

Verified User
In a real society ending event or interruption do you have marketable skills.

Skills such as gardening hunting raising live stock reloading medical skills fire starting skills fishing skills ability to protect yourself or others.
Do you have friends you can rely on.
Do you have items you can trade for other goods. Or will you sit back lime a dummy and wait for the government to help like joe biden did in Afghanistan
My survival skills have been reduced with age but I passed them down to the next generation and the generation after that. I work smart not hard. What I know you can't read in a book.
In a real society ending event or interruption do you have marketable skills.

Skills such as gardening hunting raising live stock reloading medical skills fire starting skills fishing skills ability to protect yourself or others.
Do you have friends you can rely on.
Do you have items you can trade for other goods. Or will you sit back lime a dummy and wait for the government to help like joe biden did in Afghanistan

You could use real life skills like using proper grammar.
You could use real life skills like using proper grammar.

REALLY NO SHIT , iLL BET YOU THIS IN A REAL EMERGENCY MY skills are valuable .I bet you would last a month before you starved to death or were shot.

I guess you and foul thing and guano could by for a while giving blow jobs .But sooner or later you and foul would start to look at guano as the great black fat steak and butcher him
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In a real society ending event or interruption do you have marketable skills.

Skills such as gardening hunting raising live stock reloading medical skills fire starting skills fishing skills ability to protect yourself or others.
Do you have friends you can rely on.
Do you have items you can trade for other goods. Or will you sit back lime a dummy and wait for the government to help like joe biden did in Afghanistan

Without Water and Electricity ... most of us are fucked.
Without Water and Electricity ... most of us are fucked.
Electricity isn't the problem but food and water are. Hunter/foragers have the best chance at survival. Even the desert will provide food and water if you have the skills.
Electricity isn't the problem but food and water are. Hunter/foragers have the best chance at survival. Even the desert will provide food and water if you have the skills.

Have fun being a 'Hunter/Gather' in a large city. Get back to me and tell me how that worked out.
Electricity isn't the problem but food and water are. Hunter/foragers have the best chance at survival. Even the desert will provide food and water if you have the skills.

Your racists buddies don’t have the “skills” to reduce this nation to your dreamed of hell scape

Just climb into the sewer where you racists belong
Yes, I have readily marketable skills. You could dump me on some worthless piece of real estate some where an in short order I'll build my own, well constructed, home, grow food, and whatever else I need to do. I can operate heavy construction machinery, am a master electrician, know enough plumbing to do things like plumb a house correctly or build my own septic system. I'm a decent carpenter, a slow but good mason, etc. I know enough to make viable prints and drawings of the stuff I want to build too. I have the tools and know-how to get by and always get a decent paying job when I want one.

It's the life-long urban dweller in an apartment that has no useful survival or marketable skills if everything went to shit.

I regularly get service calls to apartment dwellers where their only issue is a tripped circuit breaker.
You could use real life skills like using proper grammar.


This OP makes me laugh. BullshitBoob (who is on ignore) told me months ago, when he saw a post where I discussed going back to college for another degree in my 60s, that I was a "slut" and a "whore" and only there to "pick up college boys." Yet, I have almost all of those survival skills he mentioned, Mr. Owl does reloading, and we keep our target skills sharp with practice. How hilarious that he thinks HE knows all this stuff but no one else here does. Just another example of his innate inferiority. :laugh:

This OP makes me laugh. BullshitBoob (who is on ignore) told me months ago, when he saw a post where I discussed going back to college for another degree in my 60s, that I was a "slut" and a "whore" and only there to "pick up college boys." Yet, I have almost all of those survival skills he mentioned, Mr. Owl does reloading, and we keep our target skills sharp with practice. How hilarious that he thinks HE knows all this stuff but no one else here does. Just another example of his innate inferiority. :laugh:

A Trump supporter. Go figure.
Yes, I have readily marketable skills. You could dump me on some worthless piece of real estate some where an in short order I'll build my own, well constructed, home, grow food, and whatever else I need to do. I can operate heavy construction machinery, am a master electrician, know enough plumbing to do things like plumb a house correctly or build my own septic system. I'm a decent carpenter, a slow but good mason, etc. I know enough to make viable prints and drawings of the stuff I want to build too. I have the tools and know-how to get by and always get a decent paying job when I want one.

It's the life-long urban dweller in an apartment that has no useful survival or marketable skills if everything went to shit.

I regularly get service calls to apartment dwellers where their only issue is a tripped circuit breaker.

Good skills. That's why I wish when the national narrative turns to education, we would also discuss trade schools and treat them with the same respect -- and funding -- as academic institutions.
In a hell scape world you can’t buy wiring and cement

How about we just don’t let the trump idiots destroy what we built already
Good skills. That's why I wish when the national narrative turns to education, we would also discuss trade schools and treat them with the same respect -- and funding -- as academic institutions.

Me too. College / university isn't for everyone. In fact, it's not going to be the best choice for about two thirds of the population. The trades offers an excellent alternative and they're begging for people.

There's millions of jobs in the trades that need filling, and far less people qualified to fill them than openings.

Why is there a skilled worker shortage? There seem to be a number of factors contributing to the shortage of skilled trade workers. One reason is that as older generations retire from the workforce, there are not enough younger workers to take their place. BLS estimates that there are currently 1,191,000 people working in the construction and extraction occupations between the ages of 55 to 64 years. That will lead to quite a few positions opening up over the next decade.

PeopleReady is reporting that “There were 388,345 jobs posted for skilled trades-related workers between May and June (2021), a 50% increase from pre-pandemic levels”. They also note that the skilled trades industries were some of the few that grew almost every month during the pandemic.

While millions of Americans affected by pandemic job loss are still looking for work, the number of skilled trade jobs in the U.S. is far outpacing the supply of qualified workers to fill them. A new analysis by the skilled trades division of staffing leader PeopleReady finds that the most in-demand skilled trade jobs are remaining unfilled the longest—roughly a month on average—due to the shortage of qualified workers.

The skilled trades labor shortage—predominantly driven by a mass exit of baby boomers retiring from the sector—can be an opportunity for people looking for work, especially those who have little to no experience in the skilled trades and need job training, says PeopleReady.

It seems to me that kids in school today are fed a steady line of bullshit that the only way to truly get ahead is to go to college, get a degree, then get a white-collar job. That's not true at all. Many degrees are worthless, or nearly so. You can save the cost of college and work a trade and make as much or more than someone with a degree in many cases. But kids aren't told that and schools are mostly set up to prep kids for college today. That's a massive blunder.