APP - should single use plastic water bottles be banned?

should single use plastic water bottles be banned?

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The damned things are recyclable. The only way to stop moronic proles from polluting the environment would be to start shooting them. I actually have a Culligan dispenser in my house, because I'm awesome.

Why not put an extra deposit charge on them and make the empty worth the price of the deposit?
Worked for pop bottles in the 60's.
The damned things are recyclable. The only way to stop moronic proles from polluting the environment would be to start shooting them. I actually have a Culligan dispenser in my house, because I'm awesome.

reverse osmosis units are good if you need them
People are also WAY less responsible now than they were in the 60s. That pretty much goes for everything.

I have to agree.
I think what happened was that those who grew up in the 50's and 60's didn't want their kids to struggle as much, which is not in it self a bad way of thinking; but to many of them failed to teach their kids a sense of responsibility and that hard work is a way to reach a goal.

Since those kids had it pretty easy, they then increased the problem by trying to make it even easier for their kids and lessened even more the idea of responsibility and hard work.

Now we have a generation that have a convoluted idea of what responsibility mean and with a very narrow idea of what hard work means.
They have what could be called a feeling of entitlement and don't truly understand why things aren't working out for them.
They see no reason to take a job they consider to be below their "status" and can't see how it's up to them to succeed.
I know this is a very narrow explanation; but it is the basis for what I see, is where things really became "confused".
Still, a lot of the people who are mindlessly chucking plastic bottles and fast food wrappers out of their SUV windows are Kaboomers. They not only set an example - they live by it as well.
What are you going to provide in a disaster relief situation? Are you going to make people march miles and miles to some water distribution center simply so that you can smugly state that you're not producing plastic waste?

Also, why not ban single use plastic coke bottles, and other dispensable liquids? Why single out water?
Coke it like 99% water, after all, why should you be able to avoid the regulation by throwing a little sugar and flavor packets in it?
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In live on two islands alternatively. Both have sole source aquifers, both are remote from industry, both have polluted water. Figure it out.

99% of the time, "bad taste" is not from any sort of "pollution". It is largely in peoples heads (a result of advertising by bottled water companies), or from natural harmless sources. The treatment plant makes the water potable, if you want to remove the bad taste, by a filter to further remove certain minerals that can cause an undesirable taste. Your tap water isn't bad for you either way. If anything, it's better for you, simply because the fluoride mineral levels have been fortified.
The damned things are recyclable. The only way to stop moronic proles from polluting the environment would be to start shooting them. I actually have a Culligan dispenser in my house, because I'm awesome.

Oh, that does a ton of good for us who live in rural areas. You couldn't pay the recycling companies enough money to come all the way out here and recycle our waste.
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What are you going to provide in a disaster relief situation? Are you going to make people march miles and miles to some water distribution center simply so that you can smugly state that you're not producing plastic waste?

Also, why not ban single use plastic coke bottles, and other dispensable liquids? Why single out water?

it was the op, personally, i think that things sold in non-biodegradable toxic containers should be banned, including soft drinks, but this is a representative democracy and the people are too foolish, do not are or do not want to be inconvenienced to recognize the harm that they are doing
it was the op, personally, i think that things sold in non-biodegradable toxic containers should be banned, including soft drinks, but this is a representative democracy and the people are too foolish, do not are or do not want to be inconvenienced to recognize the harm that they are doing
Then why did you buy a computer? Do you know the environmental cost that goes into such a thing? Or the use of electricity? Or the purification of water to begin with?