Every trumper is a N4T.
Yes. You are angry and incoherent. You don't support Trump but you don't oppose him. Weak mind.
Only someone with a weak mind like yours would say that NOT being a mindless, blindly loyal partisan who thinks only his side is ever right about anything is the mark of a weak mind.
The more you post the more I get the impression that you're just another young millennial (or post millennial or whatever) SJW crybaby.
BTW, I have been one of this forum's biggest opponents of Trump since the day he announced his candidacy.
Long before you even showed up around here.
The reason I'm giving less and less of a shit if he gets reelected is because of the insane shit you proggie assholes are doing and how you're dragging my beloved Democratic Party down the toilet.
Fuck off, you little twerp.
Nobody gives a shit about you or your opinion.
Go riot somewhere.
Stand in front of someone with a gun or something.