
It's not a matter of "(me) let(ting) them do that," but a matter of who's available to work, wants the work, and the contractor himself. I can't stand over his guys and tell them what to do. I can only do that with the guys on my crew. I can tell the general contractor about shoddy work but it's then up to him to do something about it.

When I say Hispanics, I mean a combination of first generation citizens and illegals from somewhere South of the border. The long term, raised in America guys are different. They work hard but they have a work ethic that says do a good job. The problem these days is there's just a shortage of people willing to work in the trades at all, so for many contractors they have to take what they can get just to get jobs done.
Agreed about supply and demand, but please don't tell me that people who only pay what "Mexicans" are willing to work for aren't part of the problem. Drop a dime on those weasels is my advice.

It's the asshole motherfuckers hiring illegals and then whining about it who are the problem. Drop a dime on them. :thup:
Agreed about supply and demand, but please don't tell me that people who only pay what "Mexicans" are willing to work for aren't part of the problem. Drop a dime on those weasels is my advice.

It's the asshole motherfuckers hiring illegals and then whining about it who are the problem. Drop a dime on them. :thup:

It's not worth doing. They won't go to my Southern AZ properties--too close to the border. One guy fired like 80% of his crew because they balked at going... :awesome: Me? I had a one-eyed blind guy, his roller derby girlfriend (really!), my kid and a couple of his friends, and to ex-cons working on a property there last time I needed a crew. She was the best of the lot too!
It's not worth doing. They won't go to my Southern AZ properties--too close to the border. One guy fired like 80% of his crew because they balked at going... :awesome: Me? I had a one-eyed blind guy, his roller derby girlfriend (really!), my kid and a couple of his friends, and to ex-cons working on a property there last time I needed a crew. She was the best of the lot too!

Capitalism exemplified by the law of supply and demand. So why complain about "Mexicans" when the "White Supremacists" won't even fucking show up?

What's the real message there? LOL
Capitalism exemplified by the law of supply and demand. So why complain about "Mexicans" when the "White Supremacists" won't even fucking show up?

What's the real message there? LOL

I wouldn't hire neo-Nazis, but not because of their racism and such. My reason is they're a bunch of idiot knuckleheads that would end up getting into a fight over something and then the police show up and everything goes to shit. That bunch is way to violent to make good workers.
I wouldn't hire neo-Nazis, but not because of their racism and such. My reason is they're a bunch of idiot knuckleheads that would end up getting into a fight over something and then the police show up and everything goes to shit. That bunch is way to violent to make good workers.

How would you know they were Neo-Nazis unless it was in their tattoos? If they are racist assholes, it's likely they are Nazi assholes.
Who’s the best man.

The bachelor party is tonight.
I don’t even know his name.
I think his last name is Mohammed.
Or maybe that’s his first name.
We need another Reagan. Fuck Trump and all those Liberal weenies.

yeah, reagan was a tough guy!! he bravely stayed home during WW2 when other actors somehow managed to fight the nazis...and he fucked the middle class and working poor to death by cutting taxes for the rich by 42% while raising taxes 11 times on everybody else, one the largest peacetime tax hike in history...AND STILL TRIPLED THE NATIONAL DEBT.
yeah, reagan was a tough guy!! he bravely stayed home during WW2 when other actors somehow managed to fight the nazis...and he fucked the middle class and working poor to death by cutting taxes for the rich by 42% while raising taxes 11 times on everybody else, one the largest peacetime tax hike in history...AND STILL TRIPLED THE NATIONAL DEBT.
Hoosier Mommy wanted a piece of Lil’ Ronnie.

Here he is with Piper Laurie when he took her 18 year old virginity when he was 39. Interesting work for the pay.

How would you know they were Neo-Nazis unless it was in their tattoos? If they are racist assholes, it's likely they are Nazi assholes.

They all have tats and if you know what to look for--which I do--they are hit and I won't hire them. Racists I could care less about so long as they do the job. Violent, stupid, assholes--like neo-Nazi's often are--I want no part of. I'm not doing what I do to make the world a better place for race relations and sing Kumbaya. I'm there to get a job done right and make the customer happy.
They all have tats and if you know what to look for--which I do--they are hit and I won't hire them. Racists I could care less about so long as they do the job. Violent, stupid, assholes--like neo-Nazi's often are--I want no part of. I'm not doing what I do to make the world a better place for race relations and sing Kumbaya. I'm there to get a job done right and make the customer happy.

The Tats tell the tale.