Should there be a limit on sock accounts?

Should there be a limit on sock accounts?

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I'd like to be able to stop all the stupid sock trolling myself. I've put enough on ignore as it is, and I'd like to meet up more with new people, rather than sock accounts as the newbies.

This is just begging for attention.

Ever since you came here all you do is complain about the board, complain about posters and troll nearly every thread you post in.

Also, I'm pretty sure the rules already state there is a limit. Stop crying for attention.
Well look here, there is a rule on it.

10. Dual Accounts - Don't go overboard. I'll allow a couple, but myriad accounts will not be allowed... and duplicates used to break rules will result in temp banning for all accounts... and removal of duplicates
Yurt is going all loco attention whore again. It seems like every time I make a discussion he makes a trolling mock up. And they want to call me a troll because of me tearing their piddly trolling apart? Pitiful. Trolls seek people out just to agitate them. As for me, I've had to ask if I can shut quote notifications down, because it's always them bugging me.

1. Name is Yaya, your obsession with Yurt is noted.

2. Per the rules if someone is banned from a thread, they can create an identical one. Thus, not trolling.

3. You want an informed poll opinion, but you ban a bunch of people.

4. Your entire thread is a desperate cry for attention as there is already a rule in place limiting sock accounts.
That is interesting.... I think a few socks do make the forum more entertaining.

That was especially true back then. From about 2000-2008, P/FP/JPP saw some truly inventive and creative trolling. It's been a dead art ever since then. I wonder if SR jinxed it in any way with that ban?
When the administrator of this site's predecessor, Full Politics, banned multiple accounts, the site began to tank hard.

I don't know what to tell you, other forums don't allow socks and do just fine. I'm all for light moderation, but this place has NO moderation. There is no meaningful debate or discussion here. I guess if that's what works for the owner, and he/she is fine with that, it's none of my business. :dunno: