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No, we have a shitty education system because the socialists insist on treating every child equally--- whereas in other countries only those students that have a hope in higher school continue on to more advanced education, while the others continue on to learn a trade.

Our obsession with education, combined with our need to enhance self-esteem rather than learning capabilities, is what has made our education system the way it is today.

Do you have any idea how "Brave New World" you sound?

Soma anyone?
Seriously, it just doesn't cost that much to educate every child in the nation, for what we get out of it. Arbitrarily denying children access to secondary education (even private) because they failed a test in 6th grade, like they do in Hong Kong, is not only wrong, it's bad for the economy. If you think teaching them holds the smarter kids back, you'd be wrong, because almost every high school in the nation has advanced classes for smarter kids and basic classes for the not so smart.

And think about the Netherlands, France, Britian, and Germany. None of those schools arbitrarily deny kids access to education. In fact, education is compulsory until you're eighteen. Only fascist paradises that you worship, like Singapore and Hong Kong, practice what you said. And you said it as if it were a plain fact that every country in the world besides America practiced it.
Seriously, it just doesn't cost that much to educate every child in the nation, for what we get out of it. Arbitrarily denying children access to secondary education (even private) because they failed a test in 6th grade, like they do in Hong Kong, is not only wrong, it's bad for the economy. If you think teaching them holds the smarter kids back, you'd be wrong, because almost every high school in the nation has advanced classes for smarter kids and basic classes for the not so smart.

And think about the Netherlands, France, Britian, and Germany. None of those schools arbitrarily deny kids access to education. In fact, education is compulsory until you're eighteen. Only fascist paradises that you worship, like Singapore and Hong Kong, practice what you said. And you said it as if it were a plain fact that every country in the world besides America practiced it.

Unless they changed recently, those countries have a habit of testing students before they enter high school, and the outcome does have an effect along the lines of determining technical school vs. higher education... Just echoing what a college chum told me a while back. I'm not really sure.
I support vouchers to the extent of the voucher amount being equal to the amount of school taxes the voucher recipient paid in. and the child cannot attend public schools until the next year.
But I want my taxes to go to the public system for all children.
I support vouchers to the extent of the voucher amount being equal to the amount of school taxes the voucher recipient paid in. and the child cannot attend public schools until the next year.
But I want my taxes to go to the public system for all children.
So poor parents who live in an apartment get zero for their kids to attend a decent school, but Mr. and Mrs. Smith who live on the right side of the tracks get a nice, big check.

That sounds like a plan that you would accuse Evil Republicans of coming up with.
Sure it is the republican way.
It is my tax money and I want to control how it is spent :D
You don't think a republican would want something subsidized by others tax money do you ?

You are catching on southern Guy.
I support vouchers to the extent of the voucher amount being equal to the amount of school taxes the voucher recipient paid in. and the child cannot attend public schools until the next year.
But I want my taxes to go to the public system for all children.

US, that would only be fair if you paid back the parents for all the taxes they had ever paid for public education and told them they'd never have to pay them again. Simply giving them relief from paying for other kids children while their kids are going to another school quite clearly isn't fair. Or you could simply admit that you don't want private schools.