Six Flags Trailor Trash

getto trash and trailer trash sounds a bit like a class attack to me. What else is it? Lady T hates wall mart too, only low class people go there.
Uppity folks that think spending more money for something is cool are not cool.
Just not too bright ;)
And yes trailer trash is a comedown from those who think they are better than other folks because of economic status, either real or percieved.
I was just making the point that some willingly make the choice to live a trailre trash lifestyle and some esp the children are just stuck there. Poor folks can still be very good folks, just don't have much.
Genuine trailer trash would just move to rich trash status if they won the lottery.
OK US I see your point, but it's like someone saying there is a difference in niggers and black people. It doesn't usually float that well. LOL
getto trash and trailer trash sounds a bit like a class attack to me. What else is it? Lady T hates wall mart too, only low class people go there.

No you fool. I gave specific examples of trashy actions. There were numerous people cutting in line, threatening violence, and others were yelling for no good reason while we were in line.
And, yes, I do hate walmart, the service is bad, they seem to have stampedes every black friday, they don't promote women and they don't pay for overtime and make people work through lunches.

Now, what will I do with the little toby I own.
Those people who live in the getto or in trailers are soooo uncool. Let them shop at wal mart. LOL Lady T the ultimate liberal hatemonger.
The words "Trailor Trash" is a class distinction.... One must feel superior to that "type" of poor person in order to use it.
US that might be a bit over the top in calling her the ultimate lib hatemonger. Just retoric, I am sure she is not the ultimate hatemonger. LOL
The words "Trailor Trash" is a class distinction.... One must feel superior to that "type" of poor person in order to use it.

I have no idea how much money they had. I know I was threatened and A LOT of people seem to think they were above the rules and that they didn't pertain to them that they were somehow better than the rest of us and didn't have to wait in line like everyone else. I call that TRASH. I've met quite a few people with money I'd consider trailor trash or ghetto trash: Anna Nicole Smith, paris hilton are a few that come to mind. And, yes. I do think I'm better than some pill popping, fame starved dope head who can't put two sentences together. Just like I think I'm better than someone who can't even wait in line and then threatens to sick their gang minions on people who call them out for being jerks.
Write an editorial in the local paper, that can hit 6 flags in the pocketbook, that is the only way to get corps attention.

Actually I thought all of Jersey was that way ;)
At least where I have been.
They seem to avoid me once they fopund out i was a hillbilly though, rough reputations can be a benefit ;)
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two people cut in front of you and you trash the place as full of getto and trailer trash. Seems you do have a class distinction.
I have no idea how much money they had. I know I was threatened and A LOT of people seem to think they were above the rules and that they didn't pertain to them that they were somehow better than the rest of us and didn't have to wait in line like everyone else. I call that TRASH. I've met quite a few people with money I'd consider trailor trash or ghetto trash: Anna Nicole Smith, paris hilton are a few that come to mind. And, yes. I do think I'm better than some pill popping, fame starved dope head who can't put two sentences together. Just like I think I'm better than someone who can't even wait in line and then threatens to sick their gang minions on people who call them out for being jerks.
No, it was "trailor" that denotes monetary value. People who live in trailors are not, as a whole, extremely rich. Call them trash. It's the trailor part that makes it a class distinction.
Email the corporate offices as well, won't hurt, and might help. esp if everyone who is dissatisfied does it.