APP - shrinking artic ice and pacific islands going underwater

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Poor little willfully ignorant neocon parrot....your myopia is sadly apparent throughout these ignore what you don't like and repeat the latest talking point that looks good to you.

You keep saying that, but I've provided the evidence of the fraud. You're the one who is willfully ignorant. You should really educate yourself.

You poor deluded fool. When someone challenges your "evidence" and points out that it's (a) NOT the ONLY piece of the puzzle (b) presumptive (c) incomplete (d) questionable....all you do is just IGNORE any contrary evidence or logical deduction that don't pan out to your beliefs. Case in point, you were wholly fixated on proving Gore a liar, yet you totally ignored that the information he exaggerated was dire enough on it's own, as the author pointed out. YOU couldn't disprove or refute the author, so you ignored the information in favor of the false premise that if you could discredit Gore on this one point, then EVERYTHING he said about global warming is wrong.

And for the last fucking time, if only...but an ignorant man like you is compelled to prove otherwise with the misguided notion of repeating yourself and getting in the last word I'm not advocating pollution no one ever said you were, dimbulb. What you don't realize is that by ardently defending the status quo, you inadvertently condone the very processes that are detrimental to the environment or ignoring land use issues, Ahhh, but you have consistently stated or insinuated or alluded to a notion that they are little significance. You can't have it both ways, so grow a pair and make a declarative statment when I produce information that shows how it's connected to the discussion. so shut the fuck up you idiot

The desperate defense cry of the intellectually bankrupt neocon dupe. Pathetic.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
The desperate defense cry of the intellectually bankrupt neocon dupe. Pathetic.

Read my posts china boy. You seem to have a racial phobia about asians...calling me "ching chong, china boy". I should have known that when your intellectually bankrupt beliefs are properly challenged, your true nature emerges...which is deplorable. I've never once said that land use issues don't matter. :palm: One more time for the cheap have consistently stated or insinuated or alluded to a notion that they are of little significance regarding the global warming issue....which is pretty dumb on your part as forests and green land in general is a crucial part in the CO2/oxygen exchange. You can't have it both ways, so grow a pair and make a declarative statment when I produce information that shows how it's connected to the discussion.
I've only said that CO2 forcing has been overstated for the purposes of imposing a tax.

Stop've stated MUCH more than that...and as I've pointed out above, you just ignore what doesn't fit into your copied talking points. So adjust your tinfoil hat to receive the next wave of talking points from the industrial lobby.