Specious and inane.
It's logical if one proposes zygotes and embryos and fetuses are human beings and claims they believe in the sanctity of life.
Specious and inane.
And it is the pro-abortion side that just wants to kill people, period.
When faced with the possible death of two human lives, I will always support saving the one's which can be sparred (meaning the mother's). When the woman's health is endangered, we are dealing with her natural right to life as well.
I should have said that if the majority of abortions, as implied by certain elements on the right, are from minorities.
You are obviously not the sharpest tool in the box else you would know that I'm not from your side of the pond and therefore not a US taxpayer.
In most cases the zygote or embryo or fetus can be spared because in most cases the woman will not die although she may be temporarily or permanently injured. In either case that does not justify taking the life of an innocent human being assuming, of course, zygotes and embryos and fetuses are human beings.
firemen should not rescue people from burning buildings, because they are unable to choose which people they should rescue first.....![]()
Always killing the zygote/embryo/fetus when the mother's death is not absolutely certain
Always killing the zygote/embryo/fetus when the mother's death is not absolutely certain would be equivalent to a fireman helping a child with an injured leg but not in a life threatening situation while leaving a man to die. The fireman's duty would not be the save the leg of the child at the expense of the life of the man just as it doesn't make sense to save the woman's leg at the expense of the life of the zygote/embryo/fetus, again, assuming the zygote/embryo/fetus is a human being.
but why would you do that?........there may be no reason to kill the child at all? the way, there is no reason to include zygotes in the discussion......the child will have passed the zygote stage long before anyone even knows it's around......
yes....unless by "disabilities" you mean something like a tendency to develop hangnails or something....again, society engaged in this balancing of rights for hundreds of years prior to Roe v Wade, why do you think it's suddenly going to be a problem if Roe v Wade is reversed?It only takes one example. The mother may have a 99% chance of suffering permanent disabilities but that still does not justify taking the life of another human being or does it?
If she has three children at home and the prognosis is if the pregnancy continues her uncontrolled diabetes will result in blindness do we force her to bear the child knowing she will not be able to care for that child as well as not being able to care for the 2 and 4 and 6 year old at home?
odd then that you were the one that implied it and I was the one who had to correct you.....I guess then that folks on your side of the pond don't pay that close of attention to facts.....
That comparison does not work. They rescue the people less likely to be able to get out themselves or the most injured but likely to live or some other criteria but they do not discount a specific group of people out of hand.
Always killing the zygote/embryo/fetus when the mother's death is not absolutely certain would be equivalent to a fireman helping a child with an injured leg but not in a life threatening situation while leaving a man to die. The fireman's duty would not be the save the leg of the child at the expense of the life of the man just as it doesn't make sense to save the woman's leg at the expense of the life of the zygote/embryo/fetus, again, assuming the zygote/embryo/fetus is a human being.
yes....unless by "disabilities" you mean something like a tendency to develop hangnails or something....again, society engaged in this balancing of rights for hundreds of years prior to Roe v Wade, why do you think it's suddenly going to be a problem if Roe v Wade is reversed?
no, though I am assuming that you don't mean the blindness could be prevented simply by using some sort of control....obviously she ought not kill the child if blindness could be avoided simply by properly using her insulin....
Well, when in the hell have we ever mass murdered actual human beings throughout history. Mongrels, apes, etc., but never human friggin' beings.
But that's just it. By classifying conceptions (zygotes, embryos, fetuses) as human beings we set up a false dilemma of sorts. Our society is based on individualism. When we start saying two human beings are occupying one body, one "type" of human being always takes precedence over the other "type", we run into situations that are illogical requiring exceptions here and exceptions there.
"We" say the unborn are the same as the born but the rules are not the same. The values we place on their most basic rights including their life are so fundamentally different.
no....Jeez, I just noticed that you are over 4000 posts now and you've only been here since July, don't you ever sleep, eat or go for a shit? .
Well, when in the hell have we ever mass murdered actual human beings throughout history. Mongrels, apes, etc., but never human friggin' beings.
So to avoid conflicts of interest, we kill off one of the parties involved. Repeatedly. And declare it was not actually a party involved so that we are guiltless. Repeatedly.
apple, you are a strange person.....I think we should kill you and end your angst.....the choices you struggle with aren't that hard to make...society has been making them without much difficulty since long before either of us were born......the world will not end when we stop killing our first born children.....
Of course society has been making the choices. Or should I say authority has been dictating the choices without society's approval.
The classic example of that was in 1869 when the Pope declared all abortions illegal in exchange for the Emperor of France declaring the Pope was infallible. France's population was in decline and the Emperor wanted to ensure there would be sufficient young men to send to war in the future. Talk about a deal made in Hell.
In the past people never questioned authority believing they didn't have the knowledge and understanding to question. Those days are long gone.
Rules, restrictions, laws.....they have to make sense or people will question them. Authority is obliged to explain itself. It's a new world and a wonderful one.
As a footnote the so-called "activist judges" are nothing more than rational people giving a rational interpretation of laws. Common sense and rationality are, finally, entering our life/culture/society.