APP - shrinking artic ice and pacific islands going underwater

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
how do the global warming / climate change deniers explain the shrinking Artic ice cap, shrinking Greenland glaciers and pacific islands becoming underwater (rising sea level)
how do the global warming / climate change deniers explain the shrinking Artic ice cap, shrinking Greenland glaciers and pacific islands becoming underwater (rising sea level)
I don't think people deny this stuff is happening, I think there are just lots of people who don't think that humans have had more than justa negligible effect if any. How do the AGWers continue their claims with very little VERIFIABLE proof that we have had an impact that matters?
How? like this
Gore says polar ice will be gone by 2013. Which will be bullshit like every other alarmist predictions he's made.
how do the global warming / climate change deniers explain the shrinking Artic ice cap, shrinking Greenland glaciers and pacific islands becoming underwater (rising sea level)

what a ******* idiot!!

read a book about climate cycles
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It's become apparent to me that watermark really doesn't get how tree ring methods for deriving temps don't work past 1960. He doesn't understand that the divergence problem was this fact. It's only natural to ask why tree rings can be used derive temps prior to 1960 when it's well known that the results are not reliable after 1960.

Of course we know we have no choice but to use proxies to derive past temps when we don't have data, but lets use the same methods for all the series in a graph and not mix and mate 100% accurate temps from one point forward, and use proxy derived temps with error margins greater than the (sum of the alarming) warming for 150 years for the temps before that point
I don't think people deny this stuff is happening, I think there are just lots of people who don't think that humans have had more than justa negligible effect if any. How do the AGWers continue their claims with very little VERIFIABLE proof that we have had an impact that matters?

The mechanism is understood. We know that CO2 levels are going up. We know this has correlated with a temperature rise. We have correlation and causation.
The mechanism is understood. We know that CO2 levels are going up. We know this has correlated with a temperature rise. We have correlation and causation.

wrong. Temps lead CO2 changes. Temps cause CO2 concentration because the oceans, when they warm, sequester less CO2 than when they're colder, so THAT'S what modulates the concentration of CO2
You're a fucking idiot. Stop reading conservative mind poison. Open your mind to the truth, get out of the RELIGION OF CLIMATE DENIALISM. Climate deniers need to be locked up for life, they're the most dangerous crazy people alive. They're just lucky we don't blow they're fuckign heads off, these diseased men, they deserve it. They deny all the evidence in the world, they are fucking psychopaths, worthless as human beings.