Shrubbie and Maineman

It is really hard to take your dense rhetoric serious. Do you really think that the efforts of the allies in WWII were directed at the civilians and not factories, railheads and production facilities within those cities?
YES. Those are the EXACT WORDS of Roosevelt and Churchill. They PURPOSELY bombed civilians.

Explain to me how WWII could have been won without strategic bombing?
The same way it was won anyways; by destroying field armies and occupying land. Strategic bombing did not help end the war. At all.
Tell me how the Japanese Imperial Army tried to avoid civilian casualties. Tell me how the Nazis desperately tried to avoid civilian casualties.
Well, if they were doing it too, maybe we should have tried our hands at genocide. Ya know, for fairness. Can't let them damn Japs have a higher kill ratio than us.

The only thing dumber than your rhetoric are those who claim the holocaust never occurred.
Yes, and bombing plenty of German women and children sure made up for the holocaust.
Yet the global community did and said little about Saddams use of them killing far more than those in Syria; why is that?

There was plenty said- Saddam was contained for years via sanctions. The build-up of the Iraq war, unlike liberal revisionism, was not merely a republican position. Bush, in light of 911 and Intel that linked Saddam to Al Qaeda, pursued war. History paints that as wrong-headed. I think that there are reasonable people who supported his actions based on information and the climate of terrorism post 9/11.

But here we are today. I will say again that Putin has saved the day- albeit for his own gain. Obama would be wise to shut-up and accept the face-save for what it is.
see what happens when you aid a dictator for political reasons.

Reagan sold them to him and watched him kill people with them

You've been asked for a source for this ad nauseum and have been repeating this ad infinitum.


The know-how and material for developing chemical weapons were obtained by Saddam's regime from foreign sources.[24] The largest suppliers of precursors for chemical weapons production were in Singapore (4,515 tons), the Netherlands (4,261 tons), Egypt (2,400 tons), India (2,343 tons), and West Germany (1,027 tons). One Indian company, Exomet Plastics, sent 2,292 tons of precursor chemicals to Iraq. The Singapore -based firm Kim Al-Khaleej, affiliated to the United Arab Emirates, supplied more than 4,500 tons of VX, sarin, and mustard gas precursors and production equipment to Iraq.[25] Dieter Backfisch, managing director of West German company Karl Kolb GmbH, was quoted by saying in 1989: "For people in Germany poison gas is something quite terrible, but this does not worry customers abroad."[24]

On December 23, 2005, a Dutch court sentenced Frans van Anraat, a businessman who bought chemicals on the world market and sold them to Saddam's regime, to 15 years in prison. The court ruled that Saddam committed genocide against the people of Halabja;[26] this was the first time the Halabja attack was described as an act of genocide in a court ruling. In March 2008, the government of Iraq announced plans to take legal action against the suppliers of chemicals used in the poison gas attack.

The only American contribution was a multiple use item called thiodigylcol, which is a solvent with uses beyond the manufacture of chemical weapons.

But still, now that you've been schooled I'm sure you won't discontinue your "ZOMG! It was all RONNIE RAYGUN" nonsense.
were you against the afgan war?

While not addressed to me, thought I'd answer - I was for going in to Afghanistan after bin Laden; I was for overthrowing the Taliban since they harbored him; however - our only goal should have been getting bin Laden; we should have kicked out the Taliban, gotten him, gotten out and let Afghanistan figure out what to do after that for itself.. Instead, we took our eye off the ball, didn't get bin Laden, instead went to war in Iraq, and got stuck in Afghanistan way too long.

The only justification for going into Afghanistan was to get bin Laden and, along the way, punish the people who were harboring him.
While not addressed to me, thought I'd answer - I was for going in to Afghanistan after bin Laden; I was for overthrowing the Taliban since they harbored him; however - our only goal should have been getting bin Laden; we should have kicked out the Taliban, gotten him, gotten out and let Afghanistan figure out what to do after that for itself.. Instead, we took our eye off the ball, didn't get bin Laden, instead went to war in Iraq, and got stuck in Afghanistan way too long.

The only justification for going into Afghanistan was to get bin Laden and, along the way, punish the people who were harboring him.

we should have gone in and out after hitting them hard where they were.

In this age you can watch the entire world from the sky.

Its how we KNOW assad has these weapons and where.

even though he denied he had them until monday
YES. Those are the EXACT WORDS of Roosevelt and Churchill. They PURPOSELY bombed civilians.

The same way it was won anyways; by destroying field armies and occupying land. Strategic bombing did not help end the war. At all.
Well, if they were doing it too, maybe we should have tried our hands at genocide. Ya know, for fairness. Can't let them damn Japs have a higher kill ratio than us.

Yes, and bombing plenty of German women and children sure made up for the holocaust.

Dresden was the single greatest moment of WWII. While bombing all of those stupid German women and children didn't make up for the Holocaust, it was a damn good start.

The night of 13/14 February[edit source]

Mosquito marker planes dropped the target indicators, which glowed red and green to guide the bombers.
The Dresden attack was to have begun with a USAAF Eighth Air Force bombing raid on 13 February 1945. The Eighth Air Force had already bombed the railway yards near the centre of the city twice in daytime raids: once on 7 October 1944 with 70 tons of high-explosive bombs killing more than 400,[35] then again with 133 bombers on 16 January 1945, dropping 279 tons of high-explosives and 41 tons of incendiaries.[3]
Again, America revels in its dead babies as well. Why is this a constant area of concern for people?

Also, they were Germans, and would have grown up to be a drain on humanity.

#Axe to grind