Should there be a limit on sock accounts?

Should there be a limit on sock accounts?

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Yurt is also an attention whore.

Indeed. All I see of his whining pleas to "LOOK AT ME!" is "This message is hidden because Yaya is on your ignore list."

What's amusing is that one of his most ardent supporters (and one whose withered ass he kisses in return) has at least three socks besides her regular account, that we know of.

I don't know what to tell you, other forums don't allow socks and do just fine. I'm all for light moderation, but this place has NO moderation. There is no meaningful debate or discussion here. I guess if that's what works for the owner, and he/she is fine with that, it's none of my business. :dunno:

I hate to agree with you but you're right. Hey, it happens. lol
Huh? Why the fuck does anyone need sock accounts? What value does it add to the forum? Every other forum I've been on, having a sock account is grounds for instant permaban.

I've found that the JPP liberals like using them, so they can say the things that they really want to say and still make it seem that THEY never talk like that. :palm:
How does it effect you so much that it angers you?

Because a political forum should be intended for meaningful debate and discussion? Just a thought.
I've found that the JPP liberals like using them, so they can say the things that they really want to say and still make it seem that THEY never talk like that. :palm:

Yeah, this forum is coming near the end of it's usefulness to me. It was novel while it lasted. I wish there were greener pastures, but I fear this world is slipping into oblivion. There is no refuge. This once great nation's problems will never be solved at the ballot box, that much is patently clear. Winter is coming.....
Yeah, this forum is coming near the end of it's usefulness to me. It was novel while it lasted. I wish there were greener pastures, but I fear this world is slipping into oblivion. There is no refuge. This once great nation's problems will never be solved at the ballot box, that much is patently clear. Winter is coming.....

You could always start your own forum and rule it as you wish.

I'm sure Damo could put you into touch, with the proper people.
See now, that's the problem.

What, that I'm funny as hell? lol

Honey, I don't hate anyone. I hate racism, violence, and hatred -- that explains my large ignore list here. Simply disagreeing with someone doesn't mean that I hate them. I certainly don't hate you; I think you're a cool guy who maybe got his head twisted a bit in the wrong direction, but as long as there's life, there's hope. lol
Yeah, this forum is coming near the end of it's usefulness to me. It was novel while it lasted. I wish there were greener pastures, but I fear this world is slipping into oblivion. There is no refuge. This once great nation's problems will never be solved at the ballot box, that much is patently clear. Winter is coming.....

Damn, kid. Trump *is* that bad, but there's still hope for America, right?
What, that I'm funny as hell? lol

Honey, I don't hate anyone. I hate racism, violence, and hatred -- that explains my large ignore list here. Simply disagreeing with someone doesn't mean that I hate them. I certainly don't hate you; I think you're a cool guy who maybe got his head twisted a bit in the wrong direction, but as long as there's life, there's hope. lol

I feel the same about you Owl, I wish you all the best.
Scowlwoman is quite hilarious. She constantly Whines about trolls, has a huge ignore list of supposed trolls, yet she frequently trolls people's threads, just as she has done here.

Zero self awareness and her constant talk about her is ignore list is a sad cry for attention. And for someone who claims to have people on ignore, she can't shut up about them
Why is that, do you think?

Because of the culture of FP. FP inherited the legacy of Politics.Com (circa 2000-2005), which amazed me when I discovered it for how coarse the dialogue was and how offensive the trolls were. That all spilled over onto FP, and everything was great for that first year. Due to some problem children (Daesh and Dixie in particular), SR did a site shutdown around New Years (I still fondly remember the countdown, because a troll account mimicking the user name of ib1yysguy came on to announce he was gay). When we came back, SR had disabled BBcode (again, mostly thank you Daesh and Dixie), and he was implementing a plan to force everyone to re-register, upon which our IP's would be blocked from registering any additional accounts.

These two measures saw FP going into decline during the first half of the year already, and that's about when Damo began the creation of JPP. SR then made two spectacular blunders which killed FP for good. He trusted in us (LOL) enough to behave ourselves and be model board citizens, and unveiled his Full Politics Security Council, which would allow members to vote representatives onto a panel which was supposed to advise on matters of moderation. Specifically, it would be tasked with the power of officially declaring a poster to be a "troll." No one really bought that the four ideological categories for officers could be balanced-out, nor that the unanimous voting rule (candidates actually ran for positions promising to vote "no" on every vote) would be realistic. Plus, SR reserved the right to veto the FPSC. Everyone universally laughed at him on principle.

The other controversy remains a JPP legend, of course. Grind provided screen shots indicating that SR had the option to secretly read user's private messages (called U2Us on that site's set-up). SR lied, and denied that such a feature existed, when he could have just admitted that he had the option, but would never choose to utilize it. Chaos ensued, the guillotines began to fall, the pitchforks were raised, and FP was torn asunder. Not even an explosive round of Werewolf can compete with those amazing fireworks.
I sincerely don't think so. We are too divided.

That terrifies me as well. I remember quite vividly 9/11/01.... and the aftermath of the solidarity that we suddenly remembered. I was working as a cook in a large county jail at the time and you can just imagine what an outlier *I* was there -- surrounded by extremely conservative LEOs and COs. But we came together in the most amazing solidarity I've ever felt, at this attack on our nation, on our people. People brought in printed graphics to post, someone took one and printed up t-shirts for us all (and mgmt allowed us to wear them instead of uniforms), even the inmates got involved and made flags and patriotic drawings to pass around. Around the planet, other peoples sorrowed with us, placed flowers and sympathies in front of American embassies around the globe, took in grounded passengers (thank you, Canada, and we're sorry about that whole steel tariff shit).

Where the fuck did that solidarity go? How did my beloved country become so despised and hated? How did we get so divided against each other?

Follow the money.
Because of the culture of FP. FP inherited the legacy of Politics.Com (circa 2000-2005), which amazed me when I discovered it for how coarse the dialogue was and how offensive the trolls were. That all spilled over onto FP, and everything was great for that first year. Due to some problem children (Daesh and Dixie in particular), SR did a site shutdown around New Years (I still fondly remember the countdown, because a troll account mimicking the user name of ib1yysguy came on to announce he was gay). When we came back, SR had disabled BBcode (again, mostly thank you Daesh and Dixie), and he was implementing a plan to force everyone to re-register, upon which our IP's would be blocked from registering any additional accounts.

These two measures saw FP going into decline during the first half of the year already, and that's about when Damo began the creation of JPP. SR then made two spectacular blunders which killed FP for good. He trusted in us (LOL) enough to behave ourselves and be model board citizens, and unveiled his Full Politics Security Council, which would allow members to vote representatives onto a panel which was supposed to advise on matters of moderation. Specifically, it would be tasked with the power of officially declaring a poster to be a "troll." No one really bought that the four ideological categories for officers could be balanced-out, nor that the unanimous voting rule (candidates actually ran for positions promising to vote "no" on every vote) would be realistic. Plus, SR reserved the right to veto the FPSC. Everyone universally laughed at him on principle.

The other controversy remains a JPP legend, of course. Grind provided screen shots indicating that SR had the option to secretly read user's private messages (called U2Us on that site's set-up). SR lied, and denied that such a feature existed, when he could have just admitted that he had the option, but would never choose to utilize it. Chaos ensued, the guillotines began to fall, the pitchforks were raised, and FP was torn asunder. Not even an explosive round of Werewolf can compete with those amazing fireworks.

Damn. Crap, I forgot to take notes. When's the video due out?
I feel the same about you Owl, I wish you all the best.

Thanks, dude. In real life, should we ever be neighbors, we *would* be friends. We seem to like the same bit of this world and enjoy doing the same kinds of things.... it's just the politics. One of our close neighbors here is a vet who spent his civilian years working security for the government. He's quite conservative, as you might imagine. Like me they love to hike along our road and into the trails in our forests here. He carries a gun because bears. I carry a 'tude and a hiking staff and a gathering sack. lol But we get along just fine. He makes snarky comments about old hippies, I make snarky comments about old ROTC kids. If they need help we'd be right in their face with it, and vice versa. America in a microcosm. Why can't this be a national thing?