Shrubbie and Maineman

I did not back Iraq because it was a pack of lies.

Has Iraq sponsored terrorism?
Yes. Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship provided headquarters, operating bases, training camps, and other support to terrorist groups fighting the governments of neighboring Turkey and Iran, as well as to hard-line Palestinian groups. During the 1991 Gulf War, Saddam commissioned several failed terrorist attacks on U.S. facilities. Prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the State Department listed Iraq as a state sponsor of terrorism. The question of Iraq’s link to terrorism grew more urgent with Saddam’s suspected determination to develop weapons of mass destruction (WMD), which Bush administration officials feared he might share with terrorists who could launch devastating attacks against the United States.
I don't like wars entered into on lies.

I do like the president being able to carry a big stick when its justified
then why are you trashing him for protecting this country build on complete truths?

How am I trashing Obama? Hly shit are yiu that personally identified with him that you can't see that this is about policy? Show me where I've trashed Obama. Show me. My god, you are insane.
Pretending we can just ignore this massacre and everything will be just peachy is a fools paradice
How am I trashing Obama? Hly shit are yiu that personally identified with him that you can't see that this is about policy? Show me where I've trashed Obama. Show me. My god, you are insane.

by saying hes doing the wrong thing when in fact he is not
weak on foreign policy remember?

that is what the right says about every Dem who holds office.

Now you hate one for doing the tough stance to protect the world
Yeah, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians is a great way to free them.

What the fuck do you think happens in a global war where millions were gassed by a despotic megalomaniac who bombed civilians with little conscience? How old are you to even make such an amazingly stupid comment?

Yes folks, according to Minamoto here, the allies in World War II were wrong to bomb cities and factories to end the war early and should have taken extreme care not to hurt civilians in Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.

What a moron. You think war is nice? You think civilians won't get hurt? Tell it to the despots, tyrants and dictators of the world who would then laugh at your naive point of view and shove a spike through that empty skull of yours.

If not for Americas efforts, millions more could have died and the European Continent would be using Nazi currency. If not for Americas efforts, half of Asia would be speaking Japanese.
weak on foreign policy remember?

that is what the right says about every Dem who holds office.

Now you hate one for doing the tough stance to protect the world

I don't care what the "right" says goddammit! I don't use labels to make calls, and we might not be on the verge of another war if YOU DIDN'T EITHER!!
LIES= bad reason for war

Truths = reasonable reason to take out a weapons system that will help no one in the end
I don't care what the "right" says goddammit! I don't use labels to make calls, and we might not be on the verge of another war if YOU DIDN'T EITHER!!

your a left anti war guy now?

How was I supposed to know you changed?
Great analysis, but you left out that unlike conventional weapons, chemical WMD can be more easily used by terrorists. In that they are easier to conceal and transport, and that as you note, small amounts can do massive harm- how likely is it that a terrorist could get away with smuggling an AC-130 aerial gunship; 'bunker buster' bombs; laser-guided bombs; etc.?

The questions about going to war are always important. Most people on both sides of the argument generally do not like war. But this does not mean war is never necessary.