fully immersed in faith..
Cool story bro.
dumbfuckery on parade.....
Cool story bro.
Psilocybin doesn't cause brain damage, and no one has ever overdosed on it. Tylenol is more dangerous.
you are contradictory evidence....
On a scale of 1 to butt-hurt, you are 2x butt-hurt.dumbfuckery on parade.....
I did acid a few times, and shrooms a few times in the 70's. All we did was mostly laugh. I really hated the last part of the acid high because it would hurt to piss. It was like needles coming out. Shrooms were fouind in cowshit. We would collect them, boil them and make cool aid. Looking back on all that, I'm surprised I'm still alive. Young adults can really be stupid.
do you drink PMP?
Postmoderpagan nobody is going to an anti science jesus freak for advise on drugs or mental health.
fucking gestapo clone
On a scale of 1 to butt-hurt, you are 2x butt-hurt.
not often, does it matter?.....I can honestly say I haven't gotten drunk in the last 35 years.....
Sober.and on a scale of wasted to wasted, where do you rank?.....
if you drink at all, why do you think have any ground to put down marijuana use?
Link it acid is your boogey man,
first of all, this thread isn't about marijuana's about the use of psychedelics and several posters have commented about the use of acid......having grown up in the 60s and seen first hand evidence of the permanent effects of LSD trips I can't believe any rational person would experiment with acid any more than I would think them wise in playing Russian roulette......
LSD is physiologically well tolerated and there is no evidence for long-lasting effects on the brain or other parts of the human organism.
if you didn't do drugs you might be able to make coherent posts.....
assuming that if you were lucid you would have asked for evidence of the long lasting effects of acid, here are the first two links from googling "lasting effects of LSD"....