Should the 2nd Amendment be Repealed?

Should the 2nd Amendment be Repealed?

  • Yes

    Votes: 33 78.6%
  • No

    Votes: 9 21.4%

  • Total voters
Saving Lives

Ok, twice now you have claimed that the answer was in your post, if I had only read it in its entirety. So lets see, shall we?

"That is heart wrenching and oh so unnecessary. We don’t have to outlaw guns to stop these things. The 2nd Amendment does not preclude background checks, waiting days, licensing, registration and training."

This is what I quoted, except for the word "training". But training cannot fix stupid. Leaving a loaded gun out where kids can get it is stupid. No answer here.

"I know that we all can get a little paranoid at times and because of it some might not like having the government knowing who is armed and trained, but that is just something which we all will have to wrestle with."

No answer here.

"The 2nd states: “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” A lot of Liberals focus on the word “Militia” which is an early form of our National Guard, but I want to focus on the two words, “Well Regulated.” That gives the state the right to regulate licensing, registration, training and state where firearms can be discharged."

No answer here.

"In my opinion it doesn’t compromise the 2nd to have some places off limit. Could you imagine someone protesting that they wanted to bring their gun with them as the visited a friend in prison? We all recognize that some places are off limits."

No answer here. The fact that there are places that are off limits is not going to help when the guns are at home and left out loaded.

"Oddly those supporting the 2nd would repeal the 14th out of fears of more brown babies. In doing so, they would weaken the 2nd to the point that make it as if it was repealed."

Nope, still no answer concerning how the tragic accident would have been avoided, as you claimed.

Now, I have quoted the entire passage. And still have not seen anything that would have answered my question.

Kindly point out what I missed?

Background checks would reduce criminals and insane people from legally getting guns and thus reduce the harm to the innocent. Waiting periods help calm emotions and thus save lives. Licensing and registration can allow requirements of training and testing so that when the trigger must be pulled, the correct target is hit. It also can allow one the ability to use conflict avoidance techniques instead of pulling or shooting a gun. The 2nd Amendment calls for "Well regulated" which allows for such regulations including off limit areas, such as schools, prisons, court house and parks/playgrounds. Those off limit areas can save lives. I am sorry, as I thought that my post made that obvious, but I was wrong. I have one more post to make here and then I'll be gone again for a while. Thank you for the discussion.
Open your mind , turn off the insults and you will be relevent

demart, your polls, have always been irrelevent. The "c and c" is your own blog and hardly proves anything.

Yes, I created the C -n- C but that doesn't change a thing. The poll there uses cookies and sets the time between votes, that way one person can vote once in a set period of time such as one per week, month, or year. My only reason for giving that link was to show that the results there were different. They are 35% yes and 65% no, I think if this poll here runs long enough it will reflect those numbers. I don't believe that there are only seven other people besides me that oppose changing the Constitution. Anyway, I have to go.
Background checks would reduce criminals and insane people from legally getting guns and thus reduce the harm to the innocent.
No argument here, go on
Waiting periods help calm emotions and thus save lives.
Really? They do that? Because there sure isn't any evidence to support that claim. To the contrary, certain crimes, specifically rape and assault, actually rose during the national waiting period (3% and 5% respectively)
Licensing and registration can allow requirements of training and testing so that when the trigger must be pulled, the correct target is hit. It also can allow one the ability to use conflict avoidance techniques instead of pulling or shooting a gun.
Again, there's this whole 'lack of evidence' thing that kinda says no to that. And the fact that by doing such things you take a right (a fundamental right no less) and regulating it to the status of a privilege. Kinda goes against, well, a fuck ton of stuff in the constitution.

The 2nd Amendment calls for "Well regulated" which allows for such regulations including off limit areas, such as schools, prisons, court house and parks/playgrounds. Those off limit areas can save lives.
Man, are you having a fight with evidence? Did you two break up? Because I'll be damned if she's around here anywhere either. Not to mention that the whole "well regulated" bit applies to the militia, not the people, and further, is the explanation clause, not the legally biding one that codifies a fundamental right
I am sorry, as I thought that my post made that obvious, but I was wrong. I have one more post to make here and then I'll be gone again for a while. Thank you for the discussion.
Yeah, you made it pretty obvious. And we've made it pretty obvious that you're wrong.
Background checks would reduce criminals and insane people from legally getting guns and thus reduce the harm to the innocent. Waiting periods help calm emotions and thus save lives. Licensing and registration can allow requirements of training and testing so that when the trigger must be pulled, the correct target is hit. It also can allow one the ability to use conflict avoidance techniques instead of pulling or shooting a gun. The 2nd Amendment calls for "Well regulated" which allows for such regulations including off limit areas, such as schools, prisons, court house and parks/playgrounds. Those off limit areas can save lives. I am sorry, as I thought that my post made that obvious, but I was wrong. I have one more post to make here and then I'll be gone again for a while. Thank you for the discussion.

I had asked how those would have stopped the tragedy that was posted about. You remember, the kids getting the gun? Nothing you mentioned would have changed that tragic scenario.

Background checks do not stop criminals and the insane from geting guns. The proof is in the fact that we have had people who are insane get guns, and we know the criminals are armed. Background checks already happen.
Almost 80% participating in this poll believe that 2nd should be repealed? Are you people serious? Why not repeal all of the first ten while you're at it? After the 2nd, the rest should be easy. You people scare me...

Fear the government that fears your gun.
Almost 80% participating in this poll believe that 2nd should be repealed? Are you people serious? Why not repeal all of the first ten while you're at it? After the 2nd, the rest should be easy. You people scare me...

Fear the government that fears your gun.

Norman, the bulk of the voting was probably done by trolls. Its not so much a reflection of the popular opinion as a reflection of how many trolls a couple of people have.