APP - shrinking artic ice and pacific islands going underwater

wrong. Temps lead CO2 changes. Temps cause CO2 concentration because the oceans, when they warm, sequester less CO2 than when they're colder, so THAT'S what modulates the concentration of CO2

what about the increases in methane in the know, that other greenhouse gas
Methane in the atmosphere is eventually oxidized, producing carbon dioxide and water. As a result, methane in the atmosphere has a half life of seven years.
how do the global warming / climate change deniers explain the shrinking Artic ice cap, shrinking Greenland glaciers and pacific islands becoming underwater (rising sea level)

Bottom line: A lot of folks on both sides of the debate forget this key fact: true environmental scientist point to man made pollution, deforestation and urbanization as ACCELERANTS of the earth's natural climatic changes.....and NOT the sole cause. It's like saying, "well, some of the wood on this house is going to rot within 20 years", and then when someone throws all the wrong oils, liquids and chemicals on it for 8 years and the wood starts noticeably rotting in by 12 years, you have a group of people swearing that the mistreatment had nothing to do with the rot.
Bottom line: A lot of folks on both sides of the debate forget this key fact: true environmental scientist point to man made pollution, deforestation and urbanization as ACCELERANTS of the earth's natural climatic changes.....and NOT the sole cause. It's like saying, "well, some of the wood on this house is going to rot within 20 years", and then when someone throws all the wrong oils, liquids and chemicals on it for 8 years and the wood starts noticeably rotting in by 12 years, you have a group of people swearing that the mistreatment had nothing to do with the rot.
How much has it accelerated the process? That is the answer that is still not clear.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Bottom line: A lot of folks on both sides of the debate forget this key fact: true environmental scientist point to man made pollution, deforestation and urbanization as ACCELERANTS of the earth's natural climatic changes.....and NOT the sole cause. It's like saying, "well, some of the wood on this house is going to rot within 20 years", and then when someone throws all the wrong oils, liquids and chemicals on it for 8 years and the wood starts noticeably rotting in by 12 years, you have a group of people swearing that the mistreatment had nothing to do with the rot.

How much has it accelerated the process? That is the answer that is still not clear.

All one has to do is look at the reduction in the rain forests of the world, the damage done to land locked forests by acid rain, the levels of man-made chemicals found in the snows or mountainous and artic regions, and you get the idea. Bottom line: arguing about exactly who is more responsible for the house fire when it's burning ain't doing the occupants a hell of a lot of good.
apparently ching chong doesn't understand how the case for unprecedented warming was made.

Here's a clue:
It was fudged

it is, regardless of the reason

however, look at the depredations that man has made to the ecosystem - you can not damage a system without consequences

we may be entering a solar upswing, but that does not mean that we are not helping it, but we may also be entering a solar down swing and staving off the next ice age

the problem is that we are not sure, but one thing is for certain - the arctic ice cap is shrinking, the greenland ice is shrinking and the ocean is getting more acidic

the curious thing is that half of the antartic ice is increasing and half is decreasing - that leaves us with a net loss of polar ice

so instead of complaining about who is correct, lets look at all of the data that has not been fudged

satellite images show shrinking ice

non-fudged data show sea levels rising

non-fudged data show rising ocean acidity

i do not have the data on incident solar radiation, but doubt it can account for all of the above
it is, regardless of the reason

however, look at the depredations that man has made to the ecosystem - you can not damage a system without consequences

we may be entering a solar upswing, but that does not mean that we are not helping it, but we may also be entering a solar down swing and staving off the next ice age

the problem is that we are not sure, but one thing is for certain - the arctic ice cap is shrinking, the greenland ice is shrinking and the ocean is getting more acidic

the curious thing is that half of the antartic ice is increasing and half is decreasing - that leaves us with a net loss of polar ice

so instead of complaining about who is correct, lets look at all of the data that has not been fudged

satellite images show shrinking ice

non-fudged data show sea levels rising

non-fudged data show rising ocean acidity

i do not have the data on incident solar radiation, but doubt it can account for all of the above

but one thing is for certain - the arctic ice cap is shrinking,

check your facts, dumbass. the ice has recovered. been recovered for over a year.

Try to keep up with science, warmer

everything you describe are natural processes
but one thing is for certain - the arctic ice cap is shrinking,

check your facts, dumbass. the ice has recovered. been recovered for over a year.

Try to keep up with science, warmer

everything you describe are natural processes

one year does not a recovery make - try at least a decade period for data to look at even a slight trend - a century worth of data would be better and a millennium even better

look for trends not blips
one year does not a recovery make - try at least a decade period for data to look at even a slight trend - a century worth of data would be better and a millennium even better

look for trends not blips


Looks like the trend is flat and all we have is a BLIP. Antarctic above has been growing
apparently ching chong doesn't understand how the case for unprecedented warming was made.

Here's a clue:
It was fudged

Poor little willfully ignorant neocon parrot....your myopia is sadly apparent throughout these ignore what you don't like and repeat the latest talking point that looks good to you.
Poor little willfully ignorant neocon parrot....your myopia is sadly apparent throughout these ignore what you don't like and repeat the latest talking point that looks good to you.

You keep saying that, but I've provided the evidence of the fraud. You're the one who is willfully ignorant. You should really educate yourself.

And for the last fucking time, I'm not advocating pollution or ignoring land use issues, so shut the fuck up you idiot