So what is the life of a human being worth? A foot? A leg? A finger? Diminished eye sight? A 50% change of damage? 25%?
Let's get some numbers here and discuss it.
Are we going to subject women to trials? If a woman's doctor tells her his opinion is she will suffer damage will an estranged, abusive boyfriend be allowed to call his own qualified witnesses? Will he be allowed to fight for the life of his son/daughter? If not, why not?
Doctors make mistakes. Some women don't want to be tied to a guy through having bore a child.
Will we have a society where people like Terri Schiavo, people in a vegetative state, will garner national news because of the sanctity of life while a GP can say there's a "reasonable" expectation of damage and that effectively signs the death warrant of the zygote/embryo/fetus?