Simple Question


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Worst gambler ever
I remember having everyone pissed off at me at back in '04 for posting this question.

But its a pretty simple question:

Who should determine where a child goes to school?

A.) His parents

B.) The government
Well, its nice to see someone on your side say that. I believe Desh was saying a while back how most parents don't really know what is in the best interests of their children...
Nor does the gob'ment. You will notice they are made up of those same people. They just believe they are more competent because they agree with themselves.
Umm damo I would think all mostly sane people agree with themselves....
Duh, but for some reason these people think it is a special trait and therefore they "know" what is best for everybody's children. Make sure they go to a state-sponsored school, lean to speak Newspeak and think Newthink...
Let's put it this way... No Child Left Behind, Iraq, Patriot Act, $9.1 Trillion deficit, medical marijuana still illegal, and you think they make better decisions than a parent of their own child?
Let's put it this way... No Child Left Behind, Iraq, Patriot Act, $9.1 Trillion deficit, medical marijuana still illegal, and you think they make better decisions than a parent of their own child?

For some no, after all many parents supported all these things.