Slandering the Nazis.

Truth. It was even confirmed in the last release of the Kennedy documents. But you could also watch two seasons of "Hunting Hitler" from the History Channel. The CIA and FBI both had "Hitler units." He died in in 1965 in Argentina. Myths rule you. Not me.

Uh, yeah, I've seen the program. I've also watched the Big H's programs on Ancient Aliens. Have you ever watched The Kennedy Assassination: Beyond Conspiracy?
Exactly what Fentoine was saying about the genocide of American Indians. Far more efficient than what the Germans are alleged to have done, what with showers and cremations.

There was no genocide committed on the native Americans. Most of them died from disease before there was much colonization going on. There may have been a slaughter carried out at some indian village here and there, but that is far different. Also, different indian tribes also used to try to wipe each other out. In one instance that I heard about in a movie that I think was called "Black Robe, " it was done to one tribe. At least that's what they said in some information at the end of the movie. I don't know why they would make such a thing up. But that some indian tribes were enemies is a fact.
There was no genocide committed on the native Americans. Most of them died from disease before there was much colonization going on. There may have been a slaughter carried out at some indian village here and there, but that is far different. Also, different indian tribes also used to try to wipe each other out. In one instance that I heard about in a movie that I think was called "Black Robe, " it was done to one tribe. At least that's what they said in some information at the end of the movie. I don't know why they would make such a thing up. But that some indian tribes were enemies is a fact.

I enjoyed the movie, "Black Robe" because of my interest in that time period.

The subject of the discussion was "German efficiency" as raised by the highly respected scholar, Mason. The point is that the popular conception of the Nazi killing machine was anything but an example of German efficiency. That's all.
How long does it take to cremate a body? Cremating at the optimum temperature (1,400-1,800 degrees), the average weighted remains takes 2 to 2 ½ hours...

Multiply that times six million.
I enjoyed the movie, "Black Robe" because of my interest in that time period.

The subject of the discussion was "German efficiency" as raised by the highly respected scholar, Mason. The point is that the popular conception of the Nazi killing machine was anything but an example of German efficiency. That's all.

Well when the whole point of what Nazis were doing with jews in jewish internment camps wasn't to eliminate them, how could the Germans be anything about it. Efficient or not.
How long does it take to cremate a body? Cremating at the optimum temperature (1,400-1,800 degrees), the average weighted remains takes 2 to 2 ½ hours...

Multiply that times six million.

You should try to avoid getting sucked into such bullshit. Any sensible person would know that their crematoriums couldn't have burnt up that many jews. And those who support the holocaust as it is generally believed to have happened aren't sensible. Basically, they have just been brainwashed into a cult. But I smash cults. Also, I have heard that Germany at the time didn't have a lot of fuel for things like aircraft. It also stands to reason that they didn't have enough fuel to spare on burning up jews.
0 is not greater proof than anything.

There is much more than 0 proof. There is also much eyewitness testimony. Such as from the pilot who said he flew Hitler to Denmark. Where others say he took a submarine. Likely to his ally in Spain. And from there, made his way to Argentina.
You should try to avoid getting sucked into such bullshit. Any sensible person would know that their crematoriums couldn't have burnt up that many jews. And those who support the holocaust as it is generally believed to have happened aren't sensible. Basically, they have just been brainwashed into a cult. But I smash cults. Also, I have heard that Germany at the time didn't have a lot of fuel for things like aircraft. It also stands to reason that they didn't have enough fuel to spare on burning up jews.

There is much more than 0 proof. There is also much eyewitness testimony. Such as from the pilot who said he flew Hitler to Denmark. Where others say he took a submarine. Likely to his ally in Spain. And from there, made his way to Argentina.

Hitler's own butler found the body.