Should We Ditch the Flag?

Should We Ditch Old Faithful?

  • Yes, America Sucks

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I'm asking Y O U, since you posted this:

In response to this:

Well, to use Y O U R circular logic, how, then, could I defend myself from such an acusation? :cool:

It must be the goal of those on the right here to take pot shots at anyone they disagree with; knowing that they can say whatever they want, no matter how false and unsubstantiated, with impunity.
This is just something that you can't UNSEE!


If he were a progressive, he would be lighting it on fire.
He does not do that. I do not know if he is doing stream of consciousness or fucking around. But he writes that way.

When SCOTUS Rehnquist's fabricated misnomers & immaculate conceptions result in "serve the Pope or die" cross conditioning of a Christiananality pedophilia national religion lynching enforcement megalomania crusade jihad as a distinct sentence in Islam "death to the infidels" continuing thieving old glory arsonists rites as a stream of consciousness; they should know that they aren't autistic.