Should there be a limit on sock accounts?

Should there be a limit on sock accounts?

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There's no chance for meaningful debate on this forum you ignorant twit. Shouldn't you be starting another thread about how much Jade Dragon sucks?

And your contribution is noted, hypocrital asshole.

There is plenty of meaningful debate to be had, but like liberal you have no self control and blame others for your actions and doing exactly what you bitch about.

Live up to your own standards.
Well if he plays both sides of the field, and all over the place, he obviously does it for kicks. I forget how bad he got since my ignore list is getting staggering, and remembering them all is a pain. I have noted so many socks, that my ignore list is close to 80. A few are banned, and most legion names I ignore. If I were to try, and be a rightist, I would obviously be trolling. There's a type of troll that joins a side to dig out the worst, and make their side look bad. Although this one almost sounds like an older version of Legion Troll, with picking sides. Who knows.

As an additional note. Back on Amazon when it was getting bad, sock accounts became a need to stay around. Sock trolls would report everyone, and people got banned all the time. Top here bragged about doing it herself, and to the nicest person on the forum, that got along with most. I had several names back there. Chimairacore, Azurite, Crocodile, Crispy Treat, Marzipan Holidays, etc. I was one that was targeted by trolls just like here, because I always picked apart their trolling. A Jade Dragon account was actually an account saved for reviewing, because if a sock troll got you banned you could lose reviewing privilege, and status.

What a pathetic post. You and scowlwoman needing to constantly whine about your ignore is just down right pathetic. And you two don't even ignore the posters you claim are on your list, you are both constantly talking about them.

the fact you know all these Legion names is yet another example you're not a new poster. And yet you whine about socks. You're a pathetic psycho. Commit yourself.
Because of the culture of FP. FP inherited the legacy of Politics.Com (circa 2000-2005), which amazed me when I discovered it for how coarse the dialogue was and how offensive the trolls were. That all spilled over onto FP, and everything was great for that first year. Due to some problem children (Daesh and Dixie in particular), SR did a site shutdown around New Years (I still fondly remember the countdown, because a troll account mimicking the user name of ib1yysguy came on to announce he was gay). When we came back, SR had disabled BBcode (again, mostly thank you Daesh and Dixie), and he was implementing a plan to force everyone to re-register, upon which our IP's would be blocked from registering any additional accounts.

These two measures saw FP going into decline during the first half of the year already, and that's about when Damo began the creation of JPP. SR then made two spectacular blunders which killed FP for good. He trusted in us (LOL) enough to behave ourselves and be model board citizens, and unveiled his Full Politics Security Council, which would allow members to vote representatives onto a panel which was supposed to advise on matters of moderation. Specifically, it would be tasked with the power of officially declaring a poster to be a "troll." No one really bought that the four ideological categories for officers could be balanced-out, nor that the unanimous voting rule (candidates actually ran for positions promising to vote "no" on every vote) would be realistic. Plus, SR reserved the right to veto the FPSC. Everyone universally laughed at him on principle.

The other controversy remains a JPP legend, of course. Grind provided screen shots indicating that SR had the option to secretly read user's private messages (called U2Us on that site's set-up). SR lied, and denied that such a feature existed, when he could have just admitted that he had the option, but would never choose to utilize it. Chaos ensued, the guillotines began to fall, the pitchforks were raised, and FP was torn asunder. Not even an explosive round of Werewolf can compete with those amazing fireworks.

So basically; it was another attempt at socialism and it failed miserably. :D
And your contribution is noted, hypocrital asshole.

There is plenty of meaningful debate to be had, but like liberal you have no self control and blame others for your actions and doing exactly what you bitch about.

Live up to your own standards.
