Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
Agreed about supply and demand, but please don't tell me that people who only pay what "Mexicans" are willing to work for aren't part of the problem. Drop a dime on those weasels is my advice.It's not a matter of "(me) let(ting) them do that," but a matter of who's available to work, wants the work, and the contractor himself. I can't stand over his guys and tell them what to do. I can only do that with the guys on my crew. I can tell the general contractor about shoddy work but it's then up to him to do something about it.
When I say Hispanics, I mean a combination of first generation citizens and illegals from somewhere South of the border. The long term, raised in America guys are different. They work hard but they have a work ethic that says do a good job. The problem these days is there's just a shortage of people willing to work in the trades at all, so for many contractors they have to take what they can get just to get jobs done.
It's the asshole motherfuckers hiring illegals and then whining about it who are the problem. Drop a dime on them.