Simple Math ("Stupid")

It probably did, at least the ability to organize your thinking should have. Maybe it's all of the jack and coke, and someday you are going to give up drinking, and you will be like George on Seinfeld when he gave up sex...all of a sudden you will be speaking Portuguese!

I hate to admit this and will deny it but I have been switching to vodka and soda a lot more. Less calories and less of a hangover. I know its still alcohol but its 'less worse' than Jack & Coke. :)
Do you really think it would work? Considering what Damo did to me this morning, beating me up, calling me stupid, a lightweight, saying the only thing i ever post is "yup"...I have my doubts.

No, I was just kidding. I know for a fact, from other board experiences that women - in general - get cut a lot less slack by neaderthal male posters.
Do you really think it would work? Considering what Damo did to me this morning, beating me up, calling me stupid, a lightweight, saying the only thing i ever post is "yup"...I have my doubts.
LOL. You clearly didn't read the rest of that thread. My mistake was not in defending both of you guys at the same time.
LOL. You clearly didn't read the rest of that thread. My mistake was not in defending both of you guys at the same time.

I read it. That's what i felt you were saying at the time though. It was a very bad experience as far as I am concerned, and I wish you would stop bringing it up.
I hate to admit this and will deny it but I have been switching to vodka and soda a lot more. Less calories and less of a hangover. I know its still alcohol but its 'less worse' than Jack & Coke. :)

I never knew how you drank the jack daniels anyway. I just smell that and it makes me kind of naseous. Vodka is much better, good switch.
Umm Perhpas not but several call me stupid and you keep calling me that dis word!

but I think only one has flat out called me a liar.
well maybe Dano has but he does not count ;)

Your intent may not to have been to lie, but when your own source so clearly stated and you misrepresented it... We have now established that you are not a dumbass or a liar. You are just incredibly slow on the uptake or dense.
Your intent may not to have been to lie, but when your own source so clearly stated and you misrepresented it... We have now established that you are not a dumbass or a liar. You are just incredibly slow on the uptake or dense.
Thanks that is all the apology I expected from an asshole like you :D
getting pissed over a board discussion serves no purpose.
Discussion of issues is what we are here for. what gets to me is the stupidity and backbiting that goes along with it, It has gotten so a poster can not have a simple and serious conversation here without being insulted. Of course there are some here that can't hold any kind of conversation withoput delving into personalities. (and to some degree that is Ket/pot/black.)