Not saying I want to. Just think it should be allowed. It's free speech. I don't care if it offends someone. You cannot have free speech without the freedom to offend.

I absolutely agree. And I wasn't insinuating you wanted to burn a Koran, nor did I think you wanted to.
Some would argue that it's hate speech. I disagree. It is a legetimate form of expression. Free speech is free speech. Period. Besides, if people can burn our flag, then everything else is fair game.

no.....just Bibles.....after all this is Merika.....
I absolutely agree. And I wasn't insinuating you wanted to burn a Koran, nor did I think you wanted to.

I'd have to be seriously ticked off to want to do it. I mean, it's such a hassle. You need a permit, a fire extinguisher, have to notify the media...actually, screw the media. I'd just film it on my smartphone and post it on youtube. Of course, they take it down as soon as some rag head complained about it. Well, there is one of the few truly free social media websites left. I'm hoping they put Facebook out of business. Every conservative should delete their FB account and switch over.
Some would argue that it's hate speech. I disagree. It is a legetimate form of expression. Free speech is free speech. Period. Besides, if people can burn our flag, then everything else is fair game.

One time I looked for a toilet paper manufacturer who would be willing to make a batch of toilet paper with passages from the koran on it. No doubt I could find many people who would be willing to buy some rolls. But I couldn't find a manufacturer who would be willing to do so. Maybe I should have mentioned that I would keep the identity of the manufacturer secret. But maybe they were worried about one of their employees blabbing about it.
One time I looked for a toilet paper manufacturer who would be willing to make a batch of toilet paper with passages from the koran on it. No doubt I could find many people who would be willing to buy some rolls. But I couldn't find a manufacturer who would be willing to do so. Maybe I should have mentioned that I would keep the identity of the manufacturer secret. But maybe they were worried about one of their employees blabbing about it.
no.....just Bibles.....after all this is Merika.....

how about the kolobian book of green jello and spam , almost like green eggs and ham

I'd have to be seriously ticked off to want to do it. I mean, it's such a hassle. You need a permit, a fire extinguisher, have to notify the media...actually, screw the media. I'd just film it on my smartphone and post it on youtube. Of course, they take it down as soon as some rag head complained about it. Well, there is one of the few truly free social media websites left. I'm hoping they put Facebook out of business. Every conservative should delete their FB account and switch over.

Did they let you use the term "raghead" on that site?

No Hate speech
Hate speech is defined as speech expressing hatred of a person or a particular group of people based on race, religion or religious beliefs, country of origin/ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, or gender. At InfinitySN discrimination and hate speech will be treated the same. We urge our members to report any content that violates this section by immediately emailing our site admins at Admin@InfinitySN
Anybody can burn his/her own book, no matter what it is.,,,Bible, Talmud, Koran, US Constitution, or anything else.

Just don't burn a book that belongs to somebody else, because that makes you a fascist.