Sick of it all. Everything. Everyone.

I'm not surprised that a closet Reichwinger, misogynist, whiny-ass, loser like yourself would be okay with four more years of fascist rule. You can pretend to be left, but your heart is in Trump's drawer, isn't it?

I'll take this that you approve of rioters.
This was originally going to post in Stone's "Trump - steamroll" thread but I want more people to read it because, you know, my thoughts are so important and all..... :rolleyes:



I cannot stomach the sight or sound of Donald Trump. And the obnoxious way his supporters strut around cheering for him is beyond nauseating.

But in the past few days I have come to feel that I really won't care that much if he wins another four years.

Yes, I think he's tearing our institutions apart, and lowering the morality and decency bar for political leaders across the board. Once Trump is gone, if he serves another term, whoever comes behind him may well and likely take Trumpism to even new and lower levels of sleaze until our govt is just run by blatant, crooked, profiteering scum who take everything for themselves tell the voters to get bent.

Of course by the time it gets to that point, the laws will have been changed even further to their own advantage so we won't have shit to say about it.

All that having been said, I'm not going to worry much about it. As long as my SS check comes every month and there are no drastic cuts in it, fuck everything and everyone else. I won't have to see or hear Trump on TV very much, because I can change the channel and mute the sound.

The one consolation I will have if Trump wins in November, is that I likely won't have to see or hear to much more of this BLM shit either or see rioting and looting on the news. My guess is that in a second term, feeling invincible and untouchable, he'll tell BLM to fuck off then call out the National Guard armed with live ammo and tell them to clean it up, using whatever force necessary.

And I will support it 100%.

Mow the rioting, looting scum down like weeds and leave the bodies in the streets long enough for the news cameras to videotape them lying there and show it to us. Then bring in high pressure water cannons to come and hose them into the fucking sewer.

Good riddance.

I tried to hang with the side I felt was right, but they've gone off the deep end and I am just sick of it all.

Sick of the Trumptards and sick of the SJW dipshits.

This has been the most fucked up year I've ever experienced and Americans are becoming a bunch of fucked up douchebags.

:fu: America. Get your shit together or fuck off.

Boy you're one whiney ass piece of shit ain't ya? You assholes on the left created the character trump. How long do you think people who disagree with the leftist BS should allow themselves to be labeled "deplorable" before they either stop giving a fuck what you think or punch you in the mouth? You fucking dipsticks have no idea do you? Assholes.
I'm not surprised that a closet Reichwinger, misogynist, whiny-ass, loser like yourself would be okay with four more years of fascist rule. You can pretend to be left, but your heart is in Trump's drawer, isn't it?

Said the fat nasty old Commie. Go fuck yourself red bitch. Nomad is right about 1 thing for sure, Trumps second term people like you will be nothing but a memory.
If that happens, Trump will be seen as Hitler 2.0 and he will be forcibly removed from the office.

No he wont. nice fantasy of yours. He will have been duly elected twice and it will be seen as a mandate. The extreme far left will be crushed and you will be powerless to stop this much needed public service.
No he wont. nice fantasy of yours. He will have been duly elected twice and it will be seen as a mandate. The extreme far left will be crushed and you will be powerless to stop this much needed public service.

WTF are you complaining about?

"Histrionics dejour"

All men are dogs. All they ever think of is sex. Sex and more sex.

So what in God's name make you think that gays and lesbians have a different agenda?

Are we all sinners?

So what in God's name make you think that abortion devotees have a finer aspirations?

Dogs sniff ass. Humans rank asses.

Maybe it's just me...each time an woman passes me I look at her ass and assess my odds.

So what in God's name make you think that gays and lesbians have a different world outlook?

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Feb 16, 2019 - Penis facials, bull sperm condition and snail slime moisturier all sound like ... now it's even available to buy in moisturisers, serums and other face creams. ... treatment include Gwyneth Paltrow (of course) and Drew Barrymore.

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Feb 7, 2020 - ... semen face mask or topical facial cream. According to Chelsee Lewis who is a facialist to celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow, semen face masks ...

The Story Behind the Cate Blanchett "Penis Facial" › news › cate-blanchett-p...
Mar 16, 2018 - ... treatments — from cannabis manicures to Gwyneth Paltrow willingly ... sperm — there's some enzyme in it, so Sandy refers to it as the 'penis ...

Put sperm on your face if you want to reduce wrinkles ... - › lifestyle › health › put-sperm-on-your-face-if-y...
May 6, 2019 - Celebrity beauty expert Chelsee Lewis - who has worked with the likes of Gwyneth Paltrow and Stella McCartney (although, it is unknown if ...

Beautician says sperm is the key to glowing skin | › home › lifestyle › 2019/05 › be...
May 6, 2019 - Woman rubbing cream on face ... industry for over 22 years, says she's worked with celebrities like Stella McCartney and Gwyneth Paltrow.

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Sperm is the hot new wrinkle treatment: celeb facial › 2019/05/03 › sperm-is-the-hot-new-wrin...
May 3, 2019 - The woman behind Gwyneth Paltrow's glowing complexion has a weird facial ... Sperm is the hot new wrinkle treatment: celebrity facial expert ... patient's own blood, which the esthetician uses to formulate a bespoke cream.

Cate Blanchett Tries Penis Facial With Sandra › ... › The Latest › News
Mar 14, 2018 - Gwyneth Paltrow enjoys being stung by bees. ... clear here: This is not the kind of penis facial you're imagining — it doesn't involve any semen.
This was originally going to post in Stone's "Trump - steamroll" thread but I want more people to read it because, you know, my thoughts are so important and all..... :rolleyes:



I cannot stomach the sight or sound of Donald Trump. And the obnoxious way his supporters strut around cheering for him is beyond nauseating.

But in the past few days I have come to feel that I really won't care that much if he wins another four years.

Yes, I think he's tearing our institutions apart, and lowering the morality and decency bar for political leaders across the board. Once Trump is gone, if he serves another term, whoever comes behind him may well and likely take Trumpism to even new and lower levels of sleaze until our govt is just run by blatant, crooked, profiteering scum who take everything for themselves tell the voters to get bent.

Of course by the time it gets to that point, the laws will have been changed even further to their own advantage so we won't have shit to say about it.

All that having been said, I'm not going to worry much about it. As long as my SS check comes every month and there are no drastic cuts in it, fuck everything and everyone else. I won't have to see or hear Trump on TV very much, because I can change the channel and mute the sound.

The one consolation I will have if Trump wins in November, is that I likely won't have to see or hear to much more of this BLM shit either or see rioting and looting on the news. My guess is that in a second term, feeling invincible and untouchable, he'll tell BLM to fuck off then call out the National Guard armed with live ammo and tell them to clean it up, using whatever force necessary.

And I will support it 100%.

Mow the rioting, looting scum down like weeds and leave the bodies in the streets long enough for the news cameras to videotape them lying there and show it to us. Then bring in high pressure water cannons to come and hose them into the fucking sewer.

Good riddance.

I tried to hang with the side I felt was right, but they've gone off the deep end and I am just sick of it all.

Sick of the Trumptards and sick of the SJW dipshits.

This has been the most fucked up year I've ever experienced and Americans are becoming a bunch of fucked up douchebags.

:fu: America. Get your shit together or fuck off.

come to jesus.
I cannot stomach the sight or sound of Donald Trump.


But in the past few days I have come to feel that I really won't care that much if he wins another four years.


The one consolation I will have if Trump wins in November, is that I likely won't have to see or hear to much more of this BLM shit either or see rioting and looting on the news. My guess is that in a second term, feeling invincible and untouchable, he'll tell BLM to fuck off then call out the National Guard armed with live ammo and tell them to clean it up, using whatever force necessary. And I will support it 100%.
