Should the 2nd Amendment be Repealed?

Should the 2nd Amendment be Repealed?

  • Yes

    Votes: 33 78.6%
  • No

    Votes: 9 21.4%

  • Total voters
That is heart wrenching and oh so unnecessary. We don’t have to outlaw guns to stop these things. The 2nd Amendment does not preclude background checks, waiting days, licensing, registration and training. I know that we all can get a little paranoid at times and because of it some might not like having the government knowing who is armed and trained, but that is just something which we all will have to wrestle with. The 2nd states: “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” A lot of Liberals focus on the word “Militia” which is an early form of our National Guard, but I want to focus on the two words, “Well Regulated.” That gives the state the right to regulate licensing, registration, training and state where firearms can be discharged. In my opinion it doesn’t compromise the 2nd to have some places off limit. Could you imagine someone protesting that they wanted to bring their gun with them as the visited a friend in prison? We all recognize that some places are off limits. Oddly those supporting the 2nd would repeal the 14th out of fears of more brown babies. In doing so, they would weaken the 2nd to the point that make it as if it was repealed.

Ok, twice now you have claimed that the answer was in your post, if I had only read it in its entirety. So lets see, shall we?

"That is heart wrenching and oh so unnecessary. We don’t have to outlaw guns to stop these things. The 2nd Amendment does not preclude background checks, waiting days, licensing, registration and training."

This is what I quoted, except for the word "training". But training cannot fix stupid. Leaving a loaded gun out where kids can get it is stupid. No answer here.

"I know that we all can get a little paranoid at times and because of it some might not like having the government knowing who is armed and trained, but that is just something which we all will have to wrestle with."

No answer here.

"The 2nd states: “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” A lot of Liberals focus on the word “Militia” which is an early form of our National Guard, but I want to focus on the two words, “Well Regulated.” That gives the state the right to regulate licensing, registration, training and state where firearms can be discharged."

No answer here.

"In my opinion it doesn’t compromise the 2nd to have some places off limit. Could you imagine someone protesting that they wanted to bring their gun with them as the visited a friend in prison? We all recognize that some places are off limits."

No answer here. The fact that there are places that are off limits is not going to help when the guns are at home and left out loaded.

"Oddly those supporting the 2nd would repeal the 14th out of fears of more brown babies. In doing so, they would weaken the 2nd to the point that make it as if it was repealed."

Nope, still no answer concerning how the tragic accident would have been avoided, as you claimed.

Now, I have quoted the entire passage. And still have not seen anything that would have answered my question.

Kindly point out what I missed?
Let's try to keep this all on a friendly note as I haven't seen anyone making any mindless post, a few silly ones. As I said I have this poll running on a few boards and up to now they all are about 30% yes, which is higher than I expected. You can check the one on the C -n- C at

I wasn't pushing for gun control, or repealing the 2nd Amendment. What I was saying is that taking anything away from the Constitution (even rewriting it) is a bad idea. What some on the right miss it that by repealing the 14th Amendment (which is being promoted by some prominent Republicans), or deny parts of the 1st to anyone (as some want to do to Muslims who only want to build a Mosque), you endanger your 2nd Amendment rights. If you deny 1st Amendment rights to a Muslim then someone else is going to deny your 2nd Amendment rights; and soon we won't have any rights. If you repeal the 14th Amendment to deny citizenship to brown babies you are endangering your own precious 2nd Amendment. Even the NRA has come out in support of the 14th Amendment realizing that it help the 2nd, unfortunately some people in those Tea parties have been beguiled by smooth talking politicians. We can deal with our illegal immigration problem without destroying our rights. Yes, each one does have some limitations such as shouting fire (when there is none) or promoting assignations isn’t protected speech, the 1st Amendment doesn’t allow for any speech, just like our freedom of religion doesn’t allow anyone to have human scarify. In the same way there are limits to the 2nd, (here is where I turn everyone against me) the Left is wrong to classify these people as gun nuts, with little manhood and as such should have all their guns taken away. (mine you that there really aren’t that many going that far.) And the right is wrong to promote the myth that guns belong everywhere and wrong to try to scare the right-wing crazies that the left-wing crazies are going to take their guns away from them. It is equally wrong to promote taking anyone’s rights away from them, whether it is the 1st, 2nd or 14th Amendment. It's as the old saying goes, "an injury to one is an injury to all." Just because I don't own a firearm doesn't mean it is a good idea to take the right away from someone else. The next right to go may be one that I hold dear. This is my point in all of these. Lastly, there are those who read only a title or half read it and think they know the thinking of the author, this should prove them wrong. Even though I asked the question of "Should the 2nd Amendment be repealed?" I never advocated the repealing of any Constitutional Amendments. Those seeing asking a question as promoting the repeal of the 2nd Amendment are acting on an irrational fear that their guns are going to be taken away, just like the irrational fear of brown babies and Muslims. We Americans are better than that, so pull it together.

demart, your polls, have always been irrelevent. The "c and c" is your own blog and hardly proves anything.
Doesn't at least the court house concern you? That's were I see the biggest threat from criminals. I don't go to bars, but the thought of a drunk with a gun would be unsettling and I sure don't like the idea of gangbangers being able to bring a gun to school. So, for me I don't see it as a threat to 2nd Amendment rights for lets say a private business to say "no gun." If a private business could have off limits to guns, I don't see why the American people couldn't say some areas are off limit too, but I see why some would be concern that this would just be opening the door to more and more off limit areas.

I can see prisons being an exception as people, like animals, tend to go a bit crazy when locked in a cage not to mention the ones who do not belong there.
Tyranny....Michigan..what's the difference? :pke:
Not much sadly :(

At least we've figured out how to fucking drive. You Ohioans are still figuring out what the fuck a wheel is.

Anyways back somewhat on topic, does ANYONE here know of an effort to repel the 14th? The 16th and 17th yes, but the 14th? I've never heard of it.
Doesn't at least the court house concern you? That's were I see the biggest threat from criminals. I don't go to bars, but the thought of a drunk with a gun would be unsettling and I sure don't like the idea of gangbangers being able to bring a gun to school. So, for me I don't see it as a threat to 2nd Amendment rights for lets say a private business to say "no gun." If a private business could have off limits to guns, I don't see why the American people couldn't say some areas are off limit too, but I see why some would be concern that this would just be opening the door to more and more off limit areas.
Private businesses are not emissaries of our government, which is bound to the constitution. Thus if a private business wants to ban people from carrying on it premises, it can. Gun owners can (and most certainly will) go elsewhere.
Anyways back somewhat on topic, does ANYONE here know of an effort to repel the 14th? The 16th and 17th yes, but the 14th? I've never heard of it.
I haven't heard any call for a repeal of the 14th Amendment either. I certainly have not heard any "prominent Republicans" broaching the idea. But I don't live my life following all the hair brained schemes coming out of DC either.

Is there anything to this, or is it the result of the way some factions have the habit of over blowing - and outright misrepresenting - what their political opponents have said?
I haven't heard any call for a repeal of the 14th Amendment either. I certainly have not heard any "prominent Republicans" broaching the idea. But I don't live my life following all the hair brained schemes coming out of DC either.

Is there anything to this, or is it the result of the way some factions have the habit of over blowing - and outright misrepresenting - what their political opponents have said?
I'm gonna guess it's the latter.
Some people have talked about "revisiting" the 14th in an effort to avoid anchor babies. That's about all there is to it. Presumably, neither Due Process nor Privileges & Immunities would be touched, and that's assuming enough people even want to touch anchor babies, considering that its not really that big of a deal.