
Foul cunt thinks she better then me and others . ill never like a liberal stuck up dumb cunt like here. Shes a waste of skin . I would piss on her hair if it was on fire and she begged me to piss on her.

Well, we know the truth is, nobody is superior to anyone else.

And you know you are as good as anyone else here!

That's what matters!
Oh no! A gun humper...

Nope, not in the least. He grew up with guns as tools, not as symbols of whatever the latest Reichwing gun-humper nonsense is. You'll never see him carrying in public, nor attending a "Democrats gonna take our guns" idiot rally. Because they are tools that he uses for target shooting as a hobby, he has no need of some military-style assault weapon-looking penis substitute like *some* morons we know. We could also use them for hunting if need be, but are fortunate enough to be able to get our meat at the store.
Well, we know the truth is, nobody is superior to anyone else.

And you know you are as good as anyone else here!

That's what matters!

You're the nicest guy here, I think.

BullshitBoob has had a hard-on for me for months. Neither of us paid each other any attention, until one day he bopped into the chatty thread and saw a post I made about my course work towards a college degree, in my 60s. He exploded in rage, started calling me a slut and a whore and said I was only there to "pick up college boys." He has confessed to only making it through 9th grade (which shows!). The fact that a mere female is far brighter and more interested in education than he is has exposed his deep-seated inferiority complex. So he's hounded me ever since with his accusations of whoring and cuntliness. It says a lot more about him than it does about me, don't you agree?
Nope, not in the least. He grew up with guns as tools, not as symbols of whatever the latest Reichwing gun-humper nonsense is. You'll never see him carrying in public, nor attending a "Democrats gonna take our guns" idiot rally. Because they are tools that he uses for target shooting as a hobby, he has no need of some military-style assault weapon-looking penis substitute like *some* morons we know. We could also use them for hunting if need be, but are fortunate enough to be able to get our meat at the store.

I find it amusing that you are using sexual references to guns I've used for the same things your husband uses his for. I also have others I use for hunting that were used in Vietnam as sniper rifles.
I hunted groundhogs for the farmers until the beans got too high, and I might get a muzzle loader stamp and hunt a buck. Deer jerky is pretty darn good when it's made right.

But back to your perverted way of describing a few of my guns and those of us who use them responsibly. Grow up. There are millions of us. Keep that (and the constitution) in mind.
REALLY NO SHIT , iLL BET YOU THIS IN A REAL EMERGENCY MY skills are valuable .I bet you would last a month before you starved to death or were shot.

I guess you and foul thing and guano could by for a while giving blow jobs .But sooner or later you and foul would start to look at guano as the great black fat steak and butcher him

You'd be accidentally shot the first week along with all the other worthless nutjobs, Bobbie. At best, just strip of all your goods and left to die.

OTOH, I'd be kind and leave you a rusty razor blade rather than let you starve or be eaten alive by predators.
In a real society ending event or interruption do you have marketable skills.

Skills such as gardening hunting raising live stock reloading medical skills fire starting skills fishing skills ability to protect yourself or others.
Do you have friends you can rely on.
Do you have items you can trade for other goods. Or will you sit back lime a dummy and wait for the government to help like joe biden did in Afghanistan

Ever watch the movie Bambi? In that movie, deer live out in the far West, because at the time there were no deer east of the Rocky Mountains. When Americans get desperate, they hunt the deer and other game to nothing. The Native Americans did the same before the whites.

My point is that hunting is pretty much worthless in an emergency.

Reloading ammo requires the materials to reload. Where would you get them without civilization?
Ever watch the movie Bambi? In that movie, deer live out in the far West, because at the time there were no deer east of the Rocky Mountains. When Americans get desperate, they hunt the deer and other game to nothing. The Native Americans did the same before the whites.

My point is that hunting is pretty much worthless in an emergency.

Reloading ammo requires the materials to reload. Where would you get them without civilization?

First, Bob wouldn't last the first month.

Second, Evolution rules. Survival of the Fittest. Adapt or Die.
First, Bob wouldn't last the first month.

Second, Evolution rules. Survival of the Fittest. Adapt or Die.

First im going to answer walt first. Walt the entire point of the discussion is do you have skills that will help you survive until society recovers. There are far to many possible situations to list.
As for reloading yes its a skill. First right now im low on primers im down to about 13000 normally I have more. But reloaders stock reloading supplys . Ammo isnt just for hunting walt its also for self defense . And Ammo is a very very valuable trade Item.

Next duck boy Im pretty sure with my network and existing supplys I would be around long after you have been shot and robbed by your fellow democrats or illegals.
You could dump me on some worthless piece of real estate some where an in short order I'll build my own, well constructed, home, grow food, and whatever else I need to do.

We have more floor space per person than any other society in history. If we have a major social collapse, and lose 90% of the population, we will have even more floor space per person. Why would you waste your time building even more floor space?
We have more floor space per person than any other society in history. If we have a major social collapse, and lose 90% of the population, we will have even more floor space per person. Why would you waste your time building even more floor space?

I was more about making the point I can do stuff with the floor space I have, and if I have none, I can build myself some quality space. For instance, it's nice to have electricity. I'm an expert in generators and how they work. I can find a way to make electricity. Always a sellable skill in a world that would like electricity but has none...
For instance, it's nice to have electricity. I'm an expert in generators and how they work.

I doubt it. I have a masters degree in Computer Engineering, a subset of electrical engineering. I have designed and built a generator from scratch. And I would not go around claiming to be an expert in generators.

I am tired of hearing people who fail in society saying they will start succeeding if society ends. Reality just does not work that way.

By the way, you may be the first construct worker I have ever met who claims that Mexicans are lazy. I am beginning to question your story.
I doubt it. I have a masters degree in Computer Engineering, a subset of electrical engineering. I have designed and built a generator from scratch. And I would not go around claiming to be an expert in generators.

I am tired of hearing people who fail in society saying they will start succeeding if society ends. Reality just does not work that way.

By the way, you may be the first construct worker I have ever met who claims that Mexicans are lazy. I am beginning to question your story.

The Navy thought so. I was sent to Bahrain to straighten out problems with them there. I was an instructor on them as well. I haven't "failed in society" at all. I wouldn't call Mexican workers lazy so much as sloppy. They work fast but are willing to take all sorts of shortcuts to get things done resulting in sloppy work and rework.
The Navy thought so. I was sent to Bahrain to straighten out problems with them there. I was an instructor on them as well. I haven't "failed in society" at all. I wouldn't call Mexican workers lazy so much as sloppy. They work fast but are willing to take all sorts of shortcuts to get things done resulting in sloppy work and rework.

Sounds to me that your employer is a fucking asshole fucking over highly trained American workers for undertrained illegals. You should blow the whistle on that motherfucker, Chief.

All the "Mexicans" I've worked with or employed were great workers in areas of their expertise. I know for a fact such tactics cost my company at least $600M in 5 years. That's huge loss for any company. Worse when it's done out of stupidity like your employer is doing.

Who do you work for, Chief? I worked for various incarnations of American Eagle. Ended my career after flying the EMB-175 for about five years.
In a real society ending event or interruption do you have marketable skills.

Skills such as gardening hunting raising live stock reloading medical skills fire starting skills fishing skills ability to protect yourself or others.
Do you have friends you can rely on.
Do you have items you can trade for other goods. Or will you sit back lime a dummy and wait for the government to help like joe biden did in Afghanistan

This was a standard exercise for grade school kids back in the day, and had a impact on my choice for a career as well as my wife's. Both of us would be in high demand if the shit really hit the fan. This was proven during the initial stages of the pandemic when every county in our state mandated that our skills were deemed essential, and therefore our livelihoods and travel could not be infringed upon.
Sounds to me that your employer is a fucking asshole fucking over highly trained American workers for undertrained illegals. You should blow the whistle on that motherfucker, Chief.

All the "Mexicans" I've worked with or employed were great workers in areas of their expertise. I know for a fact such tactics cost my company at least $600M in 5 years. That's huge loss for any company. Worse when it's done out of stupidity like your employer is doing.

Who do you work for, Chief? I worked for various incarnations of American Eagle. Ended my career after flying the EMB-175 for about five years.

I work for myself now. I sub for other contractors. Many of them hire Hispanics because they work hard and need only basic skills. My neighbor in Oracle, his son is an electrical contractor in Tucson. He says the same thing I do. He can hire Hispanics and they'll work hard but you can't leave them unsupervised or they'll take shortcuts. He also says they're unwilling to attend classes or training to get advanced skills for the most part.

Here in AZ, I find a sure sign that a poorly qualified Hispanic worked on something electrical to be there's electrical tape everywhere. Nicked insulation on a wire? Electrical tape is the answer for them. Wire nut won't cover all the stripped wire ends? Electrical tape. Don't have the proper connecting device or wire nut? Twist the wires together and electrical tape. Their attitude seems to be It works and you can't see it in the finished product...
Rather than use the correct screw or such, they'll put in whatever they have that seems to work. Can't tell you how many plastic boxes I've seen ruined by using something like a drywall screw because they couldn't take the time to get the correct one and do it right... That means, me coming behind them to fix something, I have to cut out the box and replace it taking the better part of an hour to replace say a switch and get the correct screws in place to do it right rather than taking ten minutes to replace just the switch. I see this all the time.

In one apartment I completely rewired, the Hispanics on the drywall crew covered up a half-dozen of my boxes. The contractor was pissed when I came bitching about that to him. He had to tear the entire ceiling out of the kitchen pantry because they dropped it leaving my box like a foot above their new ceiling. Just sloppy work.
I work for myself now. I sub for other contractors. Many of them hire Hispanics because they work hard and need only basic skills. My neighbor in Oracle, his son is an electrical contractor in Tucson. He says the same thing I do. He can hire Hispanics and they'll work hard but you can't leave them unsupervised or they'll take shortcuts. He also says they're unwilling to attend classes or training to get advanced skills for the most part.

Here in AZ, I find a sure sign that a poorly qualified Hispanic worked on something electrical to be there's electrical tape everywhere. Nicked insulation on a wire? Electrical tape is the answer for them. Wire nut won't cover all the stripped wire ends? Electrical tape. Don't have the proper connecting device or wire nut? Twist the wires together and electrical tape. Their attitude seems to be It works and you can't see it in the finished product...
Rather than use the correct screw or such, they'll put in whatever they have that seems to work. Can't tell you how many plastic boxes I've seen ruined by using something like a drywall screw because they couldn't take the time to get the correct one and do it right... That means, me coming behind them to fix something, I have to cut out the box and replace it taking the better part of an hour to replace say a switch and get the correct screws in place to do it right rather than taking ten minutes to replace just the switch. I see this all the time.

In one apartment I completely rewired, the Hispanics on the drywall crew covered up a half-dozen of my boxes. The contractor was pissed when I came bitching about that to him. He had to tear the entire ceiling out of the kitchen pantry because they dropped it leaving my box like a foot above their new ceiling. Just sloppy work.

Your contractors are fucking you and America. Why do you think so many employers like yourself let them do that?

Again, it's a matter of training. You know that not everyone is cut out for every job in the Navy. There's a reasons why some are BM's and others are AW's. One of them is the intelligence and educational background to both qualify and complete the rate. The Navy needs them all. All pay about the same too. Should they leave the Navy, their career paths would diverge greatly based upon their military speciality as you well know from friends and shipmates.

For clarity, when you say "Mexicans" do you mean illegals? If so, it's just another reason to drop the dime on these motherfuckers, amirite?
Your contractors are fucking you and America. Why do you think so many employers like yourself let them do that?

Again, it's a matter of training. You know that not everyone is cut out for every job in the Navy. There's a reasons why some are BM's and others are AW's. One of them is the intelligence and educational background to both qualify and complete the rate. The Navy needs them all. All pay about the same too. Should they leave the Navy, their career paths would diverge greatly based upon their military speciality as you well know from friends and shipmates.

For clarity, when you say "Mexicans" do you mean illegals? If so, it's just another reason to drop the dime on these motherfuckers, amirite?

It's not a matter of "(me) let(ting) them do that," but a matter of who's available to work, wants the work, and the contractor himself. I can't stand over his guys and tell them what to do. I can only do that with the guys on my crew. I can tell the general contractor about shoddy work but it's then up to him to do something about it.

When I say Hispanics, I mean a combination of first generation citizens and illegals from somewhere South of the border. The long term, raised in America guys are different. They work hard but they have a work ethic that says do a good job. The problem these days is there's just a shortage of people willing to work in the trades at all, so for many contractors they have to take what they can get just to get jobs done.