No, authoritarian rule is NEVER a good thing.
Ah, but to rule over the wicked, the inferior, the leftist, the lost - those whom without the hand of an enlightened shepherd would be lost in the dark akin to sheep - that is the righteous and altruistic thing to do.
By virtue of its own bestialness, inferiority, and ferality, the left-wing degenerate, the atheist, the heathen cannot be trusted to govern itself; much as a animal cannot, and that is all that said people are and can justify identifying with by the virtue of their own inferior views.
The do not posess the enlightenment, the virtue, the truth, the ideas to appreciate the higher human and Godly notions such as "freedom", much how one who is barely literate could never appreciate or be informed into higher literature, theology, philosophy, and thing that belong in the Heavens, and naturally only the godly, the virtuous, the higher could appreciate to begin with. opposed the the feral things of the earth, such as masturbation, gluttony, porn addiction, materialism, which is all that such a feral and miseducated creature could be expected to know of.
So no, to appoint freedom to the atheist, the heathen, the mouth-breather, the degenerate, the vile, the worldly, the materialistic, the sex and porn addicted, the sodomist - would be like handing the keys to a Ferrari to a 5 year old child.
Authortarian rule, is therefore naturally fitting and becoming of said individuals; they should not be allowed the same luxuries and freedoms of righteous men and women, nor the pretense of being able to spread dangerous and subversive views under mythos such as "frees peach", since all they would have to "speak" or "say" would be more akin to the gruntings and groanings of a feral animal to begin with; not anything one of right worldview, right virtues, right ideals, and so forth would appreciate.
So no, I recommend allowing Constitutional or other "rights" ONLY for those with membership in the national, right-wing party and who pass a litmus test for virtue; the rest should actively be denied rights, supressed, and treated as rightfully lesser unless they change, they abandon their aberrant leftist beliefs, degeneracies, and other associated ills and become comparatively enlightened, loyal to right-wing state, to nation, church, God, philosophy, and so on.