Bingo!Rightys are pounding on Desantis . He deserves it.
I'm surprised to hear such smart words coming out of your mouth... Too bad it won't last even into the next sentence...
Not a chance in hell. Ron!'s goose is cooked... It's Trump or bust.However when Trump cannot run, they will suddenly love, love, love Desantis.
That's essentially the plan... Support the Dems in their quest to destroy Trump and then be the "Top Gov" savior... barf.Desantis is a creep, but he us smart enough to see when Trump is arrested, the reds will need someone to turn to. He will have an easy trip to the nomination.
This is the flaw in the plan. He can't endure it. He has no authenticity, and no amount of money can buy him any authenticity. Everything about him is phony.He just has to endure the Trumpian onslaught. He also has to survive the Trumpys and stay viable.