Should the 2nd Amendment be Repealed?

Should the 2nd Amendment be Repealed?

  • Yes

    Votes: 33 78.6%
  • No

    Votes: 9 21.4%

  • Total voters
I'm far to competent to ever be libertarian.
Oh no my good friend. That is the quintessential Libertarian position. In fact it countermands everything you've claimed to believe. The government, created to protect our rights, is naturally inclined to restrict our right. The essence of Libertarianism right there Mott

Welcome dear brother.
Also, for Marty, next time make the poll public, else it will have little validity in it's results.
As an aside, while I disagree with the prospect, repealing the 2A is the ONLY constitutionally legal way to establish the vast majority of gun regulations we have today.
heart wrenching

An area child was killed a few days ago because of an adult's carelessness with guns. This is just wrong.

"An 11-year old Ligonier Township boy who attended middle school for the first time last week was accidentally shot and killed Friday while visiting a friend's home.

Christopher Harr, a student at Ligonier Valley Middle School, would have turned 12 on Oct. 2.

According to authorities, the investigation into the incident is ongoing.

"It was determined through our initial investigation that several juveniles who were home alone at the time got possession of a .30-caliber carbine rifle," Ligonier Township police Chief Michael W. Matrunics said in a statement. "One juvenile accidentally shot another juvenile while playing with the rifle."

Christopher Harr's father, Daniel Harr, said the incident should serve as a warning to parents to keep their guns locked up and unloaded in the house...

Harr said his son knew about gun safety because "I had shown him about guns." He said he was upset that initial reports indicated the wound that took young Harr's life was self-inflicted. "I knew that wasn't possible."

That is heart wrenching and oh so unnecessary. We don’t have to outlaw guns to stop these things. The 2nd Amendment does not preclude background checks, waiting days, licensing, registration and training. I know that we all can get a little paranoid at times and because of it some might not like having the government knowing who is armed and trained, but that is just something which we all will have to wrestle with. The 2nd states: “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” A lot of Liberals focus on the word “Militia” which is an early form of our National Guard, but I want to focus on the two words, “Well Regulated.” That gives the state the right to regulate licensing, registration, training and state where firearms can be discharged. In my opinion it doesn’t compromise the 2nd to have some places off limit. Could you imagine someone protesting that they wanted to bring their gun with them as the visited a friend in prison? We all recognize that some places are off limits. Oddly those supporting the 2nd would repeal the 14th out of fears of more brown babies. In doing so, they would weaken the 2nd to the point that make it as if it was repealed.
That is heart wrenching and oh so unnecessary. We don’t have to outlaw guns to stop these things. The 2nd Amendment does not preclude background checks, waiting days, licensing, registration and training.
yes it does. 'Prior restraint' have any meaning for you?

The 2nd states: “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” A lot of Liberals focus on the word “Militia” which is an early form of our National Guard, but I want to focus on the two words, “Well Regulated.” That gives the state the right to regulate licensing, registration, training and state where firearms can be discharged.
wrong on both counts. the militia is the 'whole of the people', not some part time government armed unit. 'well regulated' has nothing to do with regulation, licensing, training, nor any other type of controls. 'well regulated' meant, and still means, smooth functioning.
That is your opinion

yes it does. 'Prior restraint' have any meaning for you?

wrong on both counts. the militia is the 'whole of the people', not some part time government armed unit. 'well regulated' has nothing to do with regulation, licensing, training, nor any other type of controls. 'well regulated' meant, and still means, smooth functioning.

and it has as much quality as you dancing ability.
and it has as much quality as you dancing ability.

and that fault lies directly with the people who refuse to teach themselves gun use, safety, and military strategy and tactics. However, there are those of us that are former active military who do have that knowledge. All it would take is you uneducated individuals to ask to be taught this knowledge.
That is heart wrenching and oh so unnecessary. We don’t have to outlaw guns to stop these things. The 2nd Amendment does not preclude background checks, waiting days, licensing, registration and training.
Uh, yeah it kinda does. Provisions which preclude the exercise of rights in effect infringes upon said rights. Look at the poll tax or literacy test for voting. Same principle

Oddly those supporting the 2nd would repeal the 14th out of fears of more brown babies. In doing so, they would weaken the 2nd to the point that make it as if it was repealed.
Ummm care to provide some evidence? Because the two biggest USSC cases dealing with 2A definitely use the 14A as their main legal framework.
Oh no my good friend. That is the quintessential Libertarian position. In fact it countermands everything you've claimed to believe. The government, created to protect our rights, is naturally inclined to restrict our right. The essence of Libertarianism right there Mott

Welcome dear brother.
There is no such thing as a "quintessential libertarian position." Speaking the "Thank you Mr. Obvious" fact that all governments are coercive in nature hardly makes one "Libertarian". It makes one "objective". Nice try at co-opting though.