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By a terrorist that draws the short straw.He will be replaced.
You take the job. No you take!
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By a terrorist that draws the short straw.He will be replaced.
Someone call the men in the little WHITE COATS! PAAAAAALEEEEEEZE!
Yes, get ready for the 40 WHINERS! LOL!Indeed.
BTW Have the Lions stopped scoring on Dallas yet?
Please, people here know how stupid you are. No way you were being sarcastic.I was being sarcastic when I gave Biden credit. I thought that was obvious.
I was watching the Cowboys while playing my 7 year old grandson checkers. The little toot beat me!Yes, get ready for the 40 WHINERS! LOL!
20% of Israels population are Palestinian and serve in the military and serve in the Knesset. Strang way to treat people that you want kill.No, he didn't. More importantly, Israel knows he didn't, but they know that they can count on people like you to applaud and cheer ANYTIME Israel kills people out of racist HATRED.
Sinwar didn't do anything. Israel could have simply arrested him if he had committed some sort of crime. Israel just wants to eradicate all Arabs off the face of the earth, while you applaud their efforts.
The IDF has needlessly killed over 20,000 children who never attacked Israel, children behind whom nobody was hiding. I bet you think that's awesome, don't you?
The World's largest economy could never affect World inflation. <sarcasm>About as much as he had to do with worldwide inflation.
Yeah, I don't see any answer from you either. But then again, you never have any answers.PAAAAAALEEEEEEEZE!
Someone call the men in the little WHITE COATS! PAAAAAALEEEEEEZE!
Palestinians are not considered equals. In any event, the IDF is, in fact, slaughtering Arabs while Team Israel applauds. It's precious watching Christians cheer on war crimes and the deaths of children. Christians gotta do what Christians gotta do, I guess.20% of Israels population are Palestinian and serve in the military and serve in the Knesset. Strang way to treat people that you want kill.
Yes, he did, you pathetic Muslim cumdumpster.No, he didn't. More importantly, Israel knows he didn't, but they know that they can count on people like you to applaud and cheer ANYTIME Israel kills people out of racist HATRED.
Sinwar didn't do anything. Israel could have simply arrested him if he had committed some sort of crime. Israel just wants to eradicate all Arabs off the face of the earth, while you applaud their efforts.
The IDF has needlessly killed over 20,000 children who never attacked Israel, children behind whom nobody was hiding. I bet you think that's awesome, don't you?
You already used that one. Don't you have anything else?Yes, he did, you pathetic Muslim cumdumpster.
At least you admit to your glee over the deaths of Arab children. I rest my case.I do indeed, sandniggerlover
Hamas should have saved their lives by not hiding behind them or just surrendering.So would 100s of Palestinian children
What did Sinwar do to deserve a death sentence?
I was being sarcastic when I gave Biden credit. I thought that was obvious.
I was being sarcastic when I gave Biden credit. I thought that was obvious.
Palestinians are not considered equals. In any event, the IDF is, in fact, slaughtering Arabs while Team Israel applauds. It's precious watching Christians cheer on war crimes and the deaths of children. Christians gotta do what Christians gotta do, I guess.
Sinwar hadn't done anything. Israel simply murdered him. Israel didn't simply capture him and bring him to trial ... because he hadn't done anything and therefore they didn't have any case to try. However, they could just kill him while Team Israel brings the roof down.
No, he sits down for that.Are you taking the piss?
Bullseye. His constant trolling on full display.Please, people here know how stupid you are. No way you were being sarcastic.
You continue to be moronic. Get sleep so you can make your quota of car warranty sales tomorrow.Sort of making fun of Trumper’s who gave him credit for everything that happened good during his term
If I made you want to call me names, mission accomplished!You were being a twat but that's par for the course for you.
If I made you want to call me names, mission accomplished!