Should the 2nd Amendment be Repealed?

Should the 2nd Amendment be Repealed?

  • Yes

    Votes: 33 78.6%
  • No

    Votes: 9 21.4%

  • Total voters


New member
In the era of politicians talking about repealing the 14th Amendment and limiting the 1st Amendment we need to ask the logical follow-up question of, Should the 2nd Amendment be Repealed? Many gun enthusiasts don't realize that the 14th Amendment actually strengthened the 2nd Amendment. In this video a man has fought to be able to carry his gun on a playground. The question comes to mind, "what is he afraid of?" Many have said that even if he has a right to carry a gun it isn't the right thing to do.

[ame=""]YouTube- Should the 2nd Amendment be Repealed?[/ame]
I guess you would have to define "right thing to do". I carry a knife in my pocket most of the time. In a post office I am the most heavily armed person there.

What, exactly, do you think would come from repealing the 2nd Amendment that would be positive? If you think it would mean less violent crime you are sadly mistaken.

I'll let Billy call you an idiot. But I can't say I will disagree with him.
First note that the title is not

I guess you would have to define "right thing to do". I carry a knife in my pocket most of the time. In a post office I am the most heavily armed person there.

What, exactly, do you think would come from repealing the 2nd Amendment that would be positive? If you think it would mean less violent crime you are sadly mistaken.

I'll let Billy call you an idiot. But I can't say I will disagree with him.

First note that the title is not the 2nd Amendment should be repealed, it is should it be? A question, which brings with it the following questions about repealing or limiting any Constitutional rights. What do you think of the thought that just because this guy might have a right to carry a gun on to a playground doesn't make it the right thing to do? Do you think that it's right to endanger children? See, there is more to this thread than one might think at first glance.
First note that the title is not the 2nd Amendment should be repealed, it is should it be? A question, which brings with it the following questions about repealing or limiting any Constitutional rights. What do you think of the thought that just because this guy might have a right to carry a gun on to a playground doesn't make it the right thing to do? Do you think that it's right to endanger children? See, there is more to this thread than one might think at first glance.

First answer, it is very rare for anyone to ask about repealing an amendment unless they think it should be repealed. Those who believe the 2nd amendment guarantees the rest of the US Constitution, wouldn't ask the question.

How are the children endangered? The mere presence of a gun on the playground automatically places them in danger?

I understood what you posted. I also understand that you see the fact that a firearm is present creates a "dangerous situation". I do not see that at all. I do not agree with the base premise that the presence of a firearm means danger for anyone.

The children on that playground can catch a communicable disease from one of the other children. They could fall off the swings or other playground equipment and die or be paralyzed. They could choke on the sand from the sandbox. But you want to focus on a person, who probably is quite careful with his firearm, wanting to exercise his constitutionally guaranteed rights.
In the era of politicians talking about repealing the 14th Amendment and limiting the 1st Amendment we need to ask the logical follow-up question of, Should the 2nd Amendment be Repealed? Many gun enthusiasts don't realize that the 14th Amendment actually strengthened the 2nd Amendment. In this video a man has fought to be able to carry his gun on a playground. The question comes to mind, "what is he afraid of?" Many have said that even if he has a right to carry a gun it isn't the right thing to do.

YouTube- Should the 2nd Amendment be Repealed?

Hey Marty! Good to see you.

Being a conspiracy theorist I believe it's vital people be allowed to hold on to their guns. Restrictions have a way of adding up.

As for guns around children perhaps the answer is to teach the children. The smallest of children are taught not to pick up something from the ground and put it in their mouth or not to run across the street. Parents need to instruct their children it's dangerous to pick up a gun if they see one.
Hey Marty! Good to see you.

Being a conspiracy theorist I believe it's vital people be allowed to hold on to their guns. Restrictions have a way of adding up.

As for guns around children perhaps the answer is to teach the children. The smallest of children are taught not to pick up something from the ground and put it in their mouth or not to run across the street. Parents need to instruct their children it's dangerous to pick up a gun if they see one.

Very good points, tell me if I am wrong. It sounds like you are opposed to any restrictions of firearms, such as parks, court houses, bars and school yards. Am I reading you right?
It is a question, not an opinion

First answer, it is very rare for anyone to ask about repealing an amendment unless they think it should be repealed. Those who believe the 2nd amendment guarantees the rest of the US Constitution, wouldn't ask the question.

How are the children endangered? The mere presence of a gun on the playground automatically places them in danger?

I understood what you posted. I also understand that you see the fact that a firearm is present creates a "dangerous situation". I do not see that at all. I do not agree with the base premise that the presence of a firearm means danger for anyone.

The children on that playground can catch a communicable disease from one of the other children. They could fall off the swings or other playground equipment and die or be paralyzed. They could choke on the sand from the sandbox. But you want to focus on a person, who probably is quite careful with his firearm, wanting to exercise his constitutionally guaranteed rights.

It is a question, not an opinion, for there are those talking about repealing Constitutional Amendments or limiting them. Children are put in danger mostly from straight bullets. Most people know that through my life I have never backed down from a fight and if someone was trying to rob me I would have no problem defending myself. I think however, if in doing so I shot a gun and killed a child, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I am a prideful man and it would be extremely difficult to just hand off my wallet, but I would rather do that than to kill a child. That is how this could endanger children. What would you think if you were told that they were going to rewrite the second Amendment to make it clear for once and all that you had the rights that the NRA says you do, but in doing so, they create a loophole that will do the same thing as repealing the 2nd Amendment, would you be for it?
That's correct.

Doesn't at least the court house concern you? That's were I see the biggest threat from criminals. I don't go to bars, but the thought of a drunk with a gun would be unsettling and I sure don't like the idea of gangbangers being able to bring a gun to school. So, for me I don't see it as a threat to 2nd Amendment rights for lets say a private business to say "no gun." If a private business could have off limits to guns, I don't see why the American people couldn't say some areas are off limit too, but I see why some would be concern that this would just be opening the door to more and more off limit areas.
First answer, it is very rare for anyone to ask about repealing an amendment unless they think it should be repealed. Those who believe the 2nd amendment guarantees the rest of the US Constitution, wouldn't ask the question.

How are the children endangered? The mere presence of a gun on the playground automatically places them in danger?

I understood what you posted. I also understand that you see the fact that a firearm is present creates a "dangerous situation". I do not see that at all. I do not agree with the base premise that the presence of a firearm means danger for anyone.

The children on that playground can catch a communicable disease from one of the other children. They could fall off the swings or other playground equipment and die or be paralyzed. They could choke on the sand from the sandbox. But you want to focus on a person, who probably is quite careful with his firearm, wanting to exercise his constitutionally guaranteed rights.
Winter your convienantly ignoring his questions about the 1st and 14th amendment. DeMartman's question is valid, if politicians are trying to limit our protections under the 1st and 14th amendment then why not the second? It's a valid question and you really can't address it on the second amendment alone with out addressing the implications of this question of the 1st and 14th amendments.

It is a question, not an opinion, for there are those talking about repealing Constitutional Amendments or limiting them. Children are put in danger mostly from straight bullets. Most people know that through my life I have never backed down from a fight and if someone was trying to rob me I would have no problem defending myself. I think however, if in doing so I shot a gun and killed a child, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I am a prideful man and it would be extremely difficult to just hand off my wallet, but I would rather do that than to kill a child. That is how this could endanger children. What would you think if you were told that they were going to rewrite the second Amendment to make it clear for once and all that you had the rights that the NRA says you do, but in doing so, they create a loophole that will do the same thing as repealing the 2nd Amendment, would you be for it?

An area child was killed a few days ago because of an adult's carelessness with guns. This is just wrong.

"An 11-year old Ligonier Township boy who attended middle school for the first time last week was accidentally shot and killed Friday while visiting a friend's home.

Christopher Harr, a student at Ligonier Valley Middle School, would have turned 12 on Oct. 2.

According to authorities, the investigation into the incident is ongoing.

"It was determined through our initial investigation that several juveniles who were home alone at the time got possession of a .30-caliber carbine rifle," Ligonier Township police Chief Michael W. Matrunics said in a statement. "One juvenile accidentally shot another juvenile while playing with the rifle."

Christopher Harr's father, Daniel Harr, said the incident should serve as a warning to parents to keep their guns locked up and unloaded in the house...

Harr said his son knew about gun safety because "I had shown him about guns." He said he was upset that initial reports indicated the wound that took young Harr's life was self-inflicted. "I knew that wasn't possible."
Hey Marty! Good to see you.

Being a conspiracy theorist I believe it's vital people be allowed to hold on to their guns. Restrictions have a way of adding up.

As for guns around children perhaps the answer is to teach the children. The smallest of children are taught not to pick up something from the ground and put it in their mouth or not to run across the street. Parents need to instruct their children it's dangerous to pick up a gun if they see one.
You and I AGREE on something? And that something is GUNS? What the fuck?
Winter your convienantly ignoring his questions about the 1st and 14th amendment. DeMartman's question is valid, if politicians are trying to limit our protections under the 1st and 14th amendment then why not the second? It's a valid question and you really can't address it on the second amendment alone with out addressing the implications of this question of the 1st and 14th amendments.
A great number of gun rights enthusiasts find limiting any constitutional right, not just the 2A reprehensible. Like GOA, NRA, SAF, Etc leadership (at leasting going by their printed articles and encouraging their membership to vote against further restrictions). Gun owners, at least politically active ones, realized long ago all our rights are tied together.

As for people not realizing the 14th strengthens gun rights, the OP probably hasn't read Mcdonald v. Chicago.
An area child was killed a few days ago because of an adult's carelessness with guns. This is just wrong.

"An 11-year old Ligonier Township boy who attended middle school for the first time last week was accidentally shot and killed Friday while visiting a friend's home.

Christopher Harr, a student at Ligonier Valley Middle School, would have turned 12 on Oct. 2.

According to authorities, the investigation into the incident is ongoing.

"It was determined through our initial investigation that several juveniles who were home alone at the time got possession of a .30-caliber carbine rifle," Ligonier Township police Chief Michael W. Matrunics said in a statement. "One juvenile accidentally shot another juvenile while playing with the rifle."

Christopher Harr's father, Daniel Harr, said the incident should serve as a warning to parents to keep their guns locked up and unloaded in the house...

Harr said his son knew about gun safety because "I had shown him about guns." He said he was upset that initial reports indicated the wound that took young Harr's life was self-inflicted. "I knew that wasn't possible."

Agreed. While I do not currently have kids, I often leave my guns out and loaded. When my buddy, who has kids, comes over, they all get picked up and taken to my makeshift safe up in the attic.
In the era of politicians talking about repealing the 14th Amendment and limiting the 1st Amendment we need to ask the logical follow-up question of, Should the 2nd Amendment be Repealed? Many gun enthusiasts don't realize that the 14th Amendment actually strengthened the 2nd Amendment. In this video a man has fought to be able to carry his gun on a playground. The question comes to mind, "what is he afraid of?" Many have said that even if he has a right to carry a gun it isn't the right thing to do.

YouTube- Should the 2nd Amendment be Repealed?
One doesn't have to be 'afraid' to value security. You have a smoke alarm in your house, probably not because you are actively afraid of a fire, but because it is a tool to help in the event a fire does occur (or because building code mandated it). The same applies to guns. If I am at a playground with my theoretical child, I certainly wouldn't want to depend on someone else to be able to defend them. What sort of parent would?
A great number of gun rights enthusiasts find limiting any constitutional right, not just the 2A reprehensible. Like GOA, NRA, SAF, Etc leadership (at leasting going by their printed articles and encouraging their membership to vote against further restrictions). Gun owners, at least politically active ones, realized long ago all our rights are tied together.

As for people not realizing the 14th strengthens gun rights, the OP probably hasn't read Mcdonald v. Chicago.

Ah, now that's a more complete answer. I agree. It is the nature of politicians and governments to limit our rights, it's our duty to fight to preserve them. I think the attacks on 2nd amendment rights are not nearly as threatening to our Freedoms as the drum conservatives have been beating to limit our 14th amendment rights. This is particularly frightening as the 14th amendment essentially assures the protection of all our other rights. Compromise those protections and we'll certainly be in the slippery slope to compromise all our Constitutionally protected freedoms.
Ah, now that's a more complete answer. I agree. It is the nature of politicians and governments to limit our rights, it's our duty to fight to preserve them. I think the attacks on 2nd amendment rights are not nearly as threatening to our Freedoms as the drum conservatives have been beating to limit our 14th amendment rights. This is particularly frightening as the 14th amendment essentially assures the protection of all our other rights. Compromise those protections and we'll certainly be in the slippery slope to compromise all our Constitutionally protected freedoms.
How very....Libertarian...of you.
An area child was killed a few days ago because of an adult's carelessness with guns. This is just wrong.

"An 11-year old Ligonier Township boy who attended middle school for the first time last week was accidentally shot and killed Friday while visiting a friend's home.

Christopher Harr, a student at Ligonier Valley Middle School, would have turned 12 on Oct. 2.

According to authorities, the investigation into the incident is ongoing.

"It was determined through our initial investigation that several juveniles who were home alone at the time got possession of a .30-caliber carbine rifle," Ligonier Township police Chief Michael W. Matrunics said in a statement. "One juvenile accidentally shot another juvenile while playing with the rifle."

Christopher Harr's father, Daniel Harr, said the incident should serve as a warning to parents to keep their guns locked up and unloaded in the house...

Harr said his son knew about gun safety because "I had shown him about guns." He said he was upset that initial reports indicated the wound that took young Harr's life was self-inflicted. "I knew that wasn't possible."

I wholeheartedly agree that guns, especially loaded guns, should not be left unattended on a playground. Other than that, the article doesn't have much to do with the question at hand.

Articles like this are invariably followed by calls for more restrictions or bans on guns. But if you replace "gun" with something else (like chemicals, drugs, ect) it become a tragedy in which the parent was careless.