

Hail Voltaire
This is a thread for cigarette smokers. Do you smoke, and if so, what brand(s) do you smoke?

Marlboro 27's are my default.

When I am in a festive mood (aka drunk), I opt for unfiltered Lucky Strikes or sometimes Camel Straights.
I smoke weed (obv, though vaping basically all the time now so that isn't the same)
I smoke cigars (though usually just in the summer, so i'll be starting that up again soon)
I smoke hookah a few times a year

I almost never have smoked cigaretts. I did occasionally in school when it was offered to me at a party or something, to go chill with people for small breaks, but I never have had a pack of my own.

I'm not a habitual smoker, cigars i'll have maybe once every 2 weeks in the summer. weed.... every other week or so. (but that has more to do with my limited supply)
Real grind can u pm me about this vapor thing? Does it ease up on your lungs? I do still smoke pot and since I sold my soul to kick cigs because of lung cancer, it worries me.
I smoke weed (obv, though vaping basically all the time now so that isn't the same)
I smoke cigars (though usually just in the summer, so i'll be starting that up again soon)
I smoke hookah a few times a year

I almost never have smoked cigaretts. I did occasionally in school when it was offered to me at a party or something, to go chill with people for small breaks, but I never have had a pack of my own.

I'm not a habitual smoker, cigars i'll have maybe once every 2 weeks in the summer. weed.... every other week or so. (but that has more to do with my limited supply)

I smoked clove cigs for awhile, because it was cool. I still enjoy my rum soaked cigars ocassionally.
I smoked clove cigs for awhile, because it was cool. I still enjoy my rum soaked cigars ocassionally.
Rum soaked cigars....eeewww those are nasty. I started smoking when I was 16 Marlboro Red. Then switched a year later to Winston Lights. Smoked them for 15 years before I quit.
In December, I quit smoking and switched to an electronic cigarette. I am 53, and have been smoking since age 15. In spite of many attempts over the years to quit, I remained hopelessly chained to that old ball, and thought I would never be able to. I have tried gum, patches, cold-turkey, and managed to put myself through agony and misery for several months, before finally breaking down and starting back. I smoked "Red 100s" ...didn't really matter what brand, although my choice was usually Pall Mall, because they were a little cheaper.

Naturally, I was a little skeptical about the E-cig. I figured, okay... another gimmick that probably won't work, but hey... it's worth a shot. I followed the advice of people online, and purchased my starter kit from a reputable company online. (Safe Cig) There are literally hundreds of brands of E-cig out there now, and most of the ones you buy in the bubble pack at the convenience store, are cheaply-made Chinese crap, that simply doesn't work well, and you never know what you are putting in your lungs. There have been cases where the cheap knock-off exploded when used, etc. So, purchasing a reputable brand is very crucial.

Initial cost for set-up was about $150. I could have gone cheaper, but I went ahead and got all the adapters and spare batteries, the 'deluxe' kit. As well as a couple of packs of cartridges, to see what the various flavors tasted like. I have to say, the E-cig is not exactly like smoking a real cigarette, no surprise there, but it does make a nice substitute. You get your nicotine fix, and I find, just having the E-cig in my hand, is often good enough for me, it's that whole 'having something to do with your hands' thing. I can sit around in a room full of friends, holding the E-cig, and I'm okay... if I get to wanting a smoke, I can take a few puffs, but it's amazing how much I just need that 'security blanket' of having it in my hand.

It's nice to be able to smoke anywhere now, although some establishments are still a little testy about it, regardless of the fact it isn't smoke. I have been asked to put it away in restaurants, because they didn't want other patrons seeing me, and mistakenly thinking the place allowed smoking. That was no biggie for me, as I never smoked inside anyway, a habit I developed long ago. It's funny how, now with the E-cig, I can smoke inside, but I will often go out on the porch, because that was my routine, and anything else felt strange.

I'm coming up on 6-months, smoke free! This is the longest I have ever gone without starting back, and I honestly don't miss it a bit now. The first month or so, it was hard to adjust, I would buy a pack of smokes and 'cheat' now an then, when I got to really wanting a cigarette. Then one day, I had stepped outside and lit a regular cig... took a drag or two, and it just didn't taste right, it wasn't what I wanted. My mind had been transitioned to the E-cig, it was really odd to me. Since then, I haven't bought another pack, and I don't think I ever will. I highly recommend this for anyone who wants to kick the habit.
In December, I quit smoking and switched to an electronic cigarette. I am 53, and have been smoking since age 15. In spite of many attempts over the years to quit, I remained hopelessly chained to that old ball, and thought I would never be able to. I have tried gum, patches, cold-turkey, and managed to put myself through agony and misery for several months, before finally breaking down and starting back. I smoked "Red 100s" ...didn't really matter what brand, although my choice was usually Pall Mall, because they were a little cheaper.

Naturally, I was a little skeptical about the E-cig. I figured, okay... another gimmick that probably won't work, but hey... it's worth a shot. I followed the advice of people online, and purchased my starter kit from a reputable company online. (Safe Cig) There are literally hundreds of brands of E-cig out there now, and most of the ones you buy in the bubble pack at the convenience store, are cheaply-made Chinese crap, that simply doesn't work well, and you never know what you are putting in your lungs. There have been cases where the cheap knock-off exploded when used, etc. So, purchasing a reputable brand is very crucial.

Initial cost for set-up was about $150. I could have gone cheaper, but I went ahead and got all the adapters and spare batteries, the 'deluxe' kit. As well as a couple of packs of cartridges, to see what the various flavors tasted like. I have to say, the E-cig is not exactly like smoking a real cigarette, no surprise there, but it does make a nice substitute. You get your nicotine fix, and I find, just having the E-cig in my hand, is often good enough for me, it's that whole 'having something to do with your hands' thing. I can sit around in a room full of friends, holding the E-cig, and I'm okay... if I get to wanting a smoke, I can take a few puffs, but it's amazing how much I just need that 'security blanket' of having it in my hand.

It's nice to be able to smoke anywhere now, although some establishments are still a little testy about it, regardless of the fact it isn't smoke. I have been asked to put it away in restaurants, because they didn't want other patrons seeing me, and mistakenly thinking the place allowed smoking. That was no biggie for me, as I never smoked inside anyway, a habit I developed long ago. It's funny how, now with the E-cig, I can smoke inside, but I will often go out on the porch, because that was my routine, and anything else felt strange.

I'm coming up on 6-months, smoke free! This is the longest I have ever gone without starting back, and I honestly don't miss it a bit now. The first month or so, it was hard to adjust, I would buy a pack of smokes and 'cheat' now an then, when I got to really wanting a cigarette. Then one day, I had stepped outside and lit a regular cig... took a drag or two, and it just didn't taste right, it wasn't what I wanted. My mind had been transitioned to the E-cig, it was really odd to me. Since then, I haven't bought another pack, and I don't think I ever will. I highly recommend this for anyone who wants to kick the habit.

Congrats and good luck!
I smoked clove cigs for awhile, because it was cool.

I started out on Djarum Blacks, which I thought were pretty good at the time. Then, for awhile they weren't available in WA and I didn't have one for over a year. A buddy and I were in BC for the day, and we picked up a pack. I smoke half a cig and almost lost my lunch. I have no idea how I used to smoke those things!
Yeah. He has tried to quit. I hope he he does one of these days, maybe this ecig thing could help.

If you are really determined to quit, and understand that the E-cig won't be 'just like' smoking, and you avoid the cheap knock-offs, this will work. It took me about a month, like I said, to make the transition.... during that time, I had to literally 'chain smoke' the E-cig until I got used to it. The most amazing thing to me was, how your mind is tricked into submission. Eventually it gets to where, the E-cig IS smoking (in your mind), and regular smokes are just gross tasting. I can still smoke a regular cig, they just don't taste the same as they once did. That's another great thing about the E-cig, you can 'cheat' every now and then, and not 'fall off the wagon' so to speak. Another GREAT aspect, is the cost... about half price. A cartridge lasts about the same as a pack, and costs around $2.50 each. But there again, when I used to smoke, most of my money burned up in the ashtray, because I was smoking just to have something to hold. I can make a cartridge last a few days now, something I never could do with a pack of smokes.
I think I might give the e-cig thing a try in the next couple of years. I definitely don't want to smoke past 30. Dixie, could you send me the make/model of the e-cig you bought? What you said makes a lot of sense. My roommate bought a couple shitty ones, and he's still smoking cigs. I tried using his once and it did nothing for me. It's like a toy.
Smoke Kills

I smoke weed!



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Threedee please quit smoking while you are young. Ask Dixie and Damon how hard it is once hooked.
It's not cool, smells like shit and if used correctly will kill you. Also most of any exercise you do is mostly if not totally negated.
Darla I can give you recommendation on vaporizers from the cheap to the Cadillac versions. They are exponentially less dangerous than smoking.
Threedee please quit smoking while you are young. Ask Dixie and Damon how hard it is once hooked.
It's not cool, smells like shit and if used correctly will kill you. Also most of any exercise you do is mostly if not totally negated.
Darla I can give you recommendation on vaporizers from the cheap to the Cadillac versions. They are exponentially less dangerous than smoking.

I'm impressed, you spelt exponentially correctly!
It took me 30 years to finally kick the habit, I was never an habitual smoker but when drinking could easily get through a pack of 20!