
Gah, this is probably my least favorite drug ever. I thought you were supposed to see colors and have a changed perception under the influence of psychedelics? It was really more like being drunk, except with anxiety. Whenever I wasn't talking to my friends I just sat in a corner and felt suicidally depressed, like I was the worst, most awful person in the universe.

the dumbass media and drug alarmists always tend to hype up drugs and how much they throw you out of reality, when in most cases it's no biggie.

I have never done shrooms but really want to. One thing I have heard though is your attitude before hand can really affect your trip. If you are pessimistic and your bitchy self then you might have meh experiences.
<--- me upon seeing that watermark got to have shrooms before me
first of all, this thread isn't about marijuana's about the use of psychedelics and several posters have commented about the use of acid......having grown up in the 60s and seen first hand evidence of the permanent effects of LSD trips I can't believe any rational person would experiment with acid any more than I would think them wise in playing Russian roulette......

ok...if you separating out mary jane....