Six Flags Trailor Trash

No, it was "trailor" that denotes monetary value. People who live in trailors are not, as a whole, extremely rich. Call them trash. It's the trailor part that makes it a class distinction.

Its a common term. I did it illustrate a point and I'm pretty sure it was conveyed.

If I've offended anyone like Toby, I'm sorry. I did not mean to imply that you are trash simply because you live in a trailor home.
Its a common term. I did it illustrate a point and I'm pretty sure it was conveyed.

If I've offended anyone like Toby, I'm sorry. I did not mean to imply that you are trash simply because you live in a trailor home.
I hate Great Adventure I organized a college organization working there for a day to raise money. It was a fucking nightmare. The people who come there are scum to put it nicely. When I was a kid and went I enjoyed myself but my experience there from 7 years ago is enough to make me never want to set foot in that park again.
and like a lot of people you think your entitled to something you didn't pay for. Take your kid to a more exclusive park if you only want to be around the well healed. Or maybe stop the pretentious routine, is Thurston Howell III your husband?:tongout:
I hate Great Adventure I organized a college organization working there for a day to raise money. It was a fucking nightmare. The people who come there are scum to put it nicely. When I was a kid and went I enjoyed myself but my experience there from 7 years ago is enough to make me never want to set foot in that park again.

Seriously. Back when lightening loops was the big thing, it was an okay park.

Funny thing, I was just watching Kramer on Mad Money, and I kid you not, he just mentioned how he had the same experience at the one in California. I think he said he got on 2 or 3 rides, everyone was miserable, people were cutting, there was no one there to help him because no one spoke English and he was pretty angry. He said, the land is worth a lot, if they flattened it and sold it, the land value would be worth more than the piss poor operations.
and like a lot of people you think your entitled to something you didn't pay for.

What? Like, "Common Courtesy"

Topspin said:
Take your kid to a more exclusive park if you only want to be around the well healed. Or maybe stop the pretentious routine, is Thurston Howell III your husband?

What kid? What? husband? What the hell are you talking about?