Sign the petition send a coat hanger..

In a fallen world apple all kinds of bad things happens. I am able to thank God that in spite of it good can happen too...

You don't understand what the bible actually teaches about God and about man. So it's a given you always manage to say shit like this.

Shit? Over half of created human beings die within hours. That is shit.

Of course, if one looks at it sensibly they'd conclude a fertilized egg or a conception is not a human being.

This whole twisted idea that conceptions are human beings, when extrapolated, results in the most bizarre situations/conclusions. Whether it's God killing over half of the human beings, within minutes or hours, which He created or passing laws which allow a defective human being (problem pregnancy) to kill an innocent, healthy human being anti-abortionists can't see the absurdity of their position and absurd it is.

The latter position is a glaring example of anti-abortionist's twisted ideas about the value of human life. Kill the innocent, healthy human being so the defective one may live.

Of course, it doesn't stop there. The anti-abortionists wouldn't consider mandatory sterilization for the human being with the faulty body to ensure such a situation doesn't arise again. No, they'll probably encourage the defective human to continue to try and conceive and if problems arise, no big deal. Just kill the innocent, healthy human being and try again.

Yep, those folks really value human life.
Shit? Over half of created human beings die within hours. That is shit.

Of course, if one looks at it sensibly they'd conclude a fertilized egg or a conception is not a human being.

This whole twisted idea that conceptions are human beings, when extrapolated, results in the most bizarre situations/conclusions. Whether it's God killing over half of the human beings, within minutes or hours, which He created or passing laws which allow a defective human being (problem pregnancy) to kill an innocent, healthy human being anti-abortionists can't see the absurdity of their position and absurd it is.

The latter position is a glaring example of anti-abortionist's twisted ideas about the value of human life. Kill the innocent, healthy human being so the defective one may live.

Of course, it doesn't stop there. The anti-abortionists wouldn't consider mandatory sterilization for the human being with the faulty body to ensure such a situation doesn't arise again. No, they'll probably encourage the defective human to continue to try and conceive and if problems arise, no big deal. Just kill the innocent, healthy human being and try again.

Yep, those folks really value human life.

Yeah apple shit like know people get hit by cars, get cancer, lose jobs...bad shit happens every fucking day in a fallen yes, I am thankful when good happens. And women killing 46+ million babies ain't good.

Your world of government forced sterilization is a sick thought.
the white-trash specialist argument of anti-abortions will actually help obama stay in office. Look at this roll call of trailor park dwellers pissing in a strong wind.

Keep it up Hillbillies it's funny as shit.
Thank God For that, I am one that whole heartily approves of it. Think if it was not available, we would be overrun with blacks and latins, and all the other liberal retarded offspring. Why do you think abortion clinics are located mostly in minority neighborhoods? Too keep their numbers down.

Got Racism?
I'm sorry evince....but once penicillin was available the deaths from both births and illegal abortions dropped, more women die from legal abortions that died from illegal abortions in the year before Roe v Wade.....

Got some data to back those acertions?
Got some data to back those acertions?



it's not often you will find a liberal standing proud to be as open minded as a medieval pope.......Pope Innocent had an interesting history.....he permitted abortion, he began crusades, he authorized torture for heretics, he inspires liberals.......

Liberals are standing alongside the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, consisting of the groups listed. Too bad you have to reach back to the 12th century to try and score a point.

* Rabbinical Assembly
* United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
* Women's League for Conservative Judaism
* The Episcopal Church
* American Ethical Union National Service Conference
* Society for Humanistic Judaism
* Presbyterians Affirming Reproductive Options (PARO) of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
* Women's Ministries of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
* Washington Office of the Presybterian Church (USA)
* Jewish Reconstructionalist Federation
* Reconstructionalist Rabbinical Association
* Central Conference of American Rabbis
* North American Federation of Temple Youth
* Women of Reform Judaism, The Federation of Temple Sisterhoods
* Women's Rabbinic Network of Central Conference of American Rabbis
* Justice and Witness Ministries of The United Church of Christ
* The General Board of Church and Society of The United Methodist Church
* The General Board of Global Ministries, Women's Division of the United Methodist Church
* Unitarian Universalist Association
* Unitarian Universalist Women's Federation
* Young Religious Unitarian Universalists
* Continental Unitarian Universalist Young Adult Network
* American Jewish Committee
* American Jewish Congress
* Anti-Defamation League
* Catholics for a Free Choice
* Christian Lesbians Out (CLOUT)
* Church of the Brethren Women's Caucus
* Disciples for Choice
* Episcopal Urban Caucus
* Episcopal Women's Caucus
* Hadassah, WZOA
* Jewish Women International
* Lutheran Women's Caucus
* Methodist Federation for Social Action
* National Council of Jewish Women
* Women's American ORT
* YWCA of the USA[2]
why do democrats insist on fighting about abortion right.
Let these tools tie it around their neck and hope fight for anti-abortion in 2012.
So you can get crushed much worse in 12 than they did in 08
Liberals are standing alongside the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, consisting of the groups listed. Too bad you have to reach back to the 12th century to try and score a point.

* Rabbinical Assembly
* United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
* Women's League for Conservative Judaism
* The Episcopal Church
* American Ethical Union National Service Conference
* Society for Humanistic Judaism
* Presbyterians Affirming Reproductive Options (PARO) of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
* Women's Ministries of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
* Washington Office of the Presybterian Church (USA)
* Jewish Reconstructionalist Federation
* Reconstructionalist Rabbinical Association
* Central Conference of American Rabbis
* North American Federation of Temple Youth
* Women of Reform Judaism, The Federation of Temple Sisterhoods
* Women's Rabbinic Network of Central Conference of American Rabbis
* Justice and Witness Ministries of The United Church of Christ
* The General Board of Church and Society of The United Methodist Church
* The General Board of Global Ministries, Women's Division of the United Methodist Church
* Unitarian Universalist Association
* Unitarian Universalist Women's Federation
* Young Religious Unitarian Universalists
* Continental Unitarian Universalist Young Adult Network
* American Jewish Committee
* American Jewish Congress
* Anti-Defamation League
* Catholics for a Free Choice
* Christian Lesbians Out (CLOUT)
* Church of the Brethren Women's Caucus
* Disciples for Choice
* Episcopal Urban Caucus
* Episcopal Women's Caucus
* Hadassah, WZOA
* Jewish Women International
* Lutheran Women's Caucus
* Methodist Federation for Social Action
* National Council of Jewish Women
* Women's American ORT
* YWCA of the USA[2]

liberals, religious organizations that promote killing unborn children, medieval popes who promote crusades and inquisitions.....looks like your peapod is filling up!
Yeah apple shit like know people get hit by cars, get cancer, lose jobs...bad shit happens every fucking day in a fallen yes, I am thankful when good happens. And women killing 46+ million babies ain't good.

Your world of government forced sterilization is a sick thought.

We're not just talking about accidents. Any pro-life propaganda I've seen/heard supports allowing abortion if the woman's life or physical health is in danger. That means if a woman may lose a kidney due to having uncontrolled high blood pressure resulting from a defective body pro-life sanctions the killing of an innocent, healthy human being.

It means if a woman experiences severe diabetes and may lose a foot or leg due to circulation problems or lose partial eye sight it is OK to kill another innocent, healthy human being and those folks have the gall to talk about the sanctity of life.

Classifying a zygote/embryo/fetus as a human being cheapens the life of every other human being.

As for sick thoughts maybe you and your loved ones are worth less than someone's kidney or foot and that's certainly your right to think that way but don't blame a fallen world when it is people like yourself who hold those thoughts while talking about the sanctity of life.

I submit it would be more accurate to claim the sanctity of a foot or a kidney. After all, according to the pro-life folks they are worth more than a human life.

Now, to be fair it's been said the pro-life movement is only temporarily supporting the right of a woman to abort in the aforementioned circumstances but once abortion has been outlawed they intend to seek a complete ban. So, my question to you is, "Do you believe a foot or a kidney is worth more than the life of a human being or do you truly believe in the sanctity of life and to value it less than a foot or kidney is an outrage?"
97% of abortions are of babies that do not pose a threat to a womans life. 97% of abortions are not becuase a woman has been raped or experienced incest. My thoughts are with the 46+ million babies killed in this country because a woman's lifestyle is considered more sacrosanct than a the human life in her womb...that's sick.

We're not just talking about accidents. Any pro-life propaganda I've seen/heard supports allowing abortion if the woman's life or physical health is in danger. That means if a woman may lose a kidney due to having uncontrolled high blood pressure resulting from a defective body pro-life sanctions the killing of an innocent, healthy human being.

It means if a woman experiences severe diabetes and may lose a foot or leg due to circulation problems or lose partial eye sight it is OK to kill another innocent, healthy human being and those folks have the gall to talk about the sanctity of life.

Classifying a zygote/embryo/fetus as a human being cheapens the life of every other human being.

As for sick thoughts maybe you and your loved ones are worth less than someone's kidney or foot and that's certainly your right to think that way but don't blame a fallen world when it is people like yourself who hold those thoughts while talking about the sanctity of life.

I submit it would be more accurate to claim the sanctity of a foot or a kidney. After all, according to the pro-life folks they are worth more than a human life.

Now, to be fair it's been said the pro-life movement is only temporarily supporting the right of a woman to abort in the aforementioned circumstances but once abortion has been outlawed they intend to seek a complete ban. So, my question to you is, "Do you believe a foot or a kidney is worth more than the life of a human being or do you truly believe in the sanctity of life and to value it less than a foot or kidney is an outrage?"
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97% of abortions are of babies that do not pose a threat to a womans life. 97% of abortions are not becuase a woman has been raped or experienced incest. My thoughts are with the 46+ million babies killed in this country because a woman's lifestyle is considered more sacrosanct than a the human life in her womb...that's sick.

So the life of an innocent human being is worth more than, say, the career of a woman but less than her foot? The life of an innocent human being is worth more than a woman's right to a single, carefree lifestyle but less than her right to not have to wear glasses due to visual damage through diabetes brought on by her defective body while pregnant?

While abortions of convenience may be sick classifying zygotes/embryos/fetuses as human beings diminishes the value of every other human being unless we are prepared to treat them as equals and that means no abortions unless it is a tubal pregnancy or some other problem caused directly by the zygote/embryo/fetus.

For pro-life folks to say a woman's defective body is sufficient reason to kill an innocent human being is outrageous. To say conceptions are human beings while doing nothing knowing that over 50% of them die is outrageous. What respect does one have for human life knowing a particular woman's conceptions have resulted in the death of several human beings and continuing to allow her to conceive?

In what other circumstance would we take such a cavalier attitude towards the death of human beings? What other group of human beings would we treat in such a fashion?

Wanting to stop abortion is one thing. Saying they are human beings is something quite different. Are we prepared to watch a female family member lose a foot or suffer a stroke or go blind while preserving the life of another human being or is the "sanctity of life" mantra nothing but hyperbole? Is all this talk about zygotes/embryos/fetus' being human beings nothing but balderdash knowing we have no intention of offering a modicum of respect that we offer any living, breathing human being?

My concern is classifying something a human being while treating it less than a human being and that's precisely what has and will happen again and that results in diminishing the value of all human beings.

Do we really believe an zygote/embryo/fetus is a human being? Believe it to the point where we are prepared to treat it equally as any other human being?

I have yet to see any evidence of that.
Science concludes without a doubt that the fertilized human egg that implants is a human life. Your foot obsession is weird...your circle jerk boring.

46 million babies have been killed for lifestyle choice...sick.

So the life of an innocent human being is worth more than, say, the career of a woman but less than her foot? The life of an innocent human being is worth more than a woman's right to a single, carefree lifestyle but less than her right to not have to wear glasses due to visual damage through diabetes brought on by her defective body while pregnant?

While abortions of convenience may be sick classifying zygotes/embryos/fetuses as human beings diminishes the value of every other human being unless we are prepared to treat them as equals and that means no abortions unless it is a tubal pregnancy or some other problem caused directly by the zygote/embryo/fetus.

For pro-life folks to say a woman's defective body is sufficient reason to kill an innocent human being is outrageous. To say conceptions are human beings while doing nothing knowing that over 50% of them die is outrageous. What respect does one have for human life knowing a particular woman's conceptions have resulted in the death of several human beings and continuing to allow her to conceive?

In what other circumstance would we take such a cavalier attitude towards the death of human beings? What other group of human beings would we treat in such a fashion?

Wanting to stop abortion is one thing. Saying they are human beings is something quite different. Are we prepared to watch a female family member lose a foot or suffer a stroke or go blind while preserving the life of another human being or is the "sanctity of life" mantra nothing but hyperbole? Is all this talk about zygotes/embryos/fetus' being human beings nothing but balderdash knowing we have no intention of offering a modicum of respect that we offer any living, breathing human being?

My concern is classifying something a human being while treating it less than a human being and that's precisely what has and will happen again and that results in diminishing the value of all human beings.

Do we really believe an zygote/embryo/fetus is a human being? Believe it to the point where we are prepared to treat it equally as any other human being?

I have yet to see any evidence of that.
So the life of an innocent human being is worth more than, say, the career of a woman but less than her foot? The life of an innocent human being is worth more than a woman's right to a single, carefree lifestyle but less than her right to not have to wear glasses due to visual damage through diabetes brought on by her defective body while pregnant?

actually, I would say the life of the innocent human being is worth more than all four...especially when you consider the odds of a woman losing her foot because she delivers her baby at full term......
My concern is classifying something a human being while treating it less than a human being and that's precisely what has and will happen again and that results in diminishing the value of all human beings.

you have repeated this at least fifty times on various yet, you have failed to come up with any valid reason to claim that calling an unborn child a human being diminishes the value of anything.....if anything calling that which is obviously a living human being something other than a human being is what diminishes the value of being human.....