Six Flags Trailor Trash


JPP Modarater
Well, yesterday we went to six flags in Jackson, NJ. Absolutely hell on earth. If you can imagine a place filled with NY Ghetto trash and Jersey's Trailor trash all culminating in one amusement park - that's what you get at Six Flags Great Adventure. We literally got in line for over 3 hours for one 45 second ride (the ride was great though). These two biker dudes cut in line and we said something to them, and they threatened us and the two guys gave me and my cousin the ice grill the whole time we were in line and he's like "I've got some girls that's here with me and we can handle this......" Are you fucking kidding me? How old are you? What's worse is other people just let them get in front of them? If everyone said something they wouldn't have gotten in line like that.

Aside from the trashy denizen, they have this thing called, "Fast Pass", which we were going to get, but the line to that was like 2 hours in and of itself, so basically we all spent $30 for one ride (a great ride though). It was horrible. Save your money. They had one cart dedicated to that, and 40% of the only other remaining cart for everyone else. So what should have been an hour long wait turned in to over three. It was a mess. In short, save your money.
I have mixed feelings, at best, about Disney as a corporate entity but I will give them one thing at least: they know how to run an amusement park. A lot of good civil engineers could probably learn a lot about how to manage crowds from the Disney people.
I have mixed feelings, at best, about Disney as a corporate entity but I will give them one thing at least: they know how to run an amusement park. A lot of good civil engineers could probably learn a lot about how to manage crowds from the Disney people.

Yeah, it's called "charge a shitload more to get in".
I'm sure if 6 Flags charged what Disney did, their lines would be shorter, you'd have a more upper class clientele which sounds like what Tiana would associate more with and it would appear "better run".

Look at things more from an economics point of view and the whole world makes a lot more sense...
I don't know, the last time we went the exact same thing happened, someone cut, me and big mouth went tattling and security did nothing, so I really felt like I couldn't do anything because if these people got kicked to the back of the line they would really have a vendetta. I can't believe this little dude was threatending to get his bitch minions on us. I sent some letters. I wonder if they have video of them. I should have acted the other sheeple and not said a damn thing. They didn't get in front of us screw principles. Seriously though, the park was FILLED with trash: thugs and wanna be thugs EVERYWHERE. What made it even funnier, is that me and my cousin were the ones actually talking to these assholes, while some (very nice) Jersey trash in front of us, was talking shit, in a very low voice to us, "I got something for him in my car.....let him follow me". I'm like, "umm, okay....why don't you tell him that". GD violent people.....has no one heard of 9/11?? I just don't understand adults that still get into fist fights.

I would call Dano and elist jackass but I was talking to my boyfriend earlier (who by the was smart enough to know that amusement parks aren't fun) and we've decided the only amusement parks I'm going to ever again will be rented out by a corporation for the day. No thugs, people with careers and and something to lose, like health insurance.
I don't know, the last time we went the exact same thing happened, someone cut, me and big mouth went tattling and security did nothing, so I really felt like I couldn't do anything because if these people got kicked to the back of the line they would really have a vendetta. I can't believe this little dude was threatending to get his bitch minions on us. I sent some letters. I wonder if they have video of them. I should have acted the other sheeple and not said a damn thing. They didn't get in front of us screw principles. Seriously though, the park was FILLED with trash: thugs and wanna be thugs EVERYWHERE. What made it even funnier, is that me and my cousin were the ones actually talking to these assholes, while some (very nice) Jersey trash in front of us, was talking shit, in a very low voice to us, "I got something for him in my car.....let him follow me". I'm like, "umm, okay....why don't you tell him that". GD violent people.....has no one heard of 9/11?? I just don't understand adults that still get into fist fights.

I would call Dano and elist jackass but I was talking to my boyfriend earlier (who by the was smart enough to know that amusement parks aren't fun) and we've decided the only amusement parks I'm going to ever again will be rented out by a corporation for the day. No thugs, people with careers and and something to lose, like health insurance.
LOL! That almost sounds like a robdawg post. Just because you don't call them riff-raff . . . .

Nevertheless, I tend to agree. Many amusement parks cut corners on security and crowd control and such places aren't fun at all. We have one up here called Marine World/Africa USA that I won't ever go to again. I wasn't messed with myself but the last two times I was there I saw incidents not unlike what you're talking about. And security, they saw nothing. Just like Sgt. Schultz.

I do like Disneyland though, much as I hate to admit it.
LOL! That almost sounds like a robdawg post. Just because you don't call them riff-raff . . . .

Nevertheless, I tend to agree. Many amusement parks cut corners on security and crowd control and such places aren't fun at all. We have one up here called Marine World/Africa USA that I won't ever go to again. I wasn't messed with myself but the last two times I was there I saw incidents not unlike what you're talking about. And security, they saw nothing. Just like Sgt. Schultz.

I do like Disneyland though, much as I hate to admit it.

Ornot, I kid you not, something likek 80% of the people were straight up trash. Fat bellies + bellie shirts, I heard quite a few conversations about fights and stupid childish things from ADULTS cutting the line, security doing nothing, pants half way past their asses, they looked the part, talked the part and acted parts: pure trash. The people working there didn't seem to care about anything.
I like thrill rides, Disney just doesn't give me enough of really good rides. And, I like you, hate to admit that maybe Dano has a point about Disney (I haven't officially cosigned on it though) there has to be something because I just don't understand why that place is such a trash magnet.
I never liked any of the Six Flags. We had one near here in Geauga County, and it was nothing but trash. They bought out a good park (Geauga Lake) and basically turned it into trash. Well, Cedar Fair just bought it so it should start becoming a better park. They know how to run Cedar Point, which is by far the best park in the world in my oppinion. They also know how to have a good Halloween, all of their haunted houses beat any of the places I've been to.
I never liked any of the Six Flags. We had one near here in Geauga County, and it was nothing but trash. They bought out a good park (Geauga Lake) and basically turned it into trash. Well, Cedar Fair just bought it so it should start becoming a better park. They know how to run Cedar Point, which is by far the best park in the world in my oppinion. They also know how to have a good Halloween, all of their haunted houses beat any of the places I've been to.

I guess its a six flags thing then. I'm not going again.
I guess its a six flags thing then. I'm not going again.
I put Six Flags on the same level as the county fair. I don't go to the county fair either - too many trashy people - riff raff as it were.
I put Six Flags on the same level as the county fair. I don't go to the county fair either - too many trashy people - riff raff as it were.
I used to go to the Sonoma County Fair every year. I loved it: just the right balance between slick entertainment and homegrown kitsch. It's not your typical county though and I'm sure that has more than a little to do with it.
Yep the local county fair is pretty neat. the kids and their critters being judged, the funnel cakes, etc. I always find time to just sit and study the people, it is pretty entertaining, far better than the 2 headed sheep ;)
Nice to see what libs think of poor people. Funny how libs are the first to call names. Ok, not really funny, just the way they are!
I see the whole spectrum of people at my county fair. Lots of politicians this year. Grandparentrs with the grandchildren, teeners of both sexes playing their courtship rituals, kids proud as punch of the critters they raised and primped up for the show. the redencks and their truck pulls and demo derbys, etc Very entertaining. I don't run down the poor Toby, I grew up poor.
I never said I didn't like poor people toby. Dano, a conservative apologist, proposed the economics portion.

Troglodyte27 said:
I put Six Flags on the same level as the county fair. I don't go to the county fair either - too many trashy people - riff raff as it were.

I don't even think our county fairs are like that. That was like nothing I've ever seen before. And now my one friend just told me that she heard you have to look out for gang colors??????!!!!!!!!!! Huh????? At a freakin' "amusement" park????!!! Are you kidding me?