
In a hell scape world you can’t buy wiring and cement

How about we just don’t let the trump idiots destroy what we built already

I like this idea a lot.

Biden and the Democrats have already engineered another Great Depression. It's coming.

When the world moves off of the dollar, everyone in America is instantly 15% poorer, and Biden policies have the US headed straight for that like a runaway freight train.

But.. "Fuck Trump!"
how old are you, assclown? did you get your 7 year old niece to attempt that lame ass insult?

Old enough to recognize when an old cocksucker like you is evading the question, Katboy.

Yes, I have readily marketable skills. You could dump me on some worthless piece of real estate some where an in short order I'll build my own, well constructed, home, grow food, and whatever else I need to do.

Can you even make a plank of wood? Anyone can go to Home Depot, and buy a plank of wood, but I know it is more difficult to make one.

Can I make a plank of wood? No, but I have a close friend/distant relative who owns a lumber mill, and lumber yard. I have seen how complex making a plank of wood can be. If need be, I would get work with them, and sell you a plank of wood... What do you have to offer for that plank of wood?
Can you even make a plank of wood? Anyone can go to Home Depot, and buy a plank of wood, but I know it is more difficult to make one.

Can I make a plank of wood? No, but I have a close friend/distant relative who owns a lumber mill, and lumber yard. I have seen how complex making a plank of wood can be. If need be, I would get work with them, and sell you a plank of wood... What do you have to offer for that plank of wood?

I can if I really want to. It requires I have the raw timber, a limb or tree trunk to do it though. If I was going to do a lot of it, I'd get one of these:


That's the quick and cheap version at about $200 + chainsaw (already have 2). The trailer mounted ones using a bandsaw are a couple of thou...
Without the drying and the sanding, it is not going to make a very sturdy house.

Green timber is fine for construction if you follow conventional practice. Rough cut lumber is fine too for construction, but if a smoother finish is needed, just run the lumber through a planer after cutting it to get the exact dimensions you want.
Green timber is fine for construction if you follow conventional practice.

Maybe "conventional practices" 200 years ago, but not current conventional practices. Even dried wood moves around for 50 years after construction. Green wood would be a nightmare in a modern house.
All Saints Church in Hereford started around 1200 AD. The original building was damaged, most likely from an earthquake, and had to be rebuilt. It was completed circa 1330, about 700 years ago,

This was found recently up in rafters. A carving by an artisan.


Looks like he predicted you.
reported duck boy your a sick bastard alway posting porno I bet your a pervert . but I wanted you to know up front I reported you as Im not a coward like you and do not approve of porno.

You're betting my pervert? WTF Bobbie?

Go ahead and report me as much as you like, Bobbie. No need to tell me since I take it as a given by pussified old farts like you.
You're betting my pervert? WTF Bobbie?

Go ahead and report me as much as you like, Bobbie. No need to tell me since I take it as a given by pussified old farts like you.

Yes you seem to post a lot of gay porno duck boy and like foul owl you seen to be a dope head . fine examples of democrats you both addicted to drugs and your a gay porno fan . you deserve eachother no wonder foul things shes better then others its all the dope you to id guess .